Banning smoking in beer gardens

Speeded up closures, ie the opposite of making them thrive, which the Coatigan stated the other day.
I’m just speaking from experience of growing up in a pub and witnessing how it eventually panned out. I’m talking the old traditional wet led pubs here btw. The only food option being crisp and nuts..
For pubs:
Food available to eat outside - no smoking.
Children allowed on the premises - no smoking
No food served, no children allowed - a designated smoking area outside (maybe, at least 2 metres from entrances/windows where practical).

As a publican, I am hoping the above could become a simplified solution. I hope the anti- smoking people would be satisfied with this. Maybe 2/3rds of larger beer gardens could be smoke free too. Let’s live and let live. All happy?

Edit: For full disclosure - i do not or have ever smoked.
Stop making stuff up to suit your argument.

I am not. Any more than you are. There is a lot of data, and for every claim find arguing it is Just the smoking ban, there are so many attributing the decline in pubs to other factors. The link previously shared by stonerblue being just one of them. I don't even want to go down the childish a-ha, look at this paragraph route, I trust people are mature enough to weigh things up themselves.

What there is also plenty of data for, is that it is has been one of the most successful pieces of legislation in improvements to health and reduction in smoke related conditions. That far outweighs some already struggling pubs struggling more, while others embraced the change.
Why would there ,its not exactly business winner by banning smoking outside I go to 2 pubs over the weekend if they ban smoking there will be hardly anyone in them , we will just have to wait and see. I think if the pub sells food they will enforce it and the ones that don't wont give a flying fuck and the police wont be enforcing it , I spoke to my copper mate last night and he said the same .

Is your copper mate high up or a constable?
Because if he isn't high up how is it relevant?

Under 13% of people smoke. It's a declining market. Pubs getting rid of people smoking will be good for businesses in the long run.
For pubs:
Food available to eat outside - no smoking.
Children allowed on the premises - no smoking
No food served, no children allowed - a designated smoking area outside (maybe, at least 2 metres from entrances/windows where practical).

As a publican, I am hoping the above could become a simplified solution. I hope the anti- smoking people would be satisfied with this. Maybe 2/3rds of larger beer gardens could be smoke free too. Let’s live and let live. All happy?

Edit: For full disclosure - i do not or have ever smoked.

Completely sensible. I would welcome that.
Why would there ,its not exactly business winner by banning smoking outside I go to 2 pubs over the weekend if they ban smoking there will be hardly anyone in them , we will just have to wait and see. I think if the pub sells food they will enforce it and the ones that don't wont give a flying fuck and the police wont be enforcing it , I spoke to my copper mate last night and he said the same .

The starting premise there is that people go to the pubs to smoke, and that it will need enforced. Neither is true, for the majority of pub goers.
I am not. Any more than you are. There is a lot of data, and for every claim find arguing it is Just the smoking ban, there are so many attributing the decline in pubs to other factors. The link previously shared by stonerblue being just one of them. I don't even want to go down the childish a-ha, look at this paragraph route, I trust people are mature enough to weigh things up themselves.

What there is also plenty of data for, is that it is has been o e of the most successful pieces of legislation in improvements to health and reduction in smoke related conditions. That far outweighs some already struggling pubs struggling more, while others embraced the change.

Probably going to be hard to find any statistics definitively stating either way, so many other contributing factors to the decline of pubs. Greedy breweries, price of a pint doubled in years. Credit crunch/recession/Cost of living crisis. Lockdowns changing people's social habits etc etc.
I am not. Any more than you are. There is a lot of data, and for every claim find arguing it is Just the smoking ban, there are so many attributing the decline in pubs to other factors. The link previously shared by stonerblue being just one of them. I don't even want to go down the childish a-ha, look at this paragraph route, I trust people are mature enough to weigh things up themselves.

What there is also plenty of data for, is that it is has been one of the most successful pieces of legislation in improvements to health and reduction in smoke related conditions. That far outweighs some already struggling pubs struggling more, while others embraced the change.
Lets put aside your claim that they thrived, just show me the data that indicates the smoking ban didnt increase pub closures?

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