Basic People Management Skills

If someone makes a desicion that affects your life then you deserve an explaination, any reasonable person should agree with this.
BobKowalski said:
Didsbury Dave said:
I think a 36 year old international who was a first team regular deserves at least an explaination of what the manager's plan for him are. Not total silence.

Oh I think Shay knows. The plan is for him to be No.2, sit on the bench and play if something happens to Hart. My dog could work that one out.

If Shay is expecting Mancini to explain this to him every other day along with a quick cuddle then a) he doesn't know Mancini and b) he's an idiot.

The Sunday Times article is simply paving the way for Shay to go out on loan in January which Mancini is willing to let him do whilst obviously hoping he stays. For what it is worth I do think Mancini has Shay pegged as a good GK but never going to be world class whereas with Hart he thinks he can be.

The reports of Mancini being somewhat aloof/uncommunicative/whatever are spot on and if you are expecting/hoping for change then you'll have a long wait. Mancini is what he is and didn't get where he is by being concerned at what others think or worrying if he should be more cuddly. You need to start dealing with what Mancini is and stop fretting about management skills or communication etc. If it works no one will care and if it don't he will be replaced.

For the record I think it will work.

I'd like City to be managed by someone who can actually manage his entire squad of players, and not just his favourites...

It's a shame that so many people in this thread have suddenly had major lobotomies and are therefore incapable of forming an opinion on the manager which is even slightly contrary to the messages spoon fed to them via the official City website and the various other soundbite friendly media obligations which are out there...
Didsbury Dave said:
Blue Hefner said:
Let me simplify things

Given is number 2 and that is all he needs to know. He should train and prepare for games as if he was 1st choice and be ready whenever the BOSS sees fit to play him. End of story
If he doesn't like it, he knows where the door is

Which seems to be 2 sentances more than our current management team have given him.

Can you in all honesty believe that? That not 1 person has told him he was number 2?
My personal opinion is Given has had it all his own way for too long at n'castle, Ireland and at City and he doesnt like it and instead of getting on with things is making Mancini out to be some sort dick-head who won't give him the time of day
SV Squares said:
If someone makes a desicion that affects your life then you deserve an explaination, any reasonable person should agree with this.

A very conveniently black & white summary.

If you replace the words "reasonable person" with "professional football manager" does it still ring true?
Didsbury Dave said:
Blue Hefner said:
Let me simplify things

Given is number 2 and that is all he needs to know. He should train and prepare for games as if he was 1st choice and be ready whenever the BOSS sees fit to play him. End of story
If he doesn't like it, he knows where the door is

Which seems to be 2 sentances more than our current management team have given him.

Is Given your new "cause celebre" now that Ireland has gone? I suppose anything will do when it comes to your pursuit of Mancini's inadequacies.

As BobKowalski says Mancini is as he is and you're just gonna have to deal with it until such time as you get your wish and he is sacked.

Then we can employ a manager who likes putting an arm around them like Keegan, or alternatively one who goes drinking with them a la Bryan Robson.
Didsbury Dave said:
Just when I was getting all warm and fluffy about how the team is coming together, I read this:

On Thursday Given was left out of a match in the Europa League although he had thought he would start: “I thought I’d have played but I don’t know what the manager’s thinking because he hasn’t told me,” he said.

I despair, I really do. That is basic and simple people management.

Talk to the fucking players, let them know where they fit in and keep them motivated. If they're not first choice, let them know that if they work they will get a chance.

It's not difficult. If you're too aloof to do it, get one of your staff to do it. There must be someone on our staff who's job it is to liase with the players.

I worry deeply about this message which we've heard time after time now.

With all due respect Dave, are you employed at City? Have you any real idea of the inner workings of the dressing room?

Also, why are you posting on a notice board, if its that simple? Why aren't you out training some team?

Given needs to man up. I never heard Steve Harper moaning every two days because Given was stuck to his line watching goals fly in as Newcastle got relegated.

As sure as eggs are eggs that tit will be moaning three days into a new loan spell in January about how a breathe of fresh air the new place is.

