Bellamy on his future (and the fall out) {merged}

Re: Bellamy on his future

Shaelumstash said:
Trying to score points because of whether Bellamy was speaking at a conference arranged by the Welsh FA or not really holds no relevance to what we are talking about does it? If it makes you feel better though, I hold my hands up, I was wrong, I didn't realise the interview took place in a Welsh FA arranged venue. I'm truly sorry.

Of course it holds relevance. You post insinuated that Bellamy arranged an interview with Sky purely for malicious purposes. That would have been a completely different scenario.
The simple fact that he was only replying honestly to questions put to him in an already arranged interview isn't quite as sensational is it.
You should work for a tabloid mate. They love poorly researched rants bathed in half truths and self righteous indignation.
Re: Bellamy on his future

Project said:
Also, can anyone remember a single standout performance from Bellamy under Mancini? I'm struggling. Even the Chelsea game was turgid for the most part.
he scored 2.
Re: Bellamy on his future

How can Bellamy be left out of the 25??

If it is because he and Mancini don't get on then that is not a football decision it's a personality one, and that should not be allowed to interfere.
Re: Bellamy on his future

Chick Counterfly said:


By Andrew Baldock, Press Association Sport

Craig Bellamy has not ruled out walking away from football if he is ditched by Manchester City.

The Wales captain faces an uncertain future at Eastlands and is by no means certain to be named in manager Roberto Mancini's Premier League squad.

Bellamy, who is set to line up for Wales in Wednesday night's friendly against Luxembourg in Llanelli, revealed he has rejected an offer from German club Wolfsburg, who are managed by former England boss Steve McLaren.

But he is also prepared to fight tooth and nail to be part of Mancini's squad, even though the signs do not look good.

Bellamy is set to win his 59th international cap in Wales' final game before starting their Euro 2012 qualifying campaign against Montenegro early next month.

And he is keen to make an impression.

"I feel strongly that I can offer something at the club," the 31-year-old said. "But if I don't get in the 25-man squad, I don't know what I will do.

"I might finish, full stop, or look at every option I get.

"This game is as ruthless as any. I sort of feel I am not going to be part of it (at Manchester City). I can see it from a distance.

"I find that very difficult to take because I really enjoy playing for Manchester City. I think I have shown that with my commitment this year.

"I've had a few options. I've turned down Wolfsburg. I don't fancy Germany, it's not somewhere I see myself playing football.

"I have to see what options I have. I am here to play football.

"With this 25-man ruling, it doesn't matter how well I train or how good my attitude is, I might not be registered to play.

"So do I go without playing football until January, or do I find myself a club where I can play football?

"I am committed to stay where I am. I feel I deserve to be part of it, but I don't pick the 25 or the team. I have to wait on their decision."

Just got home and heard the news - gutted utterely gutted - we have gotten / getting rid of three players whom have either over a long time or short time shown a good deal of pride in wearing our beloved shirt and they get treated like this - if Jo is there and Bellamy aint its a fookin disgrace - tossers utter tossers
Re: Bellamy on his future

JohnMaddocksAxe said:
More trouble than he is worth.

Is it any coincidence that it is Bellamy, out of all the players, that seems to have a problem with the manager.

Played well last year but is by no means the sort of player who is not replaceable.

Seems like this will be yet another moment in his career where, if he has any sense, he will look back on in years to come and think "perhaps I could have really made it work if I had had a different attitude there."

(Oh, and I don't like his comments saying "I've seen at Christmas how ruthless this club can be" as the club were no more or less ruthless than any other club and he is just trying to paint a 'woe is me' picture)

I'm not usually one for "how dare he" type attitudes when a player leaves, but I have little time for excuses when a player has a long, long history of burning his own bridges.

Oh goodie, another one of the "not good enough for where we're going" club is out to play. Bellamy this week eh? Maybe we can start a bluemoon forum called the "not good enough for where we're going" transfer forum where we can have ITKs determing from knowledgeable sources which player should be thrown under the bus this week. I'll start...I heard from my neighbor's wife's dog sitter's mother who knows MCFC's janitor, who is usually spot on about these things, that Tevez has complained about the 1 ply tissue in the bathrooms...TEVEZ OUT!!!
Re: Bellamy on his future

F*ck Bellars and Given, if they can't accept the managers decision without threatening to throw their toys out then they may as well pack their bags right now.
Re: Bellamy on his future

Worrying! Another player putting his cards on the table if he does not get his own way.
However, if you look at this from another angle isn't this just Bellamy saying he is desperate to be in the squad. It's not as if he has said if I am not in the squad I will get off to another prem team. From a really optimistic point of view he is worried about the rejection. He is talking 25 man squad not starting 11, surely, any City fan has this man in their 25, what a top player to bring off the bench.
All players set themselves personal goals, if not at City would Bellamy be able to acheive his goals? I very much doubt it. I don't mind what he has come out and said, I don't think it will cause unnecessary unrest in the squad, if anything it will add to the competition and one thing is for sure, Bellamy is a winner and you can't have enough of them.
Re: Bellamy on his future

Shaelumstash said:
The f cking hypocrisy on here is an absolute joke!!!!!!!!!!!!!
If Bellamy hasn't spoken to Mancini for 6 months, why the f uck is he speaking to Sky Sports News about his future before knocking on Mancini's door?!!!!

If Robinho had behaved like this he would be getting called a spoiled little cnut who's got no respect for the club!!! Going on about how badly club treats people, especially round last xmas, f uck you Bell end!!! You shouldn't be airing this view in the media, it should stay within the club!!! Could you imagine any other player at any other club getting away with this?!

He had a decent season last year but we don't need a disrupting prick like this at the club. He's done it at every single club he's been at, so no one should be suprised.

I've said it once before already though. Mancini uses the media as well where he's dropping hints about player's potentially not being in the 25 man squad. Than Bellamy does it and is a tosser? The example is not bad players like Robinho, the example is being set from the top. This is my biggest gripe with Mancini is that he's constantly putting shit out in the media about how he feels about players. His opinion of a player should never leave the dressing room, let alone appear in quotes in a daily newspaper. Worst man management ever. He had a bad rap at Inter for this exact type of shit.

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