Bellamy's been banned from the club

GStar said:
sweep said:
While Tevez and Bellamy may both have had their differences with the manager, one of them got on with it and still made a fantastic contribution second half of the season, the other went straight back to being the prick he's well known for being while doing virtually fuck all of any note on the pitch.

Excpet have his best season in professional football.

Bellamy has started mouthing off now... since he's been informed we won't be in our 25. I don;t remember anyone calling for his head during the season, infact there were calls for him to be player of the season.

Like i said, hypocrites.
Based on the second half of the season - the half of the season Mancini was here and that most people are discussing in this thread - I can't seriously believe he would have been anybody's player of the season, he was turd. There we plenty of games in that time when he didn't even look like a top flight footballer let alone anybody's player of the year.

I personally came to the opinion (backed up by the fact that he would even consider stepping down a level to play for Cardiff) that he was finished at the top level, so I don't feel remotely hypocritical about being happy to see the back of him.
moomba said:
Don't think it's an issue of Tevez or Bellamy, if any of our players can't work professionally or effectively under the current management they can do one.

In this case, I presume that no matter what feelings Tevez has on Mancini he is prepared to toe the line.

Don't think Bellamy is so it's sayonara and good riddance.

If it was the other way around it would be sayonara Carlos, and good riddance.

Except that is totally arse about face. Bellamy was told he wasn't going to be in the 25 man squad and then threw his toys out of the pram. Nothing to do with Bellamy towing anyone's lines...I'm sure if Carlos had been told he wasn't going to be in the 25 man squad he'd also have some pretty choice things to say about the Italian...
Dunno if it has already been mentioned on this thread, but isn't the Bellamy situation a product of the new 25 player rule? From Bellamy's point of view, as the end of August looms, if you think you are going to miss the 25 you have to engineer a move sooner rather than later - or your options reduce and you're potentially left to choose over a few scraps? It seems to me a simple case of an employer's and employee's interest diverging - with no way to bring them back into line. I think if there were no chance of Bellers making the 25, he would've been on his way already. But the club wanted to keep him hanging around until all incoming transfers completed and he was deffo not in 25. This is in the club's interest. For Bellers on the other hand, being told on August 25th that you are not in the 25 but City have arranged a nice loan deal with West Brom is a bad thing so you'd want to push for an earlier exit.
I don't get all this 'difficult player' / Mancini standoff stuff. I like to believe to club isn't run like a school playground. If City don't / didn't get in the transfer targets they wanted, Bellamy would have made the 25 and played in games. As it is, he understandably did not want to hang around waiting and has separated himself from the club in his own inimitable way. I think that if it were not for the 25 player rule, Bellamy would have stayed at least until Jan to see how it panned out. Of course, you might think Mancini should have had Bellers in the 25 anyway, but that's a different issue.
So how can you claim the club is faultless and the blame solely Bellamy's?

Can't you see the contradiction here?

You're tubthumping mate, pure and simple, if I'm honest.

Hang on a minute, its been well documented and proven what Bellamy has done wrong. Do I have to list it a hundred times ? No speculation there.

Then you speculate as to bad man management etc from the club and manager - no proof at all.

So wheres the contradiction ? You keep saying the club and manager are also at fault its the way they handled the situation but wheres the proof apart from Bellamy (who has done this at every club he has played for and is a proven liar) and your speculation and conjecture. I keep asking for more details you keep skirting the issue and comming out with this, well the club must also be at fault, they didnt put an arm round him say he wasnt, loved in the plans etc etc etc...

We have proof of what Bellamy has done but not for your Accusations against Mancini and the club.

As others have pointed out you back the club and the manager - not the player as some seem to be doing on here. Players come and go but the club is always there well thats the traditional belief of most supporters.

Bellamy wont be allowed to go to an opposition club becuase we paid big money for him and he has quite clearly casued the problem. He has forced himself out not the other way round. So why should he have his cake and eat it after all the trouble he has caused ?

Dave and Gstar fine you back bellamy you think the club is wrong but at least come out and say it, dont try and justify what he has done and how he has behaved by saying there are 2 sides to every story - when in fact you are speculating as to what the club has and has not done to provoke his actions.

Thats whats winding people up almost as much as the way Bellamy has behaved, some fans saying his behaviour is acceeptable and that the club and manager are equally at fault for what has happened.
sweep said:
Based on the second half of the season - the half of the season Mancini was here and that most people are discussing in this thread - I can't seriously believe he would have been anybody's player of the season, he was turd. There we plenty of games in that time when he didn't even look like a top flight footballer let alone anybody's player of the year.

I personally came to the opinion (backed up by the fact that he would even consider stepping down a level to play for Cardiff) that he was finished at the top level, so I don't feel remotely hypocritical about being happy to see the back of him.

Think thats a bit harsh to be fair, i'd dig up the threads if i had the time...

Its never been about keeping Bellamy for me, its been about how we've treated players who we deem surplus to requirements.
squirtyflower said:
Dhenry said:
Not trying to contrast their actions at all - I'm only pointing out that Tevez has changed his tune, Bellamy has kept on stirring things up.

In fact, I'd say "Me or Mancini" by Tevez would be a good example of my point - being that it's now 2010/11 and we still have both. I'm inclined to believe you, as I feel it benefits my statement of Tevez coming around to Mancini's ideas and work ethic.

