Basic People Management Skills

80s Shorts said:
simon23 said:
i think he means tactically doesnt know how it works and im inclined to agree in part

Did you apply for his position. I presume from amount of pseudo tactical rubbish that you post that you may have one or two coaching qualifications that, to be honest, anybody with time on their hands could obtain. SO YOU THINK THAT MANCINI IS TACTICALLY NIEVE IN THE PREMIERSHIP. THIS STATEMENT PRESUMES THAT YOU KNOW BETTER. IS YOUR APPLICATION IN FOR WHEN HE LEAVES?


I actually do have a couple of coaching quals as it you??

I actually did one of my courses with Neil Mcnab about 14 yrs ago as it happens...thoroughly nice bloke as well...think he was on his way to portsmouth or plymouth at the time to take up a youth team coach role

Its not about knowing better...its about having a different view than the present manager....and notice i said in im also saying that in parts i agree with his tactical decisions....

Now turn off the caps and stop will give yourself a heart attack!! LOL
Braggster said:
macmanson said:
Right, so players doing what's right for them is bad but managers doing what's right for them is good. Got it.

I think the point is that players doing what's right for them is bad when it's detrimental to the team and that managers are right to sacrifice the interests of individual players for the sake of the collective, which I suspect you realised, despite your rather glib response.

Tèvez is often cited as an example of Mancini's poor man management, but given that he's still here and still producing, I think he is favourable to the case for the defence, not the prosecution.

I think Tevez is still here because he is committed to the club, not so much the manager. He sees this as an opportunity to make himself a legend by dragging a club from relative obscurity to Champion's league contenders. His endorsements of Mancini having exactly been critical lately but not glowing either. Not really evidence for either side in my opinion.
macmanson said:
Mancio said:
with the 25 man squad rule the first requisite a player need is not to be know as injury prone.

is far more better a young healty JO than an aged brokenknees bellamy.

He's a squad player and doesn't need to play every game. If he's used in this capacity, than Bellamy is ten times more impactful that Jo will ever be. Problem is Jo is an easier person to manage than Bellamy in Mancini's eyes because Jo hasn't got a leg to stand on. This is essentially his last chance at playing for a top club anywhere in the world. That decision shows Mancini's cowardice, not his bravery.

If, as you say, in your opinion Bellamy would have been far more important to the squad than JO, then for Mancini to have the courage of his convictions and fly in the face of such strong opinions such as yours, it very much shows his bravery. That much is self evident.
Mancio said:
de niro said:
lol, i just post as it is, he's been a good manager IN ITALY, he's been iffy here, he will still attract good players but he'll upset them.
thats pretty clear to me.
oh and please dont tell me he knows the english game yet, he clearly does'nt.

well finally i can see from where you are coming saying mancini dont know english game yet.

you are prepearing yourself to defend mancini after we lost vs chelsea. ......i can see...

de niro said:
"yes , we lose , but we must give time to mancini , he need and deserve time to know english game



no need to defend him, we wont lose to chelsea, not being complaciant i just dont think we'll lose.
and yes he does need time.
The club and manager havent a fucking clue and couldnt run a whelk stall,after all weve been spoilt with all that success over the past 34 years its tainting our football knowledge egoes.

Anyone for Mourinho?
simon23 said:
80s Shorts said:
Did you apply for his position. I presume from amount of pseudo tactical rubbish that you post that you may have one or two coaching qualifications that, to be honest, anybody with time on their hands could obtain. SO YOU THINK THAT MANCINI IS TACTICALLY NIEVE IN THE PREMIERSHIP. THIS STATEMENT PRESUMES THAT YOU KNOW BETTER. IS YOUR APPLICATION IN FOR WHEN HE LEAVES?

Times move on. I did an 'O'Level 14 years age ;-)


I actually do have a couple of coaching quals as it you??

I actually did one of my courses with Neil Mcnab about 14 yrs ago as it happens...thoroughly nice bloke as well...think he was on his way to portsmouth or plymouth at the time to take up a youth team coach role

Its not about knowing better...its about having a different view than the present manager....and notice i said in im also saying that in parts i agree with his tactical decisions....

Now turn off the caps and stop will give yourself a heart attack!! LOL
macmanson said:
Mancio said:

why mourinho didnt won champions league when managed the last 5 years best team in the whole world (chelsea) ??

