Basic People Management Skills

Uber Blue said:
de niro said:
ireland wanted to stay
bellers wanted to stay
ade wants to play
shay wants to play.

of course the manager picks the team and its his shout, it does'nt make him right though and he certainly goes about things the wrong way. it will cause unrest mark my words.

Ahh, I get it now. It's all about what certain individual players want and pandering to their needs and desires must take precedence over the manager's overall plan at all cost. What a pile of fucking shit.

you're not very bright are you?
the previous poster said we should concentrate on the players that want to play, his words not mine, i simply listed players that WANTED to play.
keep up love.
de niro said:
1_barry_conlon said:
You've heard one side of a story in the great British press of players who couldn't cut the that case it must be true.

And if Bellers was that magnificent then how come he's at Cardiff?
he's at cardiff cos he was'nt allowed to join a rival club, bob was scared of his ability.


mancini has started bellamy all games last season , despite how twat bellamy is. then with the 25 squad man rules would have be crazy keep on a player with bellamy knees and injurues history.

and no any club want pay for sign him , then if you have to do a gift hardly you do it to potential competitors , of course.
de niro said:
Uber Blue said:
Ahh, I get it now. It's all about what certain individual players want and pandering to their needs and desires must take precedence over the manager's overall plan at all cost. What a pile of fucking shit.

you're not very bright are you?
the previous poster said we should concentrate on the players that want to play, his words not mine, i simply listed players that WANTED to play.
keep up love.

That is patronising for a moderator on here,and uncalled for, I thought only Billy Spears and Didsbury Dave could do that
de niro said:
JoeMercer'sWay said:
ade is injured, robbie couldnt be arsed and bellamy is a nobhead who had the chance to stay on the same terms as everyone else and didn't want to know, he didn't want to know the day his mate Hughes got sacked.

Sometimes De Niro I think you just post drivel to get a response out of people and create an argument, because it's just senseless drivel.


bob is shit with people, i do expect people to disagree but 99% of football(who will own up) know this.
bellamy is better than any other forward we have.
robbie is world class.
bob drop kicks people who speak out.

now you can call it drivel but it happens to be fucking spot on.

sorry forgot,did i say that jo was shit

It's not though, how the fuck do, you, stuck behind a fucking computer know what Bobby is like? you have no idea, end of.

His record speaks more than anything else, he kept Zlatan and Mario, 2 of the most temperamental players on earth happy. 99% do not agree because it isn't true, simple as. Bellamy is nowhere near the best forward we have, he proved that last season where for the 2nd half of the season bar chelsea away and the odd goal he did very little and cost us 4th with his lazy actions in Spurs home and United home, plus his poor attitude and behaviour from as soon as Hughes left, he has proved over his career that he was not willing to listen or fulfill his talent, and we are far better off without him. Craig Bellamy better than Milner, AJ or Silva, or Tevez? get fucking real.

Robinho has proven that he doesn't have the bottle or heart to make it as a true great or world class player. He wanted out before Mancini came because Hughes didn't manage him back from his injury properly and he wasn't happy with the way Elano was treated, the problems were already there. Mancini just took a no nonsense approach to it.

Bob "drop kicks people out" who don't want to shut up, be a professional and do their bit for their cause ie. players who are too busy thinking about themselves to contribute to the team. He gave all of them the opportunity to stay and prove themselves, and none of them fucking did it. He's not a nanny, he should not have to pander to nor hold the hand of immature 20-30 year olds who can't accept their role in an organisation they are employees of. If anyone else in a normal job continually slagged off/went round telling people how they disagreed with the boss or got badly treated, they'd end up in the job centre. All Bob has done is kept the best players who want to play for the team and win trophies by doing their bit, not keep the lads who want all the glory and the team built around when they don't deserve it because when push came to shove they either didn't have the talent, consistency or bottle for it. You can believe what you want, and post your tripe about how the bench players aren't happy about getting their own way, but at the end of the day they will go and it will all be down to the 11 on the pitch. That's what I judge Bob by, because that's what matters, the results. I don't give a monkeys about Given not liking his role because he has previous and is a professional and should start acting like one, instead of like a spoilt little brat. Joe Hart was keeper of the year last year, and was our number 1 before Given was needlessly bought by the previous manager, and guess what, Shay shoved Joe out the team and Joe didn't get a game, and got shipped out on loan. Given can now deal with the same treatment, as Roberto has the right as manager to pick his number 1, and he chose Hart. That's the bottom line and Given has to deal with it, but through his life he's got his own way all the time so he's bound to be a bit immature about it.

and yeah I agree with you, Jo is shit, and I'm not happy about him playing, but that's Mancini choice that he will have to live with.
I've never been managed by Mancini so I don't really know too much about his basic people management skills.

What I do know is that we're fourth in the league,looking pretty good in Europe and have assembled our best squad in decades.

Something's obviously working?
Mancio said:
de niro said:
he's at cardiff cos he was'nt allowed to join a rival club, bob was scared of his ability.


mancini has started bellamy all games last season , despite how twat bellamy is. then with the 25 squad man rules would have be crazy keep on a player with bellamy knees and injurues history.

and no any club want pay for sign him , then if you have to do a gift hardly you do it to potential competitors , of course.
a british born player, who without any knees is better than jo.
If you fall for the press tactics who are clearly attempting to unsettle the squad unity and undermine Mancini then you are playing into their hands.

Disunited squads achieve diddly squat, that's why Mancini has ruthlessly got rid of those who try to undermine his authority and the unity of the squad. No individual is bigger than the team.

The good thing is that we now have a strong board and a strong manager and it will only take another couple of casualties for the players to get the message that to achieve at City you have to have a unity of purpose and think about the greater good of the team rather than yourself.

I may be doing him a disservice but Adebayor seems to lack the understanding that he is part of a squad and will not play every game. Its such a shame because I genuinely believe he is capable of great things and has the whole package as a player. I hope he knuckles down and shows the fans and Mancini that he wants to be part of our success and its not too late.

As for Given he's a great goalkeeper but he aint going to shift Hart who has much more of his career ahead of him. Its a tough choice but a player of Givens quality does deserve first team football so he shoudl go in the Jan window if he's not happy sitting on the bench.
de niro said:
KenTheLandlord said:
why would a defector get a game? if he wants to clear off, let him.
Good management in my book.
Concentrate on what you have and those that want to play.
Anyone else can do one.

ireland wanted to stay
bellers wanted to stay
ade wants to play
shay wants to play.

of course the manager picks the team and its his shout, it does'nt make him right though and he certainly goes about things the wrong way. it will cause unrest mark my words.
I know you're a blue because you're always on the tele whenever we buy a new player, hovering in the background. So I take it the above statement is just to wind up people?
de niro said:
Uber Blue said:
Ahh, I get it now. It's all about what certain individual players want and pandering to their needs and desires must take precedence over the manager's overall plan at all cost. What a pile of fucking shit.

you're not very bright are you?
the previous poster said we should concentrate on the players that want to play, his words not mine, i simply listed players that WANTED to play.
keep up love.

The previous poster said
"Concentrate on what you have and those that want to play"

Those players want to play but under their own conditions.

Ireland - Nobody plays me where i want to play, up front wandering around with no responsibility.
Bellamy - My knees are crippled, can i train once a day and play once a week?
Yes love, for Cardiff.
Ade wants to play - for Milan, Juventus, Real anywhere but City where we are expected to play him again, under his own conditions as the fairy on top of the Xmas tree.
Given - its a squad game, you have to wait. Ok your in the squad, err, no i want to play, i'm 140 and need matches.

Not one had City in their interests, not ONE.

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