Unlike Bellamy. Mancini said he was unsure of his future at the start of preseason - there was his chance to prove that they could work together and that personal differences do not mean a working relationship cannot be maintained. But Bellamy, to me, took the easy way out, and instead of being a part of something big here at City, he'll go play lower league football. Hardly a herculean decision fitting for a hero, is it?
wrong wrong wrong and wrong again

both tevez and bellamy were in the same rocking boat last season as they saw mancini's tenure being ended
when the manager was given the nod to continue, both players have kept their heads down and waited
during the pre-season bellamy said fuck all, he did speak out though last week when he was informed he wouldn't be in the 25
do you really believe tevez would have kept quiet if he wasn't in the 25?
the real difference between the two is their worth to mancini
bellamy worked his balls off last year, was outspoken (as he always is) and has been rewarded with the cold shoulder
tevez has done exactly the same but with the captain's arm band

i'm not saying bellamy is right, or that we should keep him, but GStar is right that we should look at the bigger picture and those calling him a twat are hypocrites

Chicken and egg question - did Bellamy hit out first or did Mancini say he wouldn't feature in the 25 first?

I am convinced - having followed the story thoroughly throughout the summer - that Mancini did not make a decision and allowed Bellamy an opportunity to prove his worth in the summer, and the decision was only announced a day after Bellamy's spiteful comments in the press.

From a purely logical perspective, why not "ban" or get rid of a player you know is dangerous when unhappy before the preseason starts, if you already made your mind up? Why take him for a 2 week tour of the US when your working relationship with him is done? Nothing was decided, Bellamy made the decision with his own actions. And that's why he's a twat and I'm not a hypocrite. And I'm sticking by that:)
alera said:
So how can you claim the club is faultless and the blame solely Bellamy's?

Can't you see the contradiction here?

You're tubthumping mate, pure and simple, if I'm honest.

Hang on a minute, its been well documented and proven what Bellamy has done wrong. DO I have to list it a hundred times. No speculation there.

THen you speculate as to bad man management etc from the club and manager - no proof at all.

So wheres teh contradiction. We have proof of what Bellamy has done but not from from Accusations against Mancini and the club.

As others have pointed out you back the club and the manager - not the player as some seem to be doing on here. PLayers come and go bu the club is always there well thats the traditional belief of most supporters.

Bellamy wont be allowed to go to an oppositoin colub becuase we paid big money for him and he has quite clearly casued the problem. SO why should he have his cake and eat it.

Dave and Gstar fine you back bellamy you think the club is wrong but at least come out and say it dont try and justify what he has done and how he has behaved by saying there are 2 sides to evry story - when in fact you are speculating as to what the club has and has not done to provoke his actions.

Thats whats winding people up almost as much as the way Bellamy has behaved.

The fact that you can't see the total contradiction in what you're saying makes me suspect you haven't thought things through properly and DD is right in saying you're tubthumping...

Do you have proof that Bellamy said anything to Moyes after the Everton game?
Do you have proof that Bellamy's high five to Rednapp after the Spurs game was anything different to Carlos greeting his rag ex-teammates after both the derbies?

Answer to both of those questions is no. So the only thing you can actually point to as any proof of dissent from Bellamy is the interview he gave last week AFTER he was told he wasn't going to be in the 25 man squad.

Most of the bile aimed at Bellers is revisionist crap from people who have been easily duped by the City PR machine...
squirtyflower said:
Dhenry said:
Not trying to contrast their actions at all - I'm only pointing out that Tevez has changed his tune, Bellamy has kept on stirring things up.

In fact, I'd say "Me or Mancini" by Tevez would be a good example of my point - being that it's now 2010/11 and we still have both. I'm inclined to believe you, as I feel it benefits my statement of Tevez coming around to Mancini's ideas and work ethic.

Unlike Bellamy. Mancini said he was unsure of his future at the start of preseason - there was his chance to prove that they could work together and that personal differences do not mean a working relationship cannot be maintained. But Bellamy, to me, took the easy way out, and instead of being a part of something big here at City, he'll go play lower league football. Hardly a herculean decision fitting for a hero, is it?
wrong wrong wrong and wrong again

both tevez and bellamy were in the same rocking boat last season as they saw mancini's tenure being ended
when the manager was given the nod to continue, both players have kept their heads down and waited
during the pre-season bellamy said fuck all, he did speak out though last week when he was informed he wouldn't be in the 25
do you really believe tevez would have kept quiet if he wasn't in the 25?
the real difference between the two is their worth to mancini
bellamy worked his balls off last year, was outspoken (as he always is) and has been rewarded with the cold shoulder
tevez has done exactly the same but with the captain's arm band

i'm not saying bellamy is right, or that we should keep him, but GStar is right that we should look at the bigger picture and those calling him a twat are hypocrites

Mate he is clearly and Twat and so is Tevez.

The only difference is that Tevez will continue to be our twat and Bellamy will be someone elses twat
I don't know what is really going on but if Bellamy has been keeping his head down and being a professional would Mancini want to get rid of him? And if so why?
BillyShears said:
Answer to both of those questions is no. So the only thing you can actually point to as any proof of dissent from Bellamy is the interview he gave last week AFTER he was told he wasn't going to be in the 25 man squad.

Before. His interview was around the wales match on the wednesday, Mancini announced he wasn't in the squad during the pre-spurs presser on Thursday.

Whether he was told in private before is pure speculation just as much as anything. But as I said just then, he was clearly given a chance to stake his claim of a position in the 25, so I see no reason for the dissent after not putting the effort in. His own lack of commitment led to the situation.

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