banned from the ground for smoking can..... update update!!

de niro said:
smokers are ignorant *****, sorry but life ban for me. everyone knows the rules, i hate the weak approach the club have on this. i'd love it if the council closed our ground for a few games, bet the club would act then.
Really? Never broken a stadium regulation in your life? Punishment should be proportionate to the crime surely, rather than just whether it would solve the problem.

Know the sure fire way of stopping drivers speeding? Put a sodding great spike in the middle of the steering wheel.
I remember when I was smoking on the spiral and a steward walked past 10 City fans who had cigs in their mouths just as I was about to light mine and said "just to let you know if you're caught smoking you'll be kicked out" I just said I was fine with it but asked him why he felt the need to walk past 10 people who were already smoking just to have ago at me when I hadn't even lit my cig yet!!

They're cunts and just pick on the ones who they think they can bully about! If 30 people smoke on each spiral they really going to ban all of them??? Don't fucking think so!! Smoking in toilets I can understand as you're inside the ground amongst others who don't smoke where as outside on spirals the only people who go out there at HT are smokers!!
Frank_Goater said:
Smoking is actually banned anywhere on the Etihad Campus. Strictly speaking, you could be done for smoking in the car park, City Square, Mercer Way, anywhere.

I've no problem at all with fair consistent policing, but I have to say I feel hard done by because I'm an easy target. I just wanted to give a heads up for others anyway. I'll be writing a letter expressing these points, and my apologies.

You know it so why do it???? And then why moan about it???
Frank_Goater said:
de niro said:
smokers are ignorant *****, sorry but life ban for me. everyone knows the rules, i hate the weak approach the club have on this. i'd love it if the council closed our ground for a few games, bet the club would act then.
Really? Never broken a stadium regulation in your life? Punishment should be proportionate to the crime surely, rather than just whether it would solve the problem.

Know the sure fire way of stopping drivers speeding? Put a sodding great spike in the middle of the steering wheel.

i dont smoke, i sit down during the game and make no reference to our visiting supporters. we are there to encourage our team and not to test the laws of the land.
akcity said:
Frank_Goater said:
Smoking is actually banned anywhere on the Etihad Campus. Strictly speaking, you could be done for smoking in the car park, City Square, Mercer Way, anywhere.

I've no problem at all with fair consistent policing, but I have to say I feel hard done by because I'm an easy target. I just wanted to give a heads up for others anyway. I'll be writing a letter expressing these points, and my apologies.

You know it so why do it???? And then why moan about it???
If you're driving on the motorway at 85 and people go past you doing even more, the fact that they did is no defence if you get caught. "I thought it was tolerated because everyone was doing it!"

It's not allowed. You know it's not allowed. Don't do it. And don't moan if your caught doing something you know you shouldn't be doing.

I'd give them 3 year bans, let alone 3 game bans. That might have some effect.
SWP's back said:
mammutly said:
I wouldn't be surprised if alcohol followed smoking eventually.
That is more than naive. In fact, I suspect you don't believe that.

I'm sure people said the same about smoking 10 years ago.

I think it's very possible that by 2020, the Etihad will be an alcohol free zone. It will start with no alcohol being sold inside the stadium.

Don't get me wrong, I enjoy a drink before the match and its not something I would advocate. But there's a massive 'ban smoking' industry in this country that is increasingly turning its' attention to alcohol.
mindmyp's_n_q's said:

As some of you might or might not have noticed (you will if you have read the where do i complain to city thread) a mate of mine got banned from the ground on Saturday for smoking in the bogs. I know that he is an idiot and should not be doing it and as a smoker myself cannot for the life of me work out why the daft bastard decided to come into the ground and get banned even before kick off.

However I have suggested to him that there is a way for him to come to the next three games and I just wanted to know peoples thoughts/opinions.

We have another mate who is not a season card holder but is a Blue member and therefore can buy tickets when they go on open sale (but very rarely goes). Now if he can buy the tickets in the same area as we are usually in or at worst through a turnstile that will guarantee access to his usual seat do you think there will be any issue with him doing this and just letting the "banned one" come down and sit in his usual season seat that he knows will have no one in it.

I have said yes as I presume that the council have banned the card and not the person but he is not so sure.

Any thoughts on this blues?

Your mate should take is like a man he knows he's been a dick just take it and wait until he is allowed back in again. If he gets caught again which if he tries to flaunt it by using another card he'll get himself into even deeper shit.<br /><br />-- Sat Jan 05, 2013 9:45 pm --<br /><br />
marco said:
Stevie B said:
if people wanna smoke, smoke... just not near me.

We used a coach on Saturday to the game... Never Again!

Bunch of lads, all on the ale, decided to get their ciggies out sat right behind me.
Clearly signs everywhere saying No Smoking, I asked politely a few times to not smoke and lads being lads started the banter, taking the piss and so on.... This is when I kicked off as I'm not one to be taken the piss out of.

it all quitened down and we went our seperate ways but I'm baffled as to why people can't just wait for a bit and then smoke all they want.

it's a nicotine addiction, not heroin.

nicotine is more addictive than heroin

And how many skag do you see jacking up in public
akcity said:
Frank_Goater said:
Smoking is actually banned anywhere on the Etihad Campus. Strictly speaking, you could be done for smoking in the car park, City Square, Mercer Way, anywhere.

I've no problem at all with fair consistent policing, but I have to say I feel hard done by because I'm an easy target. I just wanted to give a heads up for others anyway. I'll be writing a letter expressing these points, and my apologies.

You know it so why do it???? And then why moan about it???
My point is not about whether I did wrong, I know I did. It's about what the punishment should be and why the stewards picked me out of the crowd. You're naive if you don't think this affects you. It's about how rules are enforced so they are respected by those who are expected to abide by them. Expulsions should not be random, or worse pick on those more vulnerable than others.
if smoking (which I do), then alcohol (which I also enjoy) are banned, the least I would expect from the club is to then tackle the dreadful food - absolutely nothing available in or around the stadium which is even remotely healthy despite being so "family friendly"
Prestwich_Blue said:
akcity said:
Frank_Goater said:
Smoking is actually banned anywhere on the Etihad Campus. Strictly speaking, you could be done for smoking in the car park, City Square, Mercer Way, anywhere.

I've no problem at all with fair consistent policing, but I have to say I feel hard done by because I'm an easy target. I just wanted to give a heads up for others anyway. I'll be writing a letter expressing these points, and my apologies.

You know it so why do it???? And then why moan about it???
If you're driving on the motorway at 85 and people go past you doing even more, the fact that they did is no defence if you get caught. "I thought it was tolerated because everyone was doing it!"

It's not allowed. You know it's not allowed. Don't do it. And don't moan if your caught doing something you know you shouldn't be doing.

I'd give them 3 year bans, let alone 3 game bans. That might have some effect.

Which is a fair point, I am an ex smoker by the way, but when I did smoke I tried to obey the rules, especially if the consequences of not obeying the rules were pretty severe, granted people do it and get away with it, but they are running a risk

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