I have realised why he has never played for a top 4 team. Not only cannot not command his area, he is a moaning soft arse.
KenTheLandlord said:
Didsbury Dave said:
Just when I was getting all warm and fluffy about how the team is coming together, I read this:

On Thursday Given was left out of a match in the Europa League although he had thought he would start: “I thought I’d have played but I don’t know what the manager’s thinking because he hasn’t told me,” he said.

I despair, I really do. That is basic and simple people management.

Talk to the fucking players, let them know where they fit in and keep them motivated. If they're not first choice, let them know that if they work they will get a chance.

It's not difficult. If you're too aloof to do it, get one of your staff to do it. There must be someone on our staff who's job it is to liase with the players.

I worry deeply about this message which we've heard time after time now.

With all due respect Dave, are you employed at City? Have you any real idea of the inner workings of the dressing room?

Also, why are you posting on a notice board, if its that simple? Why aren't you out training some team?

Given needs to man up. I never heard Steve Harper moaning every two days because Given was stuck to his line watching goals fly in as Newcastle got relegated.

As sure as eggs are eggs that tit will be moaning three days into a new loan spell in January about how a breathe of freag of air the new place is.

I have realised why he has never played for a top 4 team. Not only cannot not command his area, he is a moaning soft arse.

Given hasn't moaned.

He has answered a question.

I didn't realise you have to be a staff member to have an opinion on City.

BillyShears said:
It's a shame that so many people in this thread have suddenly had major lobotomies and are therefore incapable of forming an opinion on the manager which is even slightly contrary to the messages spoon fed to them via the official City website and the various other soundbite friendly media obligations which are out there...

I can understand Dave's view (personally, I would let senior players know whether they're playing or not, in advance of the teamsheet going up), but it's just the 'HIT THE FUCKING PANIC BUTTON!' tone that seems a little out of proportion. I think the majority agree that Hart should start, so to create a thread about the 'worrying' effect that Mancini's man management style has on the reserve keeper is a bit OTT, in my opinion.

Hey, you could say that the late announcement of the line-up ensures that all the players remain focussed in training all week. That's if the story's even true, ffs.

I don't think our league position is going to depend on communication skills, to be perfectly honest.
BillyShears said:
BobKowalski said:
Oh I think Shay knows. The plan is for him to be No.2, sit on the bench and play if something happens to Hart. My dog could work that one out.

If Shay is expecting Mancini to explain this to him every other day along with a quick cuddle then a) he doesn't know Mancini and b) he's an idiot.

The Sunday Times article is simply paving the way for Shay to go out on loan in January which Mancini is willing to let him do whilst obviously hoping he stays. For what it is worth I do think Mancini has Shay pegged as a good GK but never going to be world class whereas with Hart he thinks he can be.

The reports of Mancini being somewhat aloof/uncommunicative/whatever are spot on and if you are expecting/hoping for change then you'll have a long wait. Mancini is what he is and didn't get where he is by being concerned at what others think or worrying if he should be more cuddly. You need to start dealing with what Mancini is and stop fretting about management skills or communication etc. If it works no one will care and if it don't he will be replaced.

For the record I think it will work.

I'd like City to be managed by someone who can actually manage his entire squad of players, and not just his favourites...

It's a shame that so many people in this thread have suddenly had major lobotomies and are therefore incapable of forming an opinion on the manager which is even slightly contrary to the messages spoon fed to them via the official City website and the various other soundbite friendly media obligations which are out there...

Frankly you are having a laugh describing people as having had lobotomies for disagreeing with you.

And I had not noticed any media friendly stuff coming Mancini's way. He is viewed by most pundits as a won nothing foreigner.

Personally I don't read the OS sight. My views on the manager are formed by what I see on the pitch which is the best organized side I have seen in a City shirt. And there is plenty to admire in the way we are trying to unpick sides who defend in numbers against us.
Didsbury Dave said:
Given hasn't moaned.

He has answered a question.

The weight of evidence against Mancini is pretty substantial if you start piecing it together. I won't bother doing it as it'll just inflame the more soft centred kids on this thread - but it's safe to say that if you can alienate someone like Neds to the point where he slags you off on national television, then my educated guess is that you're doing something drastically wrong...

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