Bread buttered or not

People who don't butter bread are just cheap bastards. My son in law made me a bacon butty the other day and the cheap Yorkshire bastard only buttered one slice of the butty.
How fucking cheap do you have to be to not butter the other slice ?

Butter saving ****.
I always thought marge or butter was used on bread as lubrication. Imagine a sausage barm with no butter? I would be like chewing chipboard between 2 pieces of cardboard. And to suggest HP is sufficient lubrication is to do it a disservice, HP is busy enough adding flavour thank you very much.
only people pretending to be on diets dont have butter, hence the missus always says no butter whenever i go butty shop, always forget on purpose to piss her off
Always butter it. Mate of mine always makes comment when I butter a muffin for a burger. Says how unnecessary it is.

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