Booing Tevez?

so just a quick question to all those that are thinking of booing.........e.g. its 0-0 against qpr last game of the season, you realise the rags have just won there game to take them 2 points clear, tevez is through on goal, would you boo then and put him off?.........i didnt think so, the past is the past, if mancini picks him then its for a reason, not to get booed but cos he thinks he can help us in a game, lets get behind all our players that are on the pitch, even if that means tevez
Zmajuga said:
r.soleofsalford said:
It would be better if there was just total deathly silence when his name was read out if he plays, then huge cheers for the rest of the boys

Absolutely right. By booing him we will degrade ourselves to his level.

Let us all be gentlemen and let him hear the voice of silence.
I agree with this 100%. Tevez has been great for City the last couple of years and he has helped get us to where we are now but I will never forgive him for the way he has behaved the last few months. The sooner we get rid of him, the better.
Despise him. Don't want him in the sacred Blue. But as much as it galls me, if he does then I will support the team. No booing from me and hopefully everyone else in the ground will do the same.

MCFC is more important than Tevez and supporting MCFC is the most important thing.

It's only a matter of 3 months or so before he is consigned to our history rather than our future.
I said in another post that if he does play when he scores ill be singing mancini's name so no booing from me leave that to them wankers across the road ..
The problem with booing Tevez is that it will obviously affect him on the pitch in a negative and demoralising way which will then, undoubtedly, affect the team. The LAST thing we want.

Of course Tevez has done wrong, in a big, big way ... but remember, the booing will be heard by the entire team, not just Tevez ... and when you're talking about the brilliant team spirit we now have, do you seriously think the others won't be affected by it?

Find another way to let Tevez know how you feel or you might just be cutting your nose off to spite your face.
jimmy_mcfc_78 said:
so just a quick question to all those that are thinking of booing.........e.g. its 0-0 against qpr last game of the season, you realise the rags have just won there game to take them 2 points clear, tevez is through on goal, would you boo then and put him off?.........i didnt think so, the past is the past, if mancini picks him then its for a reason, not to get booed but cos he thinks he can help us in a game, lets get behind all our players that are on the pitch, even if that means tevez
I agree with your sentiment I dont like booing any City player. However I cant fully trust Tevez to play for the team particularly against a Hughes team. IMO he has only allowed an apology to be issued so he can be considered for Argentina and to get him to leave in summer.
Booing Tevez will disrupt the team who will accept his apology and move on , which as a group of fans is what we need to do !!
I'm not going to boo him, not because I feel it would be unwarrented, but because it has the potential to have a negative effect on City and the game in question. I won't be cheering him though, he'll be met by a stoney silence from myself. The difficulty will come when (or if) he scores a goal, especially if it's a key one in an important fixture. From a personal perspective I'll never be happy that Tevez has scored, however from a City perspective I'll never be disappointed/unhappy that the team has scored/won a game. I can't honestly say I know how I'll react. If I was to guess I think I'll celebrate, albeit in a more subdued manner than normal.
Continual booing of one player will be seen in a negative light by some other players, possibly the whole team.

If you support City, support City.

Tevez can wait, im sure our paths will cross again in the future.

But you boo a player and you as fans might just help United to the title!

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