Break ups...

Hope you've got decent mates. If you've neglected them for a year for this girl they've probably got used to doing things without you and without intentionally meaning to exclude you will probably just forget to invite you to most things they do. Get yourself back out with your mates to distract you and never neglect them again.
Tonight my girlfriend and I have decided to call it a day, I have been with her over a year and it has been the best year of my life, I could see this coming because two weeks ago we had a massive row and we still didn't get past it, I've been flat out drinking for two weeks to drown it out but I know drink isn't the answer to my problems, My head is all over the place and feel like there will be nobody else out there like her...

Any advice to get through this would be nice!!

People break up and go on to find happiness with another, if they didnt everyone would either be forever single or still with their first partner ;)
Move on mate get yourself back out there and leave her to it. shit happens and it’s horrible breaking up with someone you love but life moves on and most likely she will be getting back out there herself. Just enjoy the good old nail and bail
You need to decide how strong you feel about her so ask yourself this? Can I bear to see her with another man.
If the answer is no, do her in and bury her along the banks of the Mersey.
CTID1988 said:
BibbyBlue85 said:
Pigeonho said:
You won't fucking feel it now, but time is a great healer. Do yourself a favour though, ditch the booze as it just makes the healing process take longer and makes it more likely for you to do something silly. Trust me on that.

This all day long!! I went through it and hit the self destruct button. Spending 200 quid on a Wednesday night in Chinese karaoke on my own just to try and feel normal. Don't fucking do it lad, more hassle than its worth. You'll get there in the end and you'll be better off for the experience.

You went in a karaoke bar on your own and spent £200?! Were you singing or just sat drinking?
If i ever see you i need to shake your hand because that is some going!

Visions of a little Chinese man singing 'orl bah masewlf, don wanna be orl barrrrr mah-seh-heh-hewf and BB85 bawling into his beer :-D
Crouchinho said:
1 big row and split up? If she's worth it then make up sex. If she's not then leave it be.

If you're going to finish with a woman after one big row then maybe relationships aren't for you man. Every girlfriend, wife, mistress will always have a big row with you

If my wife gets in a row with me I bend her over like a whore and tell her who's boss, my small willy!
I just wish things had been different for me, one big bust up and thats it, we did fall out over the years but always made up. This time was different I got thrown out, cant see my child and its broken me. I think life is to short to fall out especially when children are involved. I come from a back ground where parents stayed together though thick and thin for the sake of the family. To many things are thrown away these days
Lot of good advice on here mate re looking at the world through the bottom of a glass remember -Dont drink an text
Just remember to keep your dignity because in time you want to be able to walk past her without your stomach turning and her not laughing at you behind your back and her bragging to her mates how you couldnt get over her.
Secondly dont listen to music that you remember her by I can still relate songs to girls and what year going back to the 70's and i bet a lot of the lads on here can.
Good luck blue stay positive.
Blue Mist said:
You need to decide how strong you feel about her so ask yourself this? Can I bear to see her with another man.
If the answer is no, do her in and bury her along the banks of the Mersey.

My long term partner threw me out after a stupid row about nothing, and it ended up nasty. We have been together for a few years with a young child. we have rowed before loads of time, but the make up sex was amazing, dont think I will ever find anyone like her, she knew what i liked. I would nt have left. I think if you have children together you should protect them. Work through your problems it makes you stronger. Perhaps its because am old school my parents stayed together though think and thin, todays society is disposable nothing lasts. When you have built a home together you should make it work. Thats my opinion anyway
Thanks for all the advice it has helped and I appreciate it, As for the 'Less of the drink and man up' Maybe you should should put yourself in my shoes and see how I feel, I still feel like sh*t, Am still on the booze, Am hoping it will pass...My worst nightmare is going to see her with another man, Look what am like now, Imagine what the f*ck am going to be like when that happens, I actually feel sick. I wish it was easy for me to man up and move on but it's not as simple as that...

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