Basic People Management Skills

Didsbury Dave said:
KenTheLandlord said:
With all due respect Dave, are you employed at City? Have you any real idea of the inner workings of the dressing room?

Also, why are you posting on a notice board, if its that simple? Why aren't you out training some team?

Given needs to man up. I never heard Steve Harper moaning every two days because Given was stuck to his line watching goals fly in as Newcastle got relegated.

As sure as eggs are eggs that tit will be moaning three days into a new loan spell in January about how a breathe of freag of air the new place is.

I have realised why he has never played for a top 4 team. Not only cannot not command his area, he is a moaning soft arse.

Given hasn't moaned.

He has answered a question.

I didn't realise you have to be a staff member to have an opinion on City.


As someone else stated if he had an inkling he was going to play, then how has Mancini telepathed that message, if he isn't speaking to him?

Hasn't moaned? He has been in the press answering an awful lot of questions. I wonder who asked him the question "If i don't start i am leaving".

No one minds an opinion, its when someone starts to speak as though that opinion is fact, there starts a problem.
BillyShears said:
Didsbury Dave said:
Given hasn't moaned.

He has answered a question.

The weight of evidence against Mancini is pretty substantial if you start piecing it together. I won't bother doing it as it'll just inflame the more soft centred kids on this thread - but it's safe to say that if you can alienate someone like Neds to the point where he slags you off on national television, then my educated guess is that you're doing something drastically wrong...

Currently in 4th place so he can't be doing much wrong. It's obvious that some of the Mancini haters have agendas and even if we win a bit of glitter this season, I can still see the usual suspects moaning.
BillyShears said:
Didsbury Dave said:
Given hasn't moaned.

He has answered a question.

The weight of evidence against Mancini is pretty substantial if you start piecing it together. I won't bother doing it as it'll just inflame the more soft centred kids on this thread - but it's safe to say that if you can alienate someone like Neds to the point where he slags you off on national television, then my educated guess is that you're doing something drastically wrong...

Our 4th choice right-back who is now at Sunderland?
I'm glad you are not manager as you would spend more time explaining yourself to subsitiutes than explaining tactics to the 1st team
What seems to have happened is that Given was told that he was going to be number 2 and Mancini, when asked about whether Shay would go or stay, said he would respect Shay's decision.
Shay at the time decided to stay and fight although in reality he would have know that meant sit on the bench until either Joe get's injured or drops some real clangers. In that decision I ASSUME that Shay was lead to expect he would get some game time either in euro games or the CC.

Along came the game v Salzburg and Joe was picked which I expect was quite a disappointment to Shay so soon after we get the story again about Shay going and the manager respecting whatever decision he comes to. Did Shay expect to play v Salzburg? We might never know but I doubt that Shay agreed to stay if he was lead to believe he wouldnt get any games at all.

As has been said Mancini is what he is in terms of his man management.It can create problems and might depend a lot on how successful we are on the field.Some of the so called problems ahve gone and maybe 1 or 2 more will have to go as well.Only time will tell.
BillyShears said:
Didsbury Dave said:
Given hasn't moaned.

He has answered a question.

The weight of evidence against Mancini is pretty substantial if you start piecing it together. I won't bother doing it as it'll just inflame the more soft centred kids on this thread - but it's safe to say that if you can alienate someone like Neds to the point where he slags you off on national television, then my educated guess is that you're doing something drastically wrong...

Just be up front Billy. You will not be happy until Mancini has been shown the door. Every time there is a squeak of an unhappy player you are all over Mancini like a rash. I don't give a flying if he upsets players. He may have, it's an occupational hazard. No doubt Alf Ramsey pissed Jimmy Greaves off big time. And by the way team spirit on the pitch looks pretty good, don't you agree?
robbieh said:
BillyShears said:
The weight of evidence against Mancini is pretty substantial if you start piecing it together. I won't bother doing it as it'll just inflame the more soft centred kids on this thread - but it's safe to say that if you can alienate someone like Neds to the point where he slags you off on national television, then my educated guess is that you're doing something drastically wrong...

Just be up front Billy. You will not be happy until Mancini has been shown the door. Every time there is a squeak of an unhappy player you are all over Mancini like a rash. I don't give a flying if he upsets players. He may have, it's an occupational hazard. No doubt Alf Ramsey pissed Jimmy Greaves off big time. And by the way team spirit on the pitch looks pretty good, don't you agree?

