Banning smoking in beer gardens

Stick to the North Stand Expansion thread you boring anti smoking killjoy ****.

For what it's worth, if the ban does come into play, I will feel bad for you, being denied a place to combine a pint and a smoke in public. I honestly mean that btw, with zero sarcasm, I fully get your take here.

But for every one of you, there will probably be four or five others that will either welcome it, be fine with it, or just not really care. And all their health will be improved. And if it doesn't come, the discussion alone may prompt some pubs to limit it anyway, or people to be more conscious of others. And if that doesn't happen either, then things stay the same, till it is tackled in some other way.
For what it's worth, if the ban does come into play, I will feel bad for you, being denied a place to combine a pint and a smoke in public. I honestly mean that btw, with zero sarcasm, I fully get your take here.

You shouldn't though. It's not acceptable for people to shoot-up or smoke crack in public nor should it be for cigarettes.
For what it's worth, if the ban does come into play, I will feel bad for you, being denied a place to combine a pint and a smoke in public. I honestly mean that btw, with zero sarcasm, I fully get your take here.

But for every one of you, there will probably be four or five others that will either welcome it, be fine with it, or just not really care. And all their health will be improved. And if it doesn't come, the discussion alone may prompt some pubs to limit it anyway, or people to be more conscious of others. And if that doesn't happen either, then things stay the same, till it is tackled in some other way.
Cheers pal.

A beer garden with a smoking and non smoking area works fine as it is but what annoys me is selfish non smokers do gooder busy bodies wanting smoking banned in open air spaces because they might just get a foul whiff of smoke.

I hope I can stop when I'm ready to and if I do I won't look at smokers in disdain like some third world leper because nicotine is the most addictive substance in the world, IMO.
Pretty sure everything that needs to be argued already has at this point.
Probably best to just wait and see what happens. I doubt any full ban will take place and there will be several caveats to anything proposed.
Seems like a subject that people enjoy getting angry about.
You shouldn't though. It's not acceptable for people to shoot-up or smoke crack in public nor should it be for cigarettes.

But while it is, it is and I am more than happy to respect that.

Someone previously mentioned here they always ask someone if they mind before they smoke next to them. While it is obvious I hate smoke, if someone in a beer garden asked me if I mind, I would either put up with it, or be the one that moves, further or inside. With kids, might politely welcome their courtesy if they can give a bit of distance , but on my own or with mates, no, wouldn't expecct that. Because ultimately, they are perfectly entitled to smoke there, as things are now.
My favourite part of this thread is the people who have never smoked in their lives telling us with 100% certainty vapes will end up being worse than cigarettes. Especially loved the anecdote about someone's mate who was a long term smoker then developed COPD after a few months on the vapes. Of course the 40 years of smoking had nothing to do with it.

Nicotine is addictive as fuck, I smoked from 14 until 28 and only stopped with the help of vapes.

Maybe they will cause super bollock cancer down the line, but I've stopped coughing up black shit every morning, don't have a blocked nose and sore throat all the time, my athletic performance has improved markedly and my clothes and breath smell miles better.

Don't drink so don't really go in pubs anymore but I think people have a right to a beer and a fucking cig if that's what they want to do.

Double the tax on fat bastards and people who spend all day sat at a computer doing jack shit aswell, they put just as much of a strain on the NHS.

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