Bluemoon Angling Thread

Amazing day on the river, caught a lot of trout. A mayfly hatch had them eating like crazy. The river was really low and the boat spooked them from a long way off, ended up throwing small flies (16-18 weight) way far ahead of the boat, literally hitting line backing.
Never done any coarse fishing apart from a bit of pole fishing with my Dad when I was a youngster, I do a fair bit of sea fishing but always kept it simple, my little lad has this week been pestering for me to take him to do a bit on a lake after seeing some youtube videos so I've promised to get the basics and take him before he starts back at school.

What do I need as far as a rod and reel? I'm thinking keep it traditional and just go for a float setup, I've been through all my sea fishing gear and somewhere over time I've picked up a random John Wilson avon rod (with quiver tips) is this any good for what I want paired with a cheap reel? I'm still going to get the lad a cheap rod and reel either way.

Thanks for any help, it will be much appreciated.

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