Basic People Management Skills

macmanson said:
80s Shorts said:
Oh dear.

Tevez came out with his shit, Mancini said he could leave. Hes said fk all since. Mancini thinks ok fair enough, lets cement this relationship with the management , squad, club and fans further and make him captain.

Given and Hart both said they had to be no 1. Mancini made a strong decision (which at the time raised many eyebrows) and promoted Hart to no 1.

What exactly did you want him to do? Put them both on the bench and put Taylor in.

Your "arguments" have more holes than a seive.

He should've punished Hart initially as he was the one who brought up the whole issue. If the point is that players should knuckle down and fight for their place, then why wasn't Hart blasted as being no good for the club while Given was for saying the exact same thing but only after Hart said it? It's a double standard and gives the impression that there is favortism at play whether or not is.

Same thing with regards to Bellamy. Bellamy had not said anything for months with regards to Mancini and yet he was out of the 25 man squad before they were even sure who was in and long before he "gobbed off". The fact of the matter is that the mass clear out wasn't handled properly and is one of the reasons that bad blood continues to exist in the squad. If you want to be a dictator than you have to equally to everyone regardless of their worth to the team. That just hasn't happened.

Of course favouritism plays a hand in things, thats life, its tough get over it. Your face don't fit you move on. No point in crying. Craig Bellamy hasn't, he has moved on, he is happy playing football and Mancini is happy at City. Who has lost?

Given wanted to stay, now he doesn't. He will be an unhappy bunny for the next three months. The real teatr would come of Hart got injured. Given plays blinders then and only then Mancini has a problem. At the moment its Hart > Given. If Given couldn't have accepted that he should have gone in August.

If you want to be a dictator you can do want you want to who you want.

One of the greatest management tricks is to make people think you are treating everyone equal. No sane manager does that because not everyone is equal.
Take Ferguson, he smashed the Whiteside, McGrath and Robson drinking club. He sold two and kept the third. Was that fair? No. Did he give a fuck? No. He won the league because he was able to keep the fella that mattered and cleared out the ones that didn't. Jim Leighton. Fair? No, is he arsed? No. And neither am i. I want to win and i want winners at the club, not cry babies who want a fat cheque and no sweat.
Mancio said:
macmanson said:
Ummm...maybe because Chelsea weren't the best team in the whole world? :)


surely chelsea where (and are) better than porto and inter.

with mancini's players mourinho did worse than mancini did. FACT.

with mourinho's chelsea even avram grant did better than mourinho. FACT

With all them FACTS, you'll love rafa the waiter then;)

probably not as much as you do bobby though
80s Shorts said:
macmanson said:
Yours Neds, Bellamys and Irelands, for example are not good enough for where we are going.

Stopped reading here as I'm sure the rest of the post has something to do with gloryhunting. Nothing intelligent can ever follow that line in my opinion.

It said nothing of glory hunting. You obviously did not stop read the post. You are just unable to put fortha coherent argument. One must assume that you would have Bellamy, Nedum and Ireland in the team at the moment. Or do you agree they are not Champions League standard. You cannot have it both ways. Awaits response (if you can bring yourself to read the post) LOL

I would have an Ireland over Zabs or Bellamy over Jo, yes. However, I don't think a good number of our players are top tier Champions League standard. That doesn't mean that I'll slag them off and call them all kinds of names either. They are useful pieces of the puzzle and should be thanked for their contributions when we have outgrown their usefulness. Saying things like they are not good enough for where we are going, so therefore any way we treat them is justifiable is simply classless. Something I would expect a rag to say, not a blue. Just my opinion.
KenTheLandlord said:
macmanson said:
He should've punished Hart initially as he was the one who brought up the whole issue. If the point is that players should knuckle down and fight for their place, then why wasn't Hart blasted as being no good for the club while Given was for saying the exact same thing but only after Hart said it? It's a double standard and gives the impression that there is favortism at play whether or not is.

Same thing with regards to Bellamy. Bellamy had not said anything for months with regards to Mancini and yet he was out of the 25 man squad before they were even sure who was in and long before he "gobbed off". The fact of the matter is that the mass clear out wasn't handled properly and is one of the reasons that bad blood continues to exist in the squad. If you want to be a dictator than you have to equally to everyone regardless of their worth to the team. That just hasn't happened.

Of course favouritism plays a hand in things, thats life, its tough get over it. Your face don't fit you move on. No point in crying. Craig Bellamy hasn't, he has moved on, he is happy playing football and Mancini is happy at City. Who has lost?

Given wanted to stay, now he doesn't. He will be an unhappy bunny for the next three months. The real teatr would come of Hart got injured. Given plays blinders then and only then Mancini has a problem. At the moment its Hart > Given. If Given couldn't have accepted that he should have gone in August.

If you want to be a dictator you can do want you want to who you want.

One of the greatest management tricks is to make people think you are treating everyone equal. No sane manager does that because not everyone is equal.
Take Ferguson, he smashed the Whiteside, McGrath and Robson drinking club. He sold two and kept the third. Was that fair? No. Did he give a fuck? No. He won the league because he was able to keep the fella that mattered and cleared out the ones that didn't. Jim Leighton. Fair? No, is he arsed? No. And neither am i. I want to win and i want winners at the club, not cry babies who want a fat cheque and no sweat.