Ummm...maybe because Chelsea weren't the best team in the whole world? :)


surely chelsea where (and are) better than porto and inter.

with mancini's players mourinho did worse than mancini did. FACT.

with mourinho's chelsea even avram grant did better than mourinho. FACT
peacefrog said:
macmanson said:
Right like Tevez when he came out with lots of negative things to say about Mancini at the end of last season and was told by Mancini he could leave the club, only to turn around and make him the captain. He really showed that Tevez character a peace of his mind. Than there was Joe Hart who talked shit about leaving if he wasn't number 1 and Mancini punished him real good. Made him start the season as number 1 and will make him finish it like that come hell or high water. No more of this players dictating who plays and who doesn't nonsense right?
Now your just making shit up. Mancini has never said he had a problem with either Hart or Given saying they wanted to play. All that happened was he said he would pick who his no1 would be. He picked Hart. Said he hoped Given would stay and fight for his place but wont stand in his way if he insists on moving. That all seems pretty normal to me.

You also said earlier that Viera had talked about Mancini's bad man management style. If you're talking about when he was asked by a city player what his relationship with Mancini was like at Milan and he said there wasn't one? Then again I think you reading between the lines and coming up with 2+2=5

Got me confused with someone else I think peacefrog. Never said anything about Mancini and Vieria. Simon23 I think was on about that. My point wasn't about Mancini having a problem with Shay or Joe. In fact, he has said himself that anyone who wants to warm the bench isn't right by him. It's with fans who have a problem with Given not wanting to be a bench warmer but don't see anything wrong with Hart saying that. If Mancini should be coming down on Given for gobbing off then he should have done the same for Hart. He never mentioned a word to Hart about his comments but did address Shay's. Why is that? If he's laying down an equal law for everyone, where's Hart's bollocking at?
BillyShears said:
Braggster said:
I think the point is that players doing what's right for them is bad when it's detrimental to the team and that managers are right to sacrifice the interests of individual players for the sake of the collective, which I suspect you realised, despite your rather glib response.

Tèvez is often cited as an example of Mancini's poor man management, but given that he's still here and still producing, I think he is favourable to the case for the defence, not the prosecution.

I hate to jump into the middle of this rather fruitless and circular argument...but I'd just like to point out that citing Tevez as a case for the defence is rather risque if you ask me...if that fucker took the stand, what he'd say about Mancini would make Brian Clough's toes curl up....;- )

Other than that, please continue....

Oh, and (Braggster this isn't aimed at you at all - but more a couple of other posters) - one of things which has made me smile in recent days is the realization that so many of our supporters have pretty much lost their edge. They've become rag'esque in their robot like justifications for certain things. I don't actually mind Mancini turfing out players he doesn't like, or him making puzzling team selections or substitutions as it's all part and parcel of being a football manager - what's funny is the way he's managed to breed the kind of blind deaf and dumb faith I've only ever previously seen in rags when talking about Slur Alex, in segments of the City support....whatever else, Mancini certainly knows how to play his audience....!

Now I can only speak for me and me alone, but I'll defend Mancini stoically, but it isn't because I've lost my 'edge' or I'm blind to his possible failings.

The main reason I don't feel a need to criticise him is, ironically I suppose, is that a lot of his methods and tactics are so alien and foreign (excuse the pun) to me that I don't feel qualified to criticise.

I've grown up on 4 4 2 with wingers on each flank who can kick with the foot which will allows them to go on the outside and whip a cross in and the majority of bosses I've known at City since 1984 have been those who are 'one of the lads' and can have a laugh and joke with the players.

However, since I have been watching City since 1984 I have seen us win the square root of fuck all so now we have a manager who has been successful in one of the most technical leagues in the world and managed Ibra and Balotelli with success I'm prepared to sit back and wait a little bit longer before I decide how suited he is to the Premier League.

Who knows, some of you sceptics in this thread could be right in the end but how some of the stuff that has been written can be written after Sunday's professional win astounds me.
flb said:
The club and manager havent a fucking clue and couldnt run a whelk stall,after all weve been spoilt with all that success over the past 34 years its tainting our football knowledge egoes.

Anyone for Mourinho?

It was amusing recently after "The Special One" (TM) was getting some stick from the the Real fans for the "negative, boring" football. He said, I am a football manager, not Harry Potter.

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