BBC's Panorama set to ruin Englands world cup 2018 bid.

discopop said:
The only problem I can see in all of this is the phrase "Free press" the BBC is funded by the tax payers who have no choice by law but to purchase a Licence, Panorama is funded by the people and is in danger of potentially costing this nation millions upon millions by this reporting. Not only should they have left it till after the vote they should have left it up to the real free press (the fleet street mob)

I have always thought the Beeb should report the news and not try to make it.

Every citizen pays their license fee for the very reason of keeping the BBC impartial, and they are absolutely correct to expose FIFA irrespective of whether it does or does not influence the vote. God help us if we have to rely on the Murdoch's of this world to uncover such blatant corruption.
If FIFA officials are ruling England out of the running because of a free and fair press then they can get fucked with their World Cup. If they want happy clappy FIFA propaganda in the press give it to fucking North Korea.
Everyone who loves football should have refused to watch it in my opinion, it was just there to shit stir ahead of the vote, and will have done untold damage to our bid, and that doesn't help football in this country.

They could easily have shown this in 3 weeks time when it wouldn't have affected our bid, were the BBC scared that ITV would get the TV rights because they are broke ? (despite the licence fee they rob us all of).
If FIFA react to a programme about corruption in their ranks by retaliating against the country whose press reported it in preference to vowing to weed it out root and branch, I don't want them over here lording it over us honest plebs, using their greedy noses to snort up our money squandered on their overpriced tickets.

It is absolutely right that corruption is discovered and brought to our attention. They are supposed to be guardians of the game.
I think the programe did a good job of exposing the corrupt, mafia like organisation that runs oor game. Many people on here will be upset as it might ruin our chances of hosting the world cup but for me it is more important to highlight the infection in our beautiful game that is Blatter and his gang of mafia like thugs that are only interested in lining each others pockets and ensuring those who pay the most gain the most.

Jack Warner is a prime example, this man's outburst at the BBC journalist was shocking, I do not expect one of the most important men at Fifa to be saying ' I will spit on you' when being asked a question. Fifa is a rotten organisation and I'd rather have it cleaned up than have the world cup here as it is the same corrupt bastards involved in these bids as it is in bringing in the new corrupt so called 'financial fair play rules'.
Thee were only two things wrong with this programme.
1. The presenter was rubbish.
2. They should have broadcast is thursday evening.

Other than that, spot on, let the feckers hang.
No one should turn a blind eye to bent bleeders like that.
cleavers said:
I agree, but there's a time and a place, and 2 days before the decision wasn't it.

Understand where you're coming from - but it highlights that the "decision" is a corrupt one. Winning or losing isn't based on the local press it's based on how much money you pass on to FIFA - and, more importantly, how much of that can be siphoned off by the committee.

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