Very well said imo.
80s Shorts said:
flb said:
The club and manager havent a fucking clue and couldnt run a whelk stall,after all weve been spoilt with all that success over the past 34 years its tainting our football knowledge egoes.

Anyone for Mourinho?

It was amusing recently after "The Special One" (TM) was getting some stick from the the Real fans for the "negative, boring" football. He said, I am a football manager, not Harry Potter.

All managers are deemed clueless and not fit for the club until they win a few gongs then the sun shines out of there arses-the trick is giving a manager time to do it.

The fans of this club will never fucking learn
Chick Counterfly said:
you really are turning into a bit of a fruitcake.

the 'edge' which you speak of is characterised thus;

angry. disappointed. hurt. mistrustful. like the lonely single who picks fault with every potential mate, it's just self-preservation instinct. we mustn't trust them because it will end in tears.

you see everything through a negative prism, then lecture the rest of us on how deluded we are... our happiness and contentedness is a dagger in your heart.

seriously, keep it up, it's pretty amusing, and I would be lost if people stopped trying so hard to see everything our club does in the worst possible light.

easily finding counter arguments is a source of great contentment to me!

still didn't hear back from you, when exactly has David Silva played on the left of a three? Which other comparable left footed players are plying their trade there?

Maybe it's an age thing, I don't know. I guess I just believe that people like you created me. If there weren't quite so many sheep blindly applauding every decision Mancini makes, there would be more objectivity on this board, and less need for posters like myself or De Niro to have to resort to calling a spade a spade just to be heard.

In terms of how happy I am, or my "negative prism" - I've spent the better part of the last three years on this board with people telling me what I think. Again, forgive me if I'm not in the slightest bit interested in correcting your misconceptions and delusions about how I feel about City.

On the David Silva discussion - he's spent most of his career playing left side (whether that be in a midfield four, or a front three) so forgive me (once more) if I feel that makes my point pretty succinctly.
peacefrog said:
de niro said:
lol, i just post as it is, he's been a good manager IN ITALY, he's been iffy here, he will still attract good players but he'll upset them.
thats pretty clear to me.
oh and please dont tell me he knows the english game yet, he clearly does'nt.
I can't understand how you can say this one minute and then say that he's a far more astute manager than Hughes. Who you can't accuse of not knowing english football.

he is a better manager than hughes, he will though have to get to grips with the english prem to prove that in england that.
i have always said that bob should be given the time required to do so. of course we need stability too cos we have got nowhere chopping and changing managers all the while.
Can't beleive this thread is still going.

All managers fall out with certain players as the OP knows. It is part and parcel of the job.

Obviously there are fans who will jump on Bobby's back whatever he does. They are free to do so. Personally I have the feeling that were we to win the Double this year they will complain that RM hasn't given enough respect to ******(enter disaffected players name here).

Now if we were playing shit and there appeared to be no team spirit on the pitch then they would have a point.

But from day one they have been going on about Mourinho coming, Ireland leaving, Bellamy being unhappy, Tevez being unhappy etc etc. In other words circumstantial evidence. Perfect as it can't really be proved one way or the other unlike performances on the pitch.
haller said:
Mancio said:

surely chelsea where (and are) better than porto and inter.

with mancini's players mourinho did worse than mancini did. FACT.

with mourinho's chelsea even avram grant did better than mourinho. FACT

With all them FACTS, you'll love rafa the waiter then;)

probably not as much as you do bobby though

ATM the waiters is doing well , let me hope :=)
m27 said:
BillyShears said:
I hate to jump into the middle of this rather fruitless and circular argument...but I'd just like to point out that citing Tevez as a case for the defence is rather risque if you ask me...if that fucker took the stand, what he'd say about Mancini would make Brian Clough's toes curl up....;- )

Other than that, please continue....

Oh, and (Braggster this isn't aimed at you at all - but more a couple of other posters) - one of things which has made me smile in recent days is the realization that so many of our supporters have pretty much lost their edge. They've become rag'esque in their robot like justifications for certain things. I don't actually mind Mancini turfing out players he doesn't like, or him making puzzling team selections or substitutions as it's all part and parcel of being a football manager - what's funny is the way he's managed to breed the kind of blind deaf and dumb faith I've only ever previously seen in rags when talking about Slur Alex, in segments of the City support....whatever else, Mancini certainly knows how to play his audience....!

Now I can only speak for me and me alone, but I'll defend Mancini stoically, but it isn't because I've lost my 'edge' or I'm blind to his possible failings.

The main reason I don't feel a need to criticise him is, ironically I suppose, is that a lot of his methods and tactics are so alien and foreign (excuse the pun) to me that I don't feel qualified to criticise.

I've grown up on 4 4 2 with wingers on each flank who can kick with the foot which will allows them to go on the outside and whip a cross in and the majority of bosses I've known at City since 1984 have been those who are 'one of the lads' and can have a laugh and joke with the players.

However, since I have been watching City since 1984 I have seen us win the square root of fuck all so now we have a manager who has been successful in one of the most technical leagues in the world and managed Ibra and Balotelli with success I'm prepared to sit back and wait a little bit longer before I decide how suited he is to the Premier League.

Who knows, some of you sceptics in this thread could be right in the end but how some of the stuff that has been written can be written after Sunday's professional win astounds me.

this is a very good post. in fact post of the thread.

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