Banning smoking in beer gardens

Cheers pal.

A beer garden with a smoking and non smoking area works fine as it is but what annoys me is selfish non smokers do gooder busy bodies wanting smoking banned in open air spaces because they might just get a foul whiff of smoke.

I hope I can stop when I'm ready to and if I do I won't look at smokers in disdain like some third world leper because nicotine is the most addictive substance in the world, IMO.

It is all in the context. As I say, some bars are no issue, some are put up with it, some I actively avoid. You yourself might not be a problem to anyone where you are, you might be but are unaware, or you might be fully aware but not care. Entitled to any or all, all well within the rules. We'll end up going round in circles though, I don't need to say any more.
For what it's worth, if the ban does come into play, I will feel bad for you, being denied a place to combine a pint and a smoke in public. I honestly mean that btw, with zero sarcasm, I fully get your take here.

But for every one of you, there will probably be four or five others that will either welcome it, be fine with it, or just not really care. And all their health will be improved. And if it doesn't come, the discussion alone may prompt some pubs to limit it anyway, or people to be more conscious of others. And if that doesn't happen either, then things stay the same, till it is tackled in some other way.

Polls do not support your assertion that 4 or 5 would welcome an outdoor smoking ban in pub gardens. Its about half in some polls, much less in others and more in some polls.
Pretty sure everything that needs to be argued already has at this point.
Probably best to just wait and see what happens. I doubt any full ban will take place and there will be several caveats to anything proposed.
Seems like a subject that people enjoy getting angry about.

I think they (the government) will dilute it, personally.

I think they will follow through with the ban outside hospitals and sporting venues, but will either abandon or largely reduce the beer garden part of it. As I said though, even legislation that forces pubs and restaurants to have a dedicated non-smoking outside area would be great, with leaving scope for places that can, to offer both, with dedicated smoking areas.
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Polls do not support you assertion that 4 or 5 would welcome an outdoor smoking ban in pub gardens. Its about half in some polls, much less in others and more in some polls.

They don't, you are right. As things stand. I was aware of that, and it is my opinion that by the time it comes into play, if it does, mindsets will change. Based on nothing really other than how these things generally go, including the indoor ban. But yes, it was not an attempt at a factual claim.
They don't, you are right. As things stand. I was aware of that, and it is my opinion that by the time it comes into play, if it does, mindsets will change. Based on nothing really other than how these things generally go, including the indoor ban. But yes, it was not an attempt at a factual claim.
Let's hope it doesn't come into force for the sake of the pub sector.
I think they (the government) will dilute it, personally.

I think they will follow through with the ban outside hospitals and sporting venues, but will either abandon or largely reduce the beer garden part of it. As I said though, even legislation that forces pubs and restaurants to have a dedicated non-smoking outside area would be great, with leaving scope for places that can, to offer both, with dedicated smoking areas.
Even the most ardent smoker shouldn’t complain about a ban outside hospitals. Sporting venues I presume have the choice unless council owned?
Even the most ardent smoker shouldn’t complain about a ban outside hospitals. Sporting venues I presume have the choice unless council owned?
I'd like a designated smoking area within hospital grounds but if they banned it I'd be OK with it. I was actually glad when smoking in pubs and clubs was banned because I remember going in my local WM club and the air was so thick with smoke even I couldn't stand it. I never smoked on a plane because it's not fair for a non smoker to breathe in cigarette smoke in a confined space. I'm OK with all the places smoking is banned but banning it in a pub beer garden is a step too far I think.

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