Block 544

People moaning about the Mackems jumping up...people moaning about the City fans wanting to kick off with them.....yeah, well, what about the twats who sold their tickets on, surely they're the ones to point the finger at?
There was a bit of biff in 551 just after Sunderland scored , not only did half a dozen celebrate wildly , they then started to goad and take the piss out of blues , not having that . No wonder they got chinned .
Was chatting to people who got tickets from an agency called ticketbis who were selling on seats that had been allocated to 'past players ' for £200 each .
These were £56 face tickets .
KippaxCitizen said:
People moaning about the Mackems jumping up...people moaning about the City fans wanting to kick off with them.....yeah, well, what about the twats who sold their tickets on, surely they're the ones to point the finger at?

They are. If it is someone associated with the club or past player then they should be sacked or named and shamed. It can't be individuals surely as 20 tickets all together is not easy to come by. What is the likelihood of a fan having 20 mates on line who buys 20 seats together and none of his mates wants to go? It's just not believable. It will be one person who had access to 20 tickets and has sold them for his own greed without any thought about the possible consequences.
It's not so much that "…we'll look bad…" that worries me, it is the fact a situation like this could have resulted in real carnage. Substitute City vs Sunderland for say City vs Rags, Leeds vs Rags or Milwall vs West Ham etc - you get the picture.

Some twat has profiteered big time and ruined the day for a gang of Sunderland fans and it could have been a lot bloody worse if the City fans who came charging over had properly piled in en masse - particularly as the stewarding and police presence up there was non-existent.

1) City should look at their guidelines on ticket allocation to see if there is any appropriate action they need to take.
2) City should look at who the tickets were allocated to originally and take whatever action is appropriate.
3) Wembley should look at their stewarding and their guidelines on how to respond to flash points and potential serious incidents.
4) Wembley should look at their stewarding and their guidelines on how to deal with fans in the wrong end (vis the reports of Sunderland fans in their colours openly wandering round our end) and how their safety can be assured.
You bought the tickets in good faith, fair enough. But when you found out you were to be sat in the city end, did it not cross your mind to have a discreet word with the guy wearing the jester hat and tell him to take it off. I mean, come on. You surely can't all be that naive or stupid to realise which way that was going to end.
warpig said:
You bought the tickets in good faith, fair enough. But when you found out you were to be sat in the city end, did it not cross your mind to have a discreet word with the guy wearing the jester hat and tell him to take it off. I mean, come on. You surely can't all be that naive or stupid to realise which way that was going to end.

Exactly this.If reports i read in that they were taunting City fans more than celebrating the goal are true then they got what they deserved.Supporting your team in another end is one thing,laughing,goading and rubbing their noses in it when you know they are hurting is another.On that note as great as most Sunderland fans were i am glad them mimicking the Poznan after the goal bit them on the arse big time!
City have always had a tradition of pitch invasions and pinging opposition fans in our end and that remains to this day ...
The tickets are coming from past players who can't be arsed going and see it as a chance to make a quick buck .
paulchapo said:
warpig said:
You bought the tickets in good faith, fair enough. But when you found out you were to be sat in the city end, did it not cross your mind to have a discreet word with the guy wearing the jester hat and tell him to take it off. I mean, come on. You surely can't all be that naive or stupid to realise which way that was going to end.

Exactly this.If reports i read in that they were taunting City fans more than celebrating the goal are true then they got what they deserved.Supporting your team in another end is one thing,laughing,goading and rubbing their noses in it when you know they are hurting is another.On that note as great as most Sunderland fans were i am glad them mimicking the Poznan after the goal bit them on the arse big time!

Not really taunting the city fans but they went over the top with the celebration which was enough so cause a massive scene, it could have ended a lot worse considering the amount of people it upset..

The worrying thing for me was that there wasn't a single steward in sight and it took 5 mins of being barraged by coins etc for one to come and escort us to a safe place.
warpig said:
You bought the tickets in good faith, fair enough. But when you found out you were to be sat in the city end, did it not cross your mind to have a discreet word with the guy wearing the jester hat and tell him to take it off. I mean, come on. You surely can't all be that naive or stupid to realise which way that was going to end.

Believe you me in going to the kernts door tomorrow morning when I arrive home and he will be giving me my money back like, paid 600 quid for me dad and my brother to have a special day and it was anything but. Shame really..
paulchapo said:
warpig said:
You bought the tickets in good faith, fair enough. But when you found out you were to be sat in the city end, did it not cross your mind to have a discreet word with the guy wearing the jester hat and tell him to take it off. I mean, come on. You surely can't all be that naive or stupid to realise which way that was going to end.

Exactly this.If reports i read in that they were taunting City fans more than celebrating the goal are true then they got what they deserved.Supporting your team in another end is one thing,laughing,goading and rubbing their noses in it when you know they are hurting is another.On that note as great as most Sunderland fans were i am glad them mimicking the Poznan after the goal bit them on the arse big time!

As said before the clown in the jesters had just turned round and goaded the city fans I was 2 rows behind him . Clenched fists and right in our faces . But I dont agree with the violence . He should never have been allowed into our end full stop !!<br /><br />-- Mon Mar 03, 2014 2:44 pm --<br /><br />
paulchapo said:
warpig said:
You bought the tickets in good faith, fair enough. But when you found out you were to be sat in the city end, did it not cross your mind to have a discreet word with the guy wearing the jester hat and tell him to take it off. I mean, come on. You surely can't all be that naive or stupid to realise which way that was going to end.

Exactly this.If reports i read in that they were taunting City fans more than celebrating the goal are true then they got what they deserved.Supporting your team in another end is one thing,laughing,goading and rubbing their noses in it when you know they are hurting is another.On that note as great as most Sunderland fans were i am glad them mimicking the Poznan after the goal bit them on the arse big time!

As said before the clown in the jesters had just turned round and goaded the city fans I was 2 rows behind him . Clenched fists and right in our faces . But I dont agree with the violence . He should never have been allowed into our end full stop !!

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