Bluemoon Fitness Thread

You won't get much sympathy from most since they won't be able to relate, but I can. You may want to try whey protein powders right after weight workouts. I do this as does my son who is also your exact build. It's helping some but the bottom line is he is just going to have a wiry frame until he is about 21-25. At that point, if he keeps working out his body will respond as he would want.
I do have protein shakes after gym workouts & don't do any cardio apart from the occasional row when I'm there. Cheers for the advice
I do have protein shakes after gym workouts & don't do any cardio apart from the occasional row when I'm there. Cheers for the advice

Mix your protein shakes with milk instead of water. If you have a nutri bullet or similar, add peanut butter, banana and some oats. That'll give you those gains in no time at all mate.
Mix your protein shakes with milk instead of water. If you have a nutri bullet or similar, add peanut butter, banana and some oats. That'll give you those gains in no time at all mate.

Also, if you want to bulk up, lift heavier. If it means less reps, so be it. But you probably arent breaking down muscle tissue enough to stimulate muscle growth if you arent seeing results with all you are doing.
If you're talking manboobs and flabs then you'll have to change your diet and add cardio. Bench press, incline press, and pec flyes are great for chest.

Yeah mate.
Man boobs and my belly / love handles.
I've been tracking my progress over the last few months and can notice it going down slightly.

Been running a hell of a lot on the treadmill.
Aswell as the step machine.
On the treadmill I've been doing intervals of sprinting and then jogging, and alternating.
I'd say my diet is pretty decent.

Breakfast - boiled or poached eggs.
But there's times where I don't really feel up to eating first thing in the morning, so I'll have a slim fast shake or another meal replacement shake just to get something in my system.

Lunch - have tried recently to make my lunch my main meal of the day. Having it around 2/3pm and having steak/ chicken / other kind of meats that are high in protein and low in carbohydrates. For example today I had some steak and Broccoli / cauliflower.

Tea - usually work lates most days of the week so I won't get my break in work until about 7pm, so I'll generally just have something light, like a salad, or another meal replacement shake.

Used to be really really bad for eating late on at night which was my main problem, there'd be times when I'd get home from work at 10pm and have a full meal, which goes without saying, isnt the wisest thing to do.
So I'm not eating anything after 7pm at the moment which is going pretty well.
I've always been a big drinker of water, so that's not an issue.
I've cut out sugary drinks, not that I drunk a lot anyway. Only mainly fruit juices really that I had.
Not eaten bread or pasta or rice or anything high in carbs for quite a while now either?

Snacking wise if I get hungry in the day I'll usually have some beef jerky, or after I've had a session in the gym I'll usually have a protein nutrition bar, or a protein shake.
Yeah mate.
Man boobs and my belly / love handles.
I've been tracking my progress over the last few months and can notice it going down slightly.

Been running a hell of a lot on the treadmill.
Aswell as the step machine.
On the treadmill I've been doing intervals of sprinting and then jogging, and alternating.
I'd say my diet is pretty decent.

Breakfast - boiled or poached eggs.
But there's times where I don't really feel up to eating first thing in the morning, so I'll have a slim fast shake or another meal replacement shake just to get something in my system.

Lunch - have tried recently to make my lunch my main meal of the day. Having it around 2/3pm and having steak/ chicken / other kind of meats that are high in protein and low in carbohydrates. For example today I had some steak and Broccoli / cauliflower.

Tea - usually work lates most days of the week so I won't get my break in work until about 7pm, so I'll generally just have something light, like a salad, or another meal replacement shake.

Used to be really really bad for eating late on at night which was my main problem, there'd be times when I'd get home from work at 10pm and have a full meal, which goes without saying, isnt the wisest thing to do.
So I'm not eating anything after 7pm at the moment which is going pretty well.
I've always been a big drinker of water, so that's not an issue.
I've cut out sugary drinks, not that I drunk a lot anyway. Only mainly fruit juices really that I had.
Not eaten bread or pasta or rice or anything high in carbs for quite a while now either?

Snacking wise if I get hungry in the day I'll usually have some beef jerky, or after I've had a session in the gym I'll usually have a protein nutrition bar, or a protein shake.
Danny, good luck in your endeavours. Just popped on here for a look. Dunno why, maybe my skitz is telling me to get healthy. Really though, we all know what we need to do. Samir knows what he needs to do. It's just doing it that separates us.
Yeah mate.
Man boobs and my belly / love handles.
I've been tracking my progress over the last few months and can notice it going down slightly.

Been running a hell of a lot on the treadmill.
Aswell as the step machine.
On the treadmill I've been doing intervals of sprinting and then jogging, and alternating.
I'd say my diet is pretty decent.

Breakfast - boiled or poached eggs.
But there's times where I don't really feel up to eating first thing in the morning, so I'll have a slim fast shake or another meal replacement shake just to get something in my system.

Lunch - have tried recently to make my lunch my main meal of the day. Having it around 2/3pm and having steak/ chicken / other kind of meats that are high in protein and low in carbohydrates. For example today I had some steak and Broccoli / cauliflower.

Tea - usually work lates most days of the week so I won't get my break in work until about 7pm, so I'll generally just have something light, like a salad, or another meal replacement shake.

Used to be really really bad for eating late on at night which was my main problem, there'd be times when I'd get home from work at 10pm and have a full meal, which goes without saying, isnt the wisest thing to do.
So I'm not eating anything after 7pm at the moment which is going pretty well.
I've always been a big drinker of water, so that's not an issue.
I've cut out sugary drinks, not that I drunk a lot anyway. Only mainly fruit juices really that I had.
Not eaten bread or pasta or rice or anything high in carbs for quite a while now either?

Snacking wise if I get hungry in the day I'll usually have some beef jerky, or after I've had a session in the gym I'll usually have a protein nutrition bar, or a protein shake.
Good for you mate. I think you are well on your way based on this description of your diet and exercise habits. Absolutely cut out white breads or anything like them, and sugar as you're said. Once you shed a few pounds, start hitting the weights to build some muscle.
Good for you mate. I think you are well on your way based on this description of your diet and exercise habits. Absolutely cut out white breads or anything like them, and sugar as you're said. Once you shed a few pounds, start hitting the weights to build some muscle.

Cheers fellas.
I've dropped over 2 stone now.
Just need to get this belly down and man boons down a bit haha
Cheers fellas.
I've dropped over 2 stone now.
Just need to get this belly down and man boons down a bit haha

Keep doing what you are doing and it will fall off. The more you do, the more intensity you'll add to your workouts and that'll lead to more improvement. I dropped 5 stone 3 years back over a 7 month spell and was in decent shape but fell back into bad habits. Thankfully this time round I'm only having to drop 3 stone, 2 of which are off.

Keep it up buddy.

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