Bluemoon Angling Thread

I have been guilty of this myself, on that river too,and its at those times that the old angling adage "I will be glad when ive had enough of this" springs to mind.

Haha made me laugh, To be fair I can say I have had those thoughts on airfields, football grounds, to name a couple, infact when i woke up at my usual 7am and discovered it was pissing down fucked it right off went back to bed and have only just got up and its still at it. I doubt I will get throught the day now without consulting Ryanair because of it!
Cheers DD. Newman is on the Wye as we speak. I have DM'd him to see how he is getting on.

Fuck me ! Arrived on Monday to see the Wye at the lowest I've ever seen it. Pitched camp out of sight and met up with John Bailey who was prepping for Whitehouse & Mortimer. It was obvious the fish were going to be very spooky though.

Next day, 16th, hung around to meet W&M who had an entourage of 12 vehicles including catering. Fortunately it was dry but very hard going. We pissed off to another stretch where I didn't get a bite. Came back in the evening and caught lots of chub and the odd barbel where they had been fishing. Always happens late on in those conditions.

That night it pissed down hence why the river was browning up. W& M were filming again and JB came down to bait up so my mate showed him the best swim below our camp. I won't say what happened because you can watch it in October.

I blanked again but caught loads again in the evening from the swim they had been filming in.

Pissed down all night and river was rising rapidly. I spent two hours trotting and had loads of chub, small barbel and a decent one. My first on float. You had to float fish though as there was so much weed coming down. In the end, we were wet to the bone, faced with more soaking, another wet night in a tent and decided to sack it off.

So, out of the four fishing days we'd booked, we let W&M fish the best swims for two days and then went home on the third morning. Disappointing but at least there were plenty of fish about including one or two salmon though my mate didn't catch one.
Fuck me ! Arrived on Monday to see the Wye at the lowest I've ever seen it. Pitched camp out of sight and met up with John Bailey who was prepping for Whitehouse & Mortimer. It was obvious the fish were going to be very spooky though.

Next day, 16th, hung around to meet W&M who had an entourage of 12 vehicles including catering. Fortunately it was dry but very hard going. We pissed off to another stretch where I didn't get a bite. Came back in the evening and caught lots of chub and the odd barbel where they had been fishing. Always happens late on in those conditions.

That night it pissed down hence why the river was browning up. W& M were filming again and JB came down to bait up so my mate showed him the best swim below our camp. I won't say what happened because you can watch it in October.

I blanked again but caught loads again in the evening from the swim they had been filming in.

Pissed down all night and river was rising rapidly. I spent two hours trotting and had loads of chub, small barbel and a decent one. My first on float. You had to float fish though as there was so much weed coming down. In the end, we were wet to the bone, faced with more soaking, another wet night in a tent and decided to sack it off.

So, out of the four fishing days we'd booked, we let W&M fish the best swims for two days and then went home on the third morning. Disappointing but at least there were plenty of fish about including one or two salmon though my mate didn't catch one.

Soooo jealous! Despite the weather conditions, sounds like an amazing experience. Can't wait to watch in October. A barbel on a float set up! That must have been quite an experience as well!!
Fuck me ! Arrived on Monday to see the Wye at the lowest I've ever seen it. Pitched camp out of sight and met up with John Bailey who was prepping for Whitehouse & Mortimer. It was obvious the fish were going to be very spooky though.

Next day, 16th, hung around to meet W&M who had an entourage of 12 vehicles including catering. Fortunately it was dry but very hard going. We pissed off to another stretch where I didn't get a bite. Came back in the evening and caught lots of chub and the odd barbel where they had been fishing. Always happens late on in those conditions.

That night it pissed down hence why the river was browning up. W& M were filming again and JB came down to bait up so my mate showed him the best swim below our camp. I won't say what happened because you can watch it in October.

I blanked again but caught loads again in the evening from the swim they had been filming in.

Pissed down all night and river was rising rapidly. I spent two hours trotting and had loads of chub, small barbel and a decent one. My first on float. You had to float fish though as there was so much weed coming down. In the end, we were wet to the bone, faced with more soaking, another wet night in a tent and decided to sack it off.

So, out of the four fishing days we'd booked, we let W&M fish the best swims for two days and then went home on the third morning. Disappointing but at least there were plenty of fish about including one or two salmon though my mate didn't catch one.
And did you meet Bob!
Only briefly. Had more exchanges with Paul Whitehouse and John Bailey both of whom were fantastic with us. I think Bob is a more "complex" character.
Is that right. Bloody hell. I’d hoped you would say he is just as likeable, mad, funny in real life.
Anyway, you caught plenty fish in the evenings which was good. Where were you? Near Ross?

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