Boris Johnson's Popularity

Markt85 said:
Having worked in London for 10 years i'd say since he become Mayor the transport system has improved loads, getting rid of the bendy buses straight away, the bikes have been a success, central London is not congested like it once was, he is working on improving the Tube system and the Crossrail project will be a huge success.

The London Olympics was also a huge success and Boris played a major role, he negotiated with the Goverment £15 million to provide funding for jobs and training before and after the Games. The money will go into three different projects over the next three years - the ‘Host Boroughs’, ‘Construction Employer Accord’ and the ‘2012 Employment Legacy’ - helping unemployed Londoners get into work and start earning again.

Since hes been in power, the crime rate in London has dramatically decreased down by 8.2% since 2008, youth crime is down 15% and robberies 21%, you also see more police patrolling the streets - London is safer thanks to him.

There is loads more achievements he has done since being mayor - But if you would rather ignore them and just call him a 'bumbling baffoon playing an act' or Bluemoon style 'hes a c*nt' then so be it.

Bollocks. The 2012 Olympic Games were all David Beckham's doing, I thought everyone knew that.
The cookie monster said:
inchy14 said:
The cookie monster said:
What a fucking horrible individual..As bad as kelvin Mckenzie.

Mr Johnson caused uproar eight years ago after stating the reaction to Ken Bigley’s murder in Iraq had given rise to “mawkish sentimentality” in Liverpool.

The editorial in the Spectator magazine, edited by Mr Johnson, read: "[Liverpudlians] see themselves whenever possible as victims, and resent their victim status; yet at the same time they wallow in it."

Making explicit reference to the Hillsborough tragedy, it said the city of Liverpool failed to acknowledge "the part played in the disaster by drunken fans at the back of the crowd who mindlessly tried to fight their way into the ground."

The piece added: "The police became a convenient scapegoat, and the Sun newspaper a whipping-boy for daring, albeit in a tasteless fashion, to hint at the wider causes of the incident."

Later in 2004, Mr Johnson paid a visit to Liverpool in an attempt to build bridges and say sorry for the remarks.

Views he seems to share with 90% of this forum, at least he's got his finger on the pulse.

Can you point me to the thread where 90% of bluemooners have stated this happened

We do all say they love being victims though, Candlelight vigils and alike are common place remarks in Liverpool threads
mcfcnorthstand said:
If you look at the "Boris Being Mobbed" statement by the media. it was just, cameras, photographers, reporters mobbing him, i,e the media.

Largely because they wish to create a similar scenario to that which existed between Blair and Brown. They want to depict Johnson as PM designate and most of his sentences will provide them with copy of some kind. It's the kind of lazy journalism that Nick Robinson employed for years.
I go to London on a weekly basis and do think he's made a real difference there. I don't care if he has a posh voice or comes across as a bumbling toff. Judging him like that is a type of prejudice that is far too acceptable on Bluemoon. There is an annoying predictability that so many posters here would judge a politician on personality traits rather than the substance of their work.
The cookie monster said:
inchy14 said:
The cookie monster said:
What a fucking horrible individual..As bad as kelvin Mckenzie.

Mr Johnson caused uproar eight years ago after stating the reaction to Ken Bigley’s murder in Iraq had given rise to “mawkish sentimentality” in Liverpool.

The editorial in the Spectator magazine, edited by Mr Johnson, read: "[Liverpudlians] see themselves whenever possible as victims, and resent their victim status; yet at the same time they wallow in it."

Making explicit reference to the Hillsborough tragedy, it said the city of Liverpool failed to acknowledge "the part played in the disaster by drunken fans at the back of the crowd who mindlessly tried to fight their way into the ground."

The piece added: "The police became a convenient scapegoat, and the Sun newspaper a whipping-boy for daring, albeit in a tasteless fashion, to hint at the wider causes of the incident."

Later in 2004, Mr Johnson paid a visit to Liverpool in an attempt to build bridges and say sorry for the remarks.

Views he seems to share with 90% of this forum, at least he's got his finger on the pulse.

Can you point me to the thread where 90% of bluemooners have stated this happened
AT the time of his employee writing it I am sure there were.
Gabriel said:
mammutly said:
He's a big personality and famous. He would probably win X Factor.
He's popular for being popular. That, sadly, is the entire answer to your question.

Not sure I agree with that bit. He's more astute than many in the media give him credit and certainly intellectually more capable than the image painted of him as a buffoon and toff. He's ferociously self-aggrandising, I grant you, but he manages to be so in a manner that somehow finds genuine appeal with the core constituents in the south of England, and they often decide who will lead the Conservatives.

Too true. People can slag him of if they want, because of his background, but the guy is highly intelligent, actually has a sense of humor and unlike DC is capable of conversing with people, regardless of their background. Personally, if it was a toss up to having him backing me up in a punch in the Whalley, or Joey Barton, I would rather have Boris.
VOOMER said:
Gabriel said:
mammutly said:
He's a big personality and famous. He would probably win X Factor.
He's popular for being popular. That, sadly, is the entire answer to your question.

Not sure I agree with that bit. He's more astute than many in the media give him credit and certainly intellectually more capable than the image painted of him as a buffoon and toff. He's ferociously self-aggrandising, I grant you, but he manages to be so in a manner that somehow finds genuine appeal with the core constituents in the south of England, and they often decide who will lead the Conservatives.

Too true. People can slag him of if they want, because of his background, but the guy is highly intelligent, actually has a sense of humor and unlike DC is capable of conversing with people, regardless of their background. Personally, if it was a toss up to having him backing me up in a punch in the Whalley, or Joey Barton, I would rather have Boris.

I fucking wouldn't.
The Bullingdon bullshitter would be phoning his chauffeur and off like a shot.
So he got a first in classics and has a sense of humour.
Pol Pot probably had a stock of great one-liners too.
He's still a prat,and I don't give a fuck if a bunch of dim cockneys prattle on about him sorting the underground out.
Mussolini made the trains run on time,and he was a **** as well.
I don't hate him for being a toff - I hate him because he is a prick.
It's that simple.
No class war,no smoke,no mirrors.
Why a bunch of working class/middle class northerners are falling over themselves to welcome him to their bosom simply baffles me.

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