Block 544

Didsbury Dave said:
chris85mcfc said:
Selbyblue said:
Stewarding is non-existent. The one by 234 was a young girl probably 20/21. Mind you she was good at holding open the door. Also, replica shirts are banned in club Wembley but when you get inside you can buy retro ones and scarves!

We were having a beer on the concourse about 1pm and there were loads of cleaners walking up and down picking up litter but didn't see any stewards, just your usual jobsworths with a hi viz on saying 'supervisor'.

You'd think they would have learn't their lesson after Millwall last season but i genuinely don't think their interested, as long as the big wigs who run the place have got a decent bottom line at the end of the year their not bothered what goes on during the games.

On the other hand, I can't think of any reason why you would buy a ticket in the opposition end. How can you actually enjoy the occasion when your either sat on your hands all game with your mouth shut, or getting your face pummeled for cheering a goal, surely neither are worth the £200 they paid.

Eh? I've sat in dozens and dozens of opposition ends through the years. I will be doing it in Barcelona next week, along with hundreds of other blues.

If that's your only option that's what you do. But you have to have your wits about you and behave appropriately. Sounds like these tools blew hundreds of quid, got attacked and missed the game. Not their finest hour.

Just saying id find it difficult to sit in the opposition end, especially in a cup final and keep my mouth shut which is why i wouldn't do it.

That's my point tho, what were they expecting? Surely they knew that if they started jumping up and down then they would get attacked and potentially kicked out.
paulchapo said:
warpig said:
You bought the tickets in good faith, fair enough. But when you found out you were to be sat in the city end, did it not cross your mind to have a discreet word with the guy wearing the jester hat and tell him to take it off. I mean, come on. You surely can't all be that naive or stupid to realise which way that was going to end.

Exactly this.If reports i read in that they were taunting City fans more than celebrating the goal are true then they got what they deserved.Supporting your team in another end is one thing,laughing,goading and rubbing their noses in it when you know they are hurting is another.On that note as great as most Sunderland fans were i am glad them mimicking the Poznan after the goal bit them on the arse big time!

In 550 the 15 odd Sunderland fans jumped up en masse and punched the air................... I don't condone violence but come on?!!?
city and sunderland got allocated 31580 tickets each, both clubs sold out easily. Club Wembley has about 14000 seats, this means that there are still 12000 seats approximately in the "allocated areas" not accounted for. Obviously the sponsors and partners all get a good share of tickets, and it's a fair bet that these got sold on to the sunderland fans, but if the tickets did originate from city then it's a very poor show.
In Block 127, about 15 Sunderland sat together. Before the Kick Of, the stewards told them to take off their colours or cover them up. When they scored they all jumped up together, with the inevitable response from some City fans. One big blue lump was waving a small beer bottle at them and screaming after the punches were thrown. When it had calmed down th sunderland fans sat directly in front of him were about 10 years old. What a hero. Oh yes and what dickhead parents for taking them in the City end.
marco said:
what happend to the guy in the jesters hat in the end did he get a smack or chucked out

he defo got chucked out not sure if he got smacked or not tho . He may have been a dick but there is no need for violence not even against him
marco said:
what happend to the guy in the jesters hat in the end did he get a smack or chucked out

he defo got chucked out not sure if he got smacked or not tho . He may have been a dick but there is no need for violence not even against him
SonsOfTheWear said:
you've got nowt Sunderland supporters and never will have

Could you possibly re-arrange those words in to a sentence that makes a bit of fucking sense?

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