Boateng to Bayern

Glad hes gone. Couldnt be arsed playing last season just because he was playing right back not centre back. He immediately thought he was good enough to play week in week out and it turned out hes shit where ever he plays. THen starts running his mouth telling us to sell him, what a twat. GOod riddance Jerome be good playing in the Europa League next season
niall_mcfc said:
Glad hes gone. Couldnt be arsed playing last season just because he was playing right back not centre back. He immediately thought he was good enough to play week in week out and it turned out hes shit where ever he plays. THen starts running his mouth telling us to sell him, what a twat. GOod riddance Jerome be good playing in the Europa League next season

Hahaha, as sure as night follows day, an ex-player becomes " a twat".
Didsbury Dave said:
niall_mcfc said:
Glad hes gone. Couldnt be arsed playing last season just because he was playing right back not centre back. He immediately thought he was good enough to play week in week out and it turned out hes shit where ever he plays. THen starts running his mouth telling us to sell him, what a twat. GOod riddance Jerome be good playing in the Europa League next season

Hahaha, as sure as night follows day, an ex-player becomes " a twat".

Here we go. If you look through my posts you'll see ive never rated Boateng. The guy is a twat if he wants to run his mouth at every opportunity. If he'd kept it shut then fine good luck at Bayern but he didnt. Also didnt help that when he played for us he didnt give a shit and didnt try.
Didsbury Dave said:
niall_mcfc said:
Glad hes gone. Couldnt be arsed playing last season just because he was playing right back not centre back. He immediately thought he was good enough to play week in week out and it turned out hes shit where ever he plays. THen starts running his mouth telling us to sell him, what a twat. GOod riddance Jerome be good playing in the Europa League next season

Hahaha, as sure as night follows day, an ex-player becomes " a twat".
Indeed. Sometimes BM functions like clockwork.
Didsbury Dave said:
niall_mcfc said:
Glad hes gone. Couldnt be arsed playing last season just because he was playing right back not centre back. He immediately thought he was good enough to play week in week out and it turned out hes shit where ever he plays. THen starts running his mouth telling us to sell him, what a twat. GOod riddance Jerome be good playing in the Europa League next season

Hahaha, as sure as night follows day, an ex-player becomes " a twat".

Section 233 Paragraph 4 don't forget ;)
Said at the beginning of the thread he'd be gone for a compromise fee of about 12mil.

I'm getting good at this....
Never rated Boateng either and really quite pleased to see him go as I know we can do much much better. A complete non-event and one of those players that I will forget even played for us after a while. He and Kolarov were meant to be significant cogs in our wheel and critical to RM's preferred formation but simply weren't up to it. At least AK put some effort in.

Good riddance.
Andouble said:
LoveCity said:
Can it really be official before he passes his medical? He's still in L.A. so has to get to Bavaria, etc.

it's on the Bayern OS, saying medical is basically all that stands in the way.

Best of luck Jerome, though I, Mario, and Silva hope you start when we play your new lot in the CL this season :)

Didn't he break his toe whilst sat on an aeroplane?

*puts money on him failing medical*
Boots_ said:
Andouble said:
LoveCity said:
Can it really be official before he passes his medical? He's still in L.A. so has to get to Bavaria, etc.

it's on the Bayern OS, saying medical is basically all that stands in the way.

Best of luck Jerome, though I, Mario, and Silva hope you start when we play your new lot in the CL this season :)

Didn't he break his toe whilst sat on an aeroplane?

*puts money on him failing medical*

Busted his knee on a tea trolley, I think it was. Never made any notable contributions - and turned out to be a whiny little runt in the end. Glad to see him go.

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