Bring Back Joe Hart

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How was yesterday bravos fault? Scapegoat being looked for

No one is saying he is fully at fault. But if anyone tries to claim he is not part of the problem then they are kidding themselves. We all know the defence is wank and needs fixing but that doesn't change the fact that a so called top class keeper that we spent quite a lot of money to buy has let in pretty much every shot that has been at him. What was that stat that was going around yesterday something like the last 6 shots on target resulted in 5 goals and 1 save? I'd be shocked at a Sunday League keeper with stats like that never mind a fucking premier league keeper.

Bravo is in no way fully responsible for us losing games but that doesn't change the fact he has been fucking shocking since he got here.
Dickheads around me booing him and then sarcastically cheering him, when the only person at fault for two of the first three was our Serbian hard man

I never boo any of our players (even Dicky Edghill) but to defend Bravo you'd need a Philadelphia Lawyer. This keeper is proper shite, shrinks when it's one on one, too small and has not had a MOM performance at all. I agree about Kolarov, my heart sinks when I see his name on the team sheet, we need an experienced pucker defender to guide Stones and the BACK FOUR to give us some solidity. I think if Pep can sort this out in January we should be OK, big learning curve but coming to the half way mark it's not the worst situation we've been in.
I think if we don't win the league or champions league we should sack pep and give super joey the player managers job, he understands the club inside and out, play a solid 4 4 2 with Joe kicking it long to new signing Andy Carroll(when injured put vice captain and first team player coach vinny komps in there) who knocks it down to Sergio, with a guaranteed 38 clean sheets we cannot fail.
yep. But before all that we need to bring back pellers just to steady the ship, then go balls deep for big sam. He won't stand for this play at the back shite.
This type of behaviour does not help as frustrated as we all are, 12 months needs to be given to pep, then if we are in the same boat it's open season for the boo boys.
I never boo any of our players (even Dicky Edghill) but to defend Bravo you'd need a Philadelphia Lawyer. This keeper is proper shite, shrinks when it's one on one, too small and has not had a MOM performance at all. I agree about Kolarov, my heart sinks when I see his name on the team sheet, we need an experienced pucker defender to guide Stones and the BACK FOUR to give us some solidity. I think if Pep can sort this out in January we should be OK, big learning curve but coming to the half way mark it's not the worst situation we've been in.

There is no way we are sorting it out in January, 2 worldy full backs and a centre half are going to be very difficult to get them moved out of their current clubs.

I don't see us doing any business and us having to put up with the likes of Kolorov and Clichy till the summer at the very least.

Just no.

Let's back the manager, back the team. Don't be stuck in the past.

We're shit at the moment, but let's not forget who our manager is - if you trust one manager to fix things despite the form it would be this guy.
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