Banning smoking in beer gardens

Because tather than ignore it you had to react childishly and smoke more. You were spiting yourself not her.

It's not. You know that. It's worth contacting your local stop smoking service. They might even give you free Nicotine replacement products. These are non-statutory services. If you wait, they might not be available.
I react childishly when non smoking cunts preach to me wanting me to stop smoking and (more importantly) stop smoking in a beer garden. I had no problem whatsoever having to smoke outside when the smoking ban started. However, I have a problem with not being able to smoke in a beer garden, especially by those making pathetic excuses that they might smell a bit of smoke. Well move well away from me then you clean smelling cunts because I'm a fuckin' big smoking leper that will blow smoke in your face when I'm told what to do!

I have a cupboard full of patches, chewing gum and lozenges but I'm not ready to stop. And I'll stop when I choose to stop, not when some preaching **** tells me to stop.
I went to The Mersey Clipper next to Tranmere’s ground to eat and then watch the Germany v Scotland match that opened the Euros.

As soon as my food was eaten, I got up and took my pint to the bar area as the family across from me were making too much noise and couldn’t control their children. Other eaters complained too.

It’s very busy on match day so there’s their crowd. I’d never go back.
haha I'd do the same! back outside with the smokers and footy on big screen
I react childishly when non smoking cunts preach to me wanting me to stop smoking and (more importantly) stop smoking in a beer garden. I had no problem whatsoever having to smoke outside when the smoking ban started. However, I have a problem with not being able to smoke in a beer garden, especially by those making pathetic excuses that they might smell a bit of smoke. Well move well away from me then you clean smelling cunts because I'm a fuckin' big smoking leper that will blow smoke in your face when I'm told what to do!

People are telling you this for your own good. If you want to act like a child that's on you.

I have a cupboard full of patches, cheering gum and lozenges but I'm not ready to stop. And I'll stop when I choose to stop, not when some preaching **** tells me to stop.

Time waits for no man and those products have expiry dates.

Makes no difference to me if you want to act like Kevin the Teenager and smoke yourself in to an early grave because you can.

You should stop as soon as you can, if you get lung cancer or have a piece of your tongue removed it will only be one person's fault.

Some people while furiously typing on this thread
On a serious note I’m an old school liberal that broadly believes the government should get out of people’s lives and focus their energy on the global macro issues and the economy, but smoking is pretty gross and anything that can nudge it into the direction of being consigned to the past can only be a good thing.

People kicked off about seat belts and banning drink driving at first. In hindsight…fuckin good ideas I think we all agree.
On a serious note I’m an old school liberal that broadly believes the government should get out of people’s lives and focus their energy on the global macro issues and the economy, but smoking is pretty gross and anything that can nudge it into the direction of being consigned to the past can only be a good thing.

People kicked off about seat belts and banning drink driving at first. In hindsight…fuckin good ideas I think we all agree.

And neither of those are enforceable.
People are telling you this for your own good. If you want to act like a child that's on you.

Time waits for no man and those products have expiry dates.

Makes no difference to me if you want to act like Kevin the Teenager and smoke yourself in to an early grave because you can.

You should stop as soon as you can, if you get lung cancer or have a piece of your tongue removed it will only be one person's fault.
I'm not acting like a child but I am fuckin' sick of people telling me what to do and what not to do. I used to take drugs, mainly weed and LSD(sometimes mushrooms) but i haven't taken LSD for 40 years because I took too many drugs and drink that it fucked me up to becoming sectioned, I learnt my lesson. Last time I had a joint was almost 3 years ago athough I still have a small amount in an air tight container just incase I need a smoke to help me sleep because I suffer incessant acute tinnitus, and weed helps. I don't condone illegal drugs but I don't preach to people(especially friends) not to take drugs because they make a conscious decision to and it's their freedom of choice to.

If it made no difference to you then you wouldn't need to be a busy **** telling me to stop smoking because I am intelligent enough to know that smoking is detrimental to my health. But smoking is a far harder addiction to quit than quitting drink and drugs IMO.
On a serious note I’m an old school liberal that broadly believes the government should get out of people’s lives and focus their energy on the global macro issues and the economy, but smoking is pretty gross and anything that can nudge it into the direction of being consigned to the past can only be a good thing.

People kicked off about seat belts and banning drink driving at first. In hindsight…fuckin good ideas I think we all agree.
I cannot believe that you aquaint wearing a seat belt with smoking in a beer garden. Wearing a seat belt has no other impact other than better safety for the wearer. Banning smoking outside a pub has. No one is going to smoke less, they will just smoke somewhere else. Resulting in even fewer drinking in pubs and more pub being closed..

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