Just to be upfront Rob'Eh. When I mentioned earlier that certain posters had been lobotomized, I was indeed talking about you. Feel free to find the post, and hit the "report" button...

-- Mon Sep 20, 2010 2:48 pm --

stony said:
BillyShears said:
The weight of evidence against Mancini is pretty substantial if you start piecing it together. I won't bother doing it as it'll just inflame the more soft centred kids on this thread - but it's safe to say that if you can alienate someone like Neds to the point where he slags you off on national television, then my educated guess is that you're doing something drastically wrong...

Currently in 4th place so he can't be doing much wrong. It's obvious that some of the Mancini haters have agendas and even if we win a bit of glitter this season, I can still see the usual suspects moaning.

Is there actually an opinion in there, or was the entire exercise one simply designed so you could get the words "Mancini haters" "agendas" and "usual suspects" into the same post...?<br /><br />-- Mon Sep 20, 2010 2:52 pm --<br /><br />
ST Coleridge said:
BillyShears said:
It's a shame that so many people in this thread have suddenly had major lobotomies and are therefore incapable of forming an opinion on the manager which is even slightly contrary to the messages spoon fed to them via the official City website and the various other soundbite friendly media obligations which are out there...

I can understand Dave's view (personally, I would let senior players know whether they're playing or not, in advance of the teamsheet going up), but it's just the 'HIT THE FUCKING PANIC BUTTON!' tone that seems a little out of proportion. I think the majority agree that Hart should start, so to create a thread about the 'worrying' effect that Mancini's man management style has on the reserve keeper is a bit OTT, in my opinion.

Hey, you could say that the late announcement of the line-up ensures that all the players remain focussed in training all week. That's if the story's even true, ffs.

I don't think our league position is going to depend on communication skills, to be perfectly honest.

Mate, neither I, nor from what I can tell DD, is panicking. Far from it. As you say, we're 4th, we're progressing on the field, our defending has been world class at times, and we still have a lot of injured players to come back. Things are indeed very rosy.

However, that doesn't mean that Mancini can't or won't be questioned when players are STILL going to the press and stating that he isn't communicating. It may not be a big fucking deal, but it is a deal of some description. Isn't it ironic that if communication were a little better at City, they would see these negative press stories coming before they happened, and dealt with the problem behind the scenes rather than playing it out in public the way Shay has done...
BillyShears said:
robbieh said:
Just be up front Billy. You will not be happy until Mancini has been shown the door. Every time there is a squeak of an unhappy player you are all over Mancini like a rash. I don't give a flying if he upsets players. He may have, it's an occupational hazard. No doubt Alf Ramsey pissed Jimmy Greaves off big time. And by the way team spirit on the pitch looks pretty good, don't you agree?

Just to be upfront Rob'Eh. When I mentioned earlier that certain posters had been lobotomized, I was indeed talking about you. Feel free to find the post, and hit the "report" button...

I remember fondly the hullabullo when you were recommending Mourinho's arrival. You complained vigourously that posters were insulting you. Using sarcasm against you etc. Well I am glad to see that you are happy to add hypocrite to your long list of postive traits.

As you decided to take the gloves off I will too. You never offer anything remotely positive re Mancini or the way the team are playing. Your ridiculous attitude seems to be based entirely on personal grudges you hold against Mancini in relation to certain players. Get over them they are out.
BillyShears said:
Is there actually an opinion in there, or was the entire exercise one simply designed so you could get the words "Mancini haters" "agendas" and "usual suspects" into the same post...?

Of course there's an opinion and it's pretty obvious if you care to look.
You and others don't like Mancini and you're looking for any excuse to have a pop at him.
Well put Billy.

This stuff won't matter if we finish in the top 3 or 4.

So far, we're a work in progress but I do see evidence that it is coming together.

But I hate seeing this stuff. I just talked to a mate and this quote is from a Times interview where Given makes it clear that noone is talking to him at all about his role (or non-role) at the club.
BillyShears said:
Isn't it ironic that if communication were a little better at City, they would see these negative press stories coming before they happened, and dealt with the problem behind the scenes rather than playing it out in public the way Shay has done...

Do you know that to be true? Or is Shay not hearing what he wants to hear and going tothe press anyway, to answer some questions?

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