Block 544

Lots of aggression yesterday from blues on blues, saw the Sunderland fans close to me got what they deserved
Blue Mooner said:
I don't understand how 15-20 Sunderland fans can get tickets all sat together, as that is like a block booking of season card holders. No way individual season card holders would give up their tickets and they all happen to be sat together. The only tickets that get sold in blocks all together are supporters clubs allocations. Is there a rogue SC that has applied for tickets then sold them en masse?

No idea, but the seat no's should be given to the club to be investigated.

You can't say that!! I said that I new of a s/c doing that last year and was wholly berated!!! Tut tut your not allowed to bring s/c into any kind if disrepute

Plus there Are other groups who could have got block bookings, but I know where I'd put my money on them coming from ..
Some of the stuff on here is cringeworthy.

I went to the Calcutta Cup game at Murrayfield recently and to the Premiership final at Twickenham last May. Fans of both countries/clubs sat together with neutrals and it was all good natured without a spot of bother. Just proves that many football fans are complete neanderthals and it's no wonder the police take such a dim view of us.
Prestwich_Blue said:
Some of the stuff on here is cringeworthy. Correct

I went to the Calcutta Cup game at Murrayfield recently and to the Premiership final at Twickenham last May. Fans of both countries/clubs sat together with neutrals and it was all good natured without a spot of bother. Just proves that many football fans are complete neanderthals and it's no wonder the police take such a dim view of us.

Went to OT in the 90's and sat in the home end, jumped up when we nearly scored......belted and chucked out.......lesson learnt as a kid.

How anyone could be so stupid as to take their kid into an opposing end at a football match makes me think that they must have never attended a game before to be so stupid. Why would you do it? If you were such an ardent supporter then you would attend games and come by the way of tickets in the appropriate manner.

As a parent then I would never risk taking my son or daughter into an away end at a football.

As for the comparison with rugby then it is generally a grass pitch played with a ball, and officials - comparisons end there!
Prestwich_Blue said:
Some of the stuff on here is cringeworthy.

I went to the Calcutta Cup game at Murrayfield recently and to the Premiership final at Twickenham last May. Fans of both countries/clubs sat together with neutrals and it was all good natured without a spot of bother. Just proves that many football fans are complete neanderthals and it's no wonder the police take such a dim view of us.

you just won't get that in football unless you ban the people who still believe that they should be able to go to the match like it's the 70s/80s.

The problem at Wembley is that very different types of fan are sat together and it makes it dangerous and unpleasant for all the bystanders, especially the elderly and families.

It's just not on in football for away fans to be in a home end, I don't even like it at The Etihad in corporate where they jump up and down like idiots, you support at football in a very different way to rugby but that's because the whole culture of the game is different. The culture the game breeds allows this to happen and I also believe the pack mentality and "we're in this together" mentality that has come from everything that happened in the 70s/80s, and the belief of many fans that they are still fighting the establishment means that these problems are going to continue to manifest themselves.

Ultimately it's going to take a kid or somebody innocent getting seriously hurt as the result of a scuffle for action to be taken, and all that will happen is that the book will be thrown at football fans and the problem will continue to get worse.
I was in 543 with my wife, 5 year old son and we saw the trouble in 544. There were a few Mackems jumped up literally 3 rows in front (in full Sunderland colours) but then, as is said on here, there was a huge piling of blues charging towards them. It didn't look like it came to blows, just a lot of pushing and shoving. The majority of the blues were just fuming that they were in our end and started to celebrate and we're screaming for them to "get the fuck out". What was worse, they didn't even celebrate looking at the pitch - instead turned round to piss all the rest of us blues off. The stewards were non existent for a good 5 minutes by which time there was chaos but the Sunderland fans refused the leave. After more blues got involved the stewards eventually arrived to eject one of them, only for him to turn back up 5 minutes later and try to site down again - so it all erupted again.

Then, again as has been posted on here, once the coast was clear blues started turning on blues and on our row one lads 14 year old son was getting a gob full from a 30 something blue - more kick off with the lads dad and the other bloke. Luckily everything calmed down but we had a few kids, 10 and under, in tears around us. A real shame that shit like this has ruined some peoples days and ultimately on what should be a day of celebration and another trophy for our cabinet!

Absolute joke by the staffing at Wembley not to act quicker and to allow these nobs in our end wearing Sunderland colours.
Should have a few blocks for families at Wembley. Surely wouldn't be that hard to do. Maybe a section for pissheads and coke addicts and one for fighters and then everyone would be happy!

Some women near us was moaning about the swearing all game. It's a football match! What do you expect?
Prestwich_Blue said:
Some of the stuff on here is cringeworthy.

I went to the Calcutta Cup game at Murrayfield recently and to the Premiership final at Twickenham last May. Fans of both countries/clubs sat together with neutrals and it was all good natured without a spot of bother. Just proves that many football fans are complete neanderthals and it's no wonder the police take such a dim view of us.

and just to set the record straight PB, the vast majority of City fans are decent and good natured people too. And over my lifetime I have seen plenty of bad behaviour from middle class rugby union fans as well
Prestwich_Blue said:
Some of the stuff on here is cringeworthy.

I went to the Calcutta Cup game at Murrayfield recently and to the Premiership final at Twickenham last May. Fans of both countries/clubs sat together with neutrals and it was all good natured without a spot of bother. Just proves that many football fans are complete neanderthals and it's no wonder the police take such a dim view of us.

Each sport has its own fan culture and mentality and to compare the two is just empty idealism.

Football will never have supporters peacefully mixing together within a ground or at least not without the underlying threat of it all kicking off at some point. That's just the way it is sadly.

You might as well have said "Why the need for a moshpit at an Anthrax gig? I went to see Celine Dion last week and everyone sat there perfectly respectfully throughout"
DortmundDummy said:
DortmundDummy said:
GaudinosWheels said:
This was in the row in front of me. A group of Sunderland fans started celebrating when they scored and received the obvious invitation to move on. Soon turned really nasty and it was mainly Blues that we're escalating it I'm sorry to say. Really sad thing was that loads of wannabe hard men saw what was happening and came rushing down from many rows back to get involved. Idiotic from the Sunderland fans to celebrate that wildly in our end but the reaction from some Blues was well over the top. Grown men fighting at a Cup final (or any game!) is fuckin pathetic!
They wanted a reaction and got it, unfortunate for them they came unstuck. I watched the game in the Printworks and had two sat behind me cheering every move from Sunderland, I was very very close to lamping the big fat ugly twat who HAD A GO AT ME when City equalised, my wife and daughter stopped me from flying in, other City fans in there aplauded me standing up to the c**ts.. They
got turfed in the end and I had a pat on the back from other blues and plenty of kisses off the city girls in there, and even a united fan (said i should have hit them) was on our side, after it all calmed down it turns out the knobs were pissed up aussies trying to be clever, I think they may be a little quieter next time in manchester, MY last words were its Partizan in Manchester fuck off.
actually i find it pathetic that people are scared of their own shadows and can`t stand up for them selves... weak people these days.

Will the real Danny Dyer please stand up.

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