Be honest were you there?

bluwilpgs said:
Yes. All the blues who I used to go to games with were on a stag do in Ireland and I was on my own. Stood in the Kippax and we were so bad in the first 20 minutes that the guy next to me said he was leaving! Never found out if he was out of the ground before the first went in.

My mates got into Dublin on the Saturday evening after a ferry crossing and were gutted when they found the TV rental shop with the results scrolling with 10 (Ten) after Manchester City.

Bizarrely, this glamour fixture was shown on Match of the Day that night and Malcolm Macdonald, the Huddersfield manager was complaining that the 7th and 8th were offside!

I think the following week at the Plymouth game on the Wednesday there were a total of six Plymouth fans.

I was at both too, wasn't the Plymouth game a Full members cup tie? Got a feeling it was a cup game of some description cos I had a season ticket in the north stand so was in there for the Huddersfield game and I was in the Maine stand for the Plymouth one.

I remember watching it on the tv later and Frank Worthington was the summariser, Martin Tyler said to him summat like: ' so Frank what did you think of Huddersfields performance today?'

Frank: ' 'Orrible!'

pissed myself!

and didn't Andy May score their penalty? City involved in all 11 goals.
and was it John Gidman who gave the penalty away?

Happy Days!!
The first City game I ever went to was the next time they played them, I think it was the same season as the 10-1 (or the following one?) and it was a league cup game that went into extra time, I was gutted as I was expecting another 10-1!
Unfortunately that was the only game I missed that season. I was only about 10yrs old, and had a season ticket with my Dad, but he was away with work for that game so I missed it :(
Missed this game.

Was only about 8 at thectime and my dad was working away so i couldn't go.

I got my mum to let me stay up for the highlights, which i watched without knowing the score.

Can still remeber goibg mad jumping up and down on the sofa when it got to 10.

Happy days!
I was there, remember walking home through Platt fields buzzing cos it was gonna be on the telly. TV cameras and City normally equalled defeat in them days.

I remember Adcock's naff celebrations and their beer-mat kit.

I was at the Plymouth game on the Weds when it was 6-2 and another Adcock hat trick. Don't think he got many after that.
I was there, remember walking home through Platt fields buzzing cos it was gonna be on the telly. TV cameras and City normally equalled defeat in them days.

I remember Adcock's naff celebrations and their beer-mat kit.

I was at the Plymouth game on the Weds when it was 6-2 and another Adcock hat trick. Don't think he got many after that.
yes i was there, can't prove it so you will just have to believe me, do remember it being a dark dank afternoon
and they were definately the best team until neil mcnab banged one in from the edge of the box and the rest they say is history
I was there
I remember how much room there was in the North stand that day?
We climbed the fence every time we scored, and were evident on the TV

Frank Worthington was the TV pundit that day, and got asked at HT (was it 4 at that point?) if he thought it would be ten. No way he said.
Bombo said:
how many of you were at the 10-1 win against Huddersfield. There used to be about 8 of us who went together in them days but we had been playing shit just before this game and all my mates backed out for one reason or another.
A rag mate of mine came with me to the game to test out a fancy new camera he had just bought, I found the photos in a box the other day he gave them me after they were developed. Not seen them for years and it got me thinking about it. Even my rag mate was shouting for a tenth goal at the end, weren't you reggie.

Yes I was there, a load of us from the Birch Villa in Rusholme (what time is it? ten to three, time for another), we never used to see a kick off and from memory we got there about ten past/quarter past three and I am pretty sure we did not miss any of the goals. My dad (god rest his blue sole) was in MRI with a brain tumour and I went to see him that night and he never believed me that City had won 10-1!

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