Banning smoking in beer gardens

Nah..i mean people that have drank in pubs should not be allowed back into public until they have sobered up. They cause much more harm and distress to the public than any vaper can. Have you ever been sat on a bus when somebody that has consumed alcohol gets on and sits next to you? They stink and are embarrassing. Sometimes even aggressive.

Laws against antisocial behaviour exist. Drunk or otherwise. People behaving so in beer gardens get chucked out too.
Laws against antisocial behaviour exist. Drunk or otherwise.
Breath test the public. If they're over the limit in the street, fine them. Nuisances. It's the can turn gentle normal people into psychos. Very dangerous for others.
It's a tricky one. I became obese while working just by sitting still at my desk all day, as well as a round commute of 3 hours sat down on the train each day. I actually ate quite healthily, but I just wasn't burning off what I was eating, and it crept up on me over the years.
When I retired, my priority was to lose some weight as well as getting fit and staying fit, and I'm still heading in the right direction.
In terms of fast food, I think the biggest current issue is delivery services, so some people don't even get the exercise walking to the takeaway before stuffing themselves with crap.
I was the same for awhile. What I'm against is the nanny state that is creeping/rushing in. I'm a non smoker, I know how bad it is but junk food which is all some people eat seems beyond criticism. I mentioned earlier the 20mph in Wales, of course it saves lives. When your crawling along in a queue only a blind man could get knocked over. Where does it end ?
Finally we save everyone's life, make it miserable then moan when they are dribbling in a home and we can't afford to pay carers.
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I think this is taking things a step too far, I smoke (and have done for over 50 years and having paid all the ludicrous tax hikes and rather than being a bloody burden on the NHS I think I've contributed more than enough!) and am aware it's not healthy but where is the freedom of choice? I still maintain that pubs should be able to allow smoking inside the pub never mind the beer gardens. No-one is umaware of the health risks so if a pub chooses to allow smoking and people don't like it then go elsewhere to a pub that doesn't allow it?
Driving is dangerous (for innocent pedestrians as well as drivers), when are we going to ban cars and buses?
It infuriates me that one hand we have shop lifting being given the green light thanks to the police ignoring it and people convicted of knife crime etc getting an automatic 50% off etc etc etc plus billions of pounds to pay benefits to people who've never contributed taxes we have the time and money to try and stop people having a smoke in the open air!!
Smokers stink!
Can't admit you were wrong so I didn't read the rest.

A hole doesn't appear you know, we all mistakes.

Because I am not wrong. But you go ahead and try quote the Vaping Association as you get chucked out a plane, train station, hospital etc. while the wider public around considers you an arsehole, and you proudly don't care. That's life.
Breath test the public. If they're over the limit in the street, fine them. Nuisances. It's the can turn gentle normal people into psychos. Very dangerous for others.

Cool. Start a campaign. Tbf we might gradually get there anyway.

In the meantime, ban smoking in beer gardens, enforce a ban on vaping where it is stated so, and it improves it for the majority. All good.

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