Banning smoking in beer gardens

I am arguing for designated pubs where smoking is allowed outside. I am positing that you could open a beer garden with smoking in the arctic and some happy cougher would turn up preachin' an' a wailin' :)

Man you really have a weird obsession with caughing. Whatever your emotional scars, I offer you a safe space to talk about it.

If pubs found a way to offer both, why not. A bar I go to a lot, has an outdoor area where you can smoke, and outdoor areas where you can't. It works well. The areas in which you can't have a canopy over them. The areas you can, don't. It is easy to tell them apart, people don't take the piss and stick to it. Very few actually choose to sit in the smoking bit. Even smokers. They would rather sit in the main bit, and walk over there for a smoke and come back. Wouldn't be against it at all. If they can't, then they default to no smoking on the premises at all.
Man you really have a weird obsession with caughing. Whatever your emotional scars, I offer you a safe space to talk about it.

If pubs found a way to offer both, why not. A bar I go to a lot, has an outdoor area where you can smoke, and outdoor areas where you can't. It works well. The areas in which you can't have a canopy over them. The areas you can, don't. It is easy to tell them apart, people don't take the piss and stick to it. Very few actually choose to sit in the smoking bit. Even smokers. They would rather sit in the main bit, and walk over there for a smoke and come back. Wouldn't be against it at all. If they can't, then they default to no smoking on the premises at all.

The point of this thread is that the places you mention are to be taken away, there is no mention of provision to designate new areas to replace the beer gardens, and you know exactly what I mean by the happy leering mad eyed authoritarian coughers.

For me this isn't about smoking it's about telling busy cunts to mind their own business.
Man you really have a weird obsession with caughing. Whatever your emotional scars, I offer you a safe space to talk about it.

If pubs found a way to offer both, why not. A bar I go to a lot, has an outdoor area where you can smoke, and outdoor areas where you can't. It works well. The areas in which you can't have a canopy over them. The areas you can, don't. It is easy to tell them apart, people don't take the piss and stick to it. Very few actually choose to sit in the smoking bit. Even smokers. They would rather sit in the main bit, and walk over there for a smoke and come back. Wouldn't be against it at all. If they can't, then they default to no smoking on the premises at all.
Many pubs do offer both though, especially Wetherspoons and it generally works fine.

I've been a smoker most of my adult life and I was all for the smoking ban because it's not fair for selfish smokers wanting to smoke in a confined space to the irritation and annoyance of non smokers. When smoking was allowed in pubs and restaurants I never lit up in front of my (then) wife because she'd never smoked and hated the smell, but she was sympathetic to my addiction of nicotine. Same with most of my ex girlfriends who didn't smoke, Infact I can't recall being in a relationship with a smoker.

They never complained about me smoking and I never complained about them smoking on my knob. Win win ; )
The point of this thread is that the places you mention are to be taken away, there is no mention of provision to designate new areas to replace the beer gardens, and you know exactly what I mean by the happy leering mad eyed authoritarian coughers.

For me this isn't about smoking it's about telling busy cunts to mind their own business.

Yeah, it seems to be about that for a lot of people here, which I have previously pointed out. It is just blinkered resistance to change for the better, and not even for any real reason other than, people would rather moan than not.

If places like that above get taken away, they get taken away. It will be part of the greater good. I am all for it, either way. Ban smoking in beer gardens, with or without controlled exception.

Then why not go and ban it on public pavements/roads too, would be all for that as well.

I just hope they actually follow through on it and not just make headlines and then let it fizzle out.
We can then call them cucumber smoothie gardens where 3 very very dull people are wondering where that noise and smoke is coming from behind the houses opposite.
The beer garden ban is wild. The talk of banning smoking in any outside area is hilarious.
We can then call them cucumber smoothie gardens where 3 very very dull people are wondering where that noise and smoke is coming from behind the houses opposite.
Yeah, it seems to be about that for a lot of people here, which I have previously pointed out. It is just blinkered resistance to change for the better, and not even for any real reason other than, people would rather moan than not.

If places like that above get taken away, they get taken away. It will be part of the greater good. I am all for it, either way. Ban smoking in beer gardens, with or without controlled exception.

Then why not go and ban it on public pavements/roads too, would be all for that as well.

I just hope they actually follow through on it and not just make headlines and then let it fizzle out.

Selective banning based on prejudice is not something everyone is happy with, not helped by fantasy or exaggerated scenarios.

I said ages ago on here, it's impossible not to become a hypocrite on the subject of banning things.

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