Basic People Management Skills

stony said:
Of course there's an opinion and it's pretty obvious if you care to look.
You and others don't like Mancini and you're looking for any excuse to have a pop at him.

It's futile me trying to argue with posts like yours or Rob'Eh's. No matter how legitimate my criticism of Mancini is, there will always be a few people who will just resort to "you just don't like him, you have an agenda, you're a mancini hater, blah blah blah..." I find it about as tedious as you find my criticism of him...

new topic or ancient debate?
KenTheLandlord said:
BillyShears said:
Isn't it ironic that if communication were a little better at City, they would see these negative press stories coming before they happened, and dealt with the problem behind the scenes rather than playing it out in public the way Shay has done...

Do you know that to be true? Or is Shay not hearing what he wants to hear and going tothe press anyway, to answer some questions?

He didn't "go to the press".

He did a full, detailed and frank double page interview with the Times.

He was pressed by the interviewer on his role and future at City and he said that noone had talked to him.

It's a concern to me as it is not in isolation.

-- Mon Sep 20, 2010 1:20 pm --

Nelly's Left Foot said:
What seems to have happened is that Given was told that he was going to be number 2 and Mancini, when asked about whether Shay would go or stay, said he would respect Shay's decision.
Shay at the time decided to stay and fight although in reality he would have know that meant sit on the bench until either Joe get's injured or drops some real clangers. In that decision I ASSUME that Shay was lead to expect he would get some game time either in euro games or the CC.

Along came the game v Salzburg and Joe was picked which I expect was quite a disappointment to Shay so soon after we get the story again about Shay going and the manager respecting whatever decision he comes to. Did Shay expect to play v Salzburg? We might never know but I doubt that Shay agreed to stay if he was lead to believe he wouldnt get any games at all.

As has been said Mancini is what he is in terms of his man management.It can create problems and might depend a lot on how successful we are on the field.Some of the so called problems ahve gone and maybe 1 or 2 more will have to go as well.Only time will tell.

Another fair post from you Nelly. AS someone who mainly talks sense, do you think it is possible to be like he is and be successful, given the nature of English football, the size of his squad and the pressure the club is under?
Problem seems to be there's a bunch of people that don't know much speculating about stuff written by a bunch of people that don't know much. That's not even taking into account the individual agendas in play (player, agent, manager, journalist, forum poster). That's what makes it tedious - cos no one person has a full and proper perspective, it's all just hot air. At least what happens on the pitch I'm a witness to, that stuff I can form solidly-based opinions on.
pierod said:
Problem seems to be there's a bunch of people that don't know much speculating about stuff written by a bunch of people that don't know much. That's not even taking into account the individual agendas in play (player, agent, manager, journalist, forum poster). That's what makes it tedious - cos no one person has a full and proper perspective, it's all just hot air. At least what happens on the pitch I'm a witness to, that stuff I can form solidly-based opinions on.

Close down the forum then.
BillyShears said:
stony said:
Of course there's an opinion and it's pretty obvious if you care to look.
You and others don't like Mancini and you're looking for any excuse to have a pop at him.

It's futile me trying to argue with posts like yours or Rob'Eh's. No matter how legitimate my criticism of Mancini is, there will always be a few people who will just resort to "you just don't like him, you have an agenda, you're a mancini hater, blah blah blah..." I find it about as tedious as you find my criticism of him...

The only people having a pop at Mancini are the same people who's favourite player has been fucked off. It may be a coincidence but it's a pretty big one.

I'm not blind to his faults, it's taken me a while to adjust to his style of play. But I'm slowly coming round to it and can see that when everything starts to gel we will be up there with the best. Not just this country either but Europe.
There's enough wankers in the press having a pop at him and us, without our own fans doing it every chance they get.
It would be nice if we all pulled in the same direction for a change and not let personal feelings cloud our judgement. We are all supposed to want the same thing and that is City winning things.
Didsbury Dave said:
KenTheLandlord said:
Do you know that to be true? Or is Shay not hearing what he wants to hear and going tothe press anyway, to answer some questions?

He didn't "go to the press".

He did a full, detailed and frank double page interview with the Times.

He was pressed by the interviewer on his role and future at City and he said that noone had talked to him.

It's a concern to me as it is not in isolation.

-- Mon Sep 20, 2010 1:20 pm --

Nelly's Left Foot said:
What seems to have happened is that Given was told that he was going to be number 2 and Mancini, when asked about whether Shay would go or stay, said he would respect Shay's decision.
Shay at the time decided to stay and fight although in reality he would have know that meant sit on the bench until either Joe get's injured or drops some real clangers. In that decision I ASSUME that Shay was lead to expect he would get some game time either in euro games or the CC.

Along came the game v Salzburg and Joe was picked which I expect was quite a disappointment to Shay so soon after we get the story again about Shay going and the manager respecting whatever decision he comes to. Did Shay expect to play v Salzburg? We might never know but I doubt that Shay agreed to stay if he was lead to believe he wouldnt get any games at all.

As has been said Mancini is what he is in terms of his man management.It can create problems and might depend a lot on how successful we are on the field.Some of the so called problems ahve gone and maybe 1 or 2 more will have to go as well.Only time will tell.

Another fair post from you Nelly. AS someone who mainly talks sense, do you think it is possible to be like he is and be successful, given the nature of English football, the size of his squad and the pressure the club is under?

Of course it's possible but it just makes it harder. But when you say " like he is" I don't think we 100% know what he is like. I am sure he isn't the greatest communicator /man manager the world has ever seen but equally I don't believe he doesn't talk to any of his players. He might not talk to them a lot and put his arm round shoulders all the time but I am sure he talks to them.
Didsbury Dave said:
Close down the forum then.

Righto, but I'll be taking my bat&ball with me... :)

I was responding to Billy saying he finds the cliched to-and-fro-ing tedious. I'm actually interested in what's going on behind the scenes but I agree that you get a stalemate where there's a shared gap in the knowledge and it's just kind of fruitless to keep labouring the point.
You're right Nelly, we don't know 100%. But it is obvious to anyone that player relations are not high on his agenda, given the weight of evidence to the contrary.

I really thought and hoped that Platt had been hired to do that job. The manager can remain aloof and let his staff do the softly softly stuff, like Ferguson does.<br /><br />-- Mon Sep 20, 2010 1:32 pm --<br /><br />
pierod said:
Didsbury Dave said:
Close down the forum then.

Righto, but I'll be taking my bat&ball with me... :)

I was responding to Billy saying he finds the cliched to-and-fro-ing tedious. I'm actually interested in what's going on behind the scenes but I agree that you get a stalemate where there's a shared gap in the knowledge and it's just kind of fruitless to keep labouring the point.

It's not that tedious - it's the busiest thread on here today by a mile (MASSIVE WINK ;-) )

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