Can the UK handle..

nijinsky's fetlocks said:
Hez said:
nijinsky's fetlocks said:
So they stand about in groups until the small hours drinking alcohol?
So just like the scruffy indigenous local white fuckwits who have never worked a day between them do outside my local off licence every night, only minus the spliffs and gratuitous racial abuse?
At least they have their small kids with them.
Unlike a couple of professional consultants I can think of.
And if bad timekeeping and looking scruffy are a threat to society, then someone should pm GDM and let him know.

Well bad timekeeping as in continually missing Sight Test appointments has damaged our business so much we are having to relocate it. Never mind eh.

Do the white fuckwits stand making a noise at 3 am? Are you saying because they do it we should let more into the Country and encourage this behaviour? Nice to see you think it's great their parenting skills affect their kids well being and education prospects as they are too tired to get out of bed and go to school in the morning.

Looking scruffy is up to them and only affects them, if they want to smell like BO that's their choice, however also being scruffy as in leaving rubbish all over the streets and gobbing spit everywhere does affect other people and they don't like it. Though I'm sure according to you that's not a problem either.

You are missing my point, as well as a sense of humour.
That point being that our own house is very much in need of putting in order before we start judging Johnny Foreigner by a completely different set of criteria than those we set for the indigenous population.
Some folk who are born and bred here look like an unmade bed.
I do on a bad day.
So fucking what?
Some daft twats near me seem to see fly tipping as some kind of weekend hobby.
Some folk wherever you go spit on the floor, or like a beer, or make too much noise on occasion, and yes it can get on your tits when you have to get up at the crack of ten o clock to walk to Wetherspoons next day.
If your concerns about Roma folk really amount to whether they use fucking Right Guard and know how to tell the time, then is it not just possibly that you are getting yourself all het up unduly?
Live and let live - we are all different, and that's a good thing.

I do apologise. I don't have time at the moment for a sense of humour due to having to sort out a new shop for our Business after 15 years of being there. Hopefully when it's all sorted I can chuckle at the missed appointments and wasted time and see all the rest of the antisocial behaviour as some sort of jolly jape as you do. I will also pass on your thoughts to my friend who lives in the middle of all these people and tell her she may be getting too het up about it all too. Am sure she'll appreciate it. As I said before just because we have our own scrotes doesn't mean we should open the borders and top them up with more of the same. They all need sorting out but lets stick to live and let live eh? Because that's really working well isn't it?
nijinsky's fetlocks said:
pominoz said:
nijinsky's fetlocks said:
Yes, because then perhaps, for once, you could contribute something useful or interesting or humorous to the forum, instead of following me round like some deranged and incredibly boring ex-pat stalker.

Easy on the ex-pats, some of us are still in the real world.

No worries mate - I know you're on the side of the angels.
But this dullard follows me everywhere like a bad smell.
I even check for him in the dunny.
See - I can speak fluent Aussie!

You did not end your sentence with "eh?".
Bad form, Cobber.
Hez said:
nijinsky's fetlocks said:
Hez said:
Well bad timekeeping as in continually missing Sight Test appointments has damaged our business so much we are having to relocate it. Never mind eh.

Do the white fuckwits stand making a noise at 3 am? Are you saying because they do it we should let more into the Country and encourage this behaviour? Nice to see you think it's great their parenting skills affect their kids well being and education prospects as they are too tired to get out of bed and go to school in the morning.

Looking scruffy is up to them and only affects them, if they want to smell like BO that's their choice, however also being scruffy as in leaving rubbish all over the streets and gobbing spit everywhere does affect other people and they don't like it. Though I'm sure according to you that's not a problem either.

You are missing my point, as well as a sense of humour.
That point being that our own house is very much in need of putting in order before we start judging Johnny Foreigner by a completely different set of criteria than those we set for the indigenous population.
Some folk who are born and bred here look like an unmade bed.
I do on a bad day.
So fucking what?
Some daft twats near me seem to see fly tipping as some kind of weekend hobby.
Some folk wherever you go spit on the floor, or like a beer, or make too much noise on occasion, and yes it can get on your tits when you have to get up at the crack of ten o clock to walk to Wetherspoons next day.
If your concerns about Roma folk really amount to whether they use fucking Right Guard and know how to tell the time, then is it not just possibly that you are getting yourself all het up unduly?
Live and let live - we are all different, and that's a good thing.

I do apologise. I don't have time at the moment for a sense of humour due to having to sort out a new shop for our Business after 15 years of being there. Hopefully when it's all sorted I can chuckle at the missed appointments and wasted time and see all the rest of the antisocial behaviour as some sort of jolly jape as you do. I will also pass on your thoughts to my friend who lives in the middle of all these people and tell her she may be getting too het up about it all too. Am sure she'll appreciate it. As I said before just because we have our own scrotes doesn't mean we should open the borders and top them up with more of the same. They all need sorting out but lets stick to live and let live eh? Because that's really working well isn't it?

And your business relocation has precisely what to do with Roma immigrants?
Do you give up laughter every time you face a crisis?
You must be a riot of fun on a night out.
Live and let live is working pretty well, given that crime and civil unrest are at an all-time low, but don't let that inconvenient truth get in the way of your bleak weltanschauung.
I'd try Prozac if I were you, as you seem very stressed at the moment.
Or maybe try talking to someone.
Preferably someone other than me.
Well, UK absorbed it all over the years. Indians, Pakistanis, Afghans, Czechs, Polish .... few 100,000 is no big deal. Why do they all want to come here and not for example Sweden? I suspect it has to do something with the free staff they get. How can someone who has not lift a finger in UK go and be treated in NHS? Sodding stop the freebees, let people earn the right to have benefits of any kinds and there is no problem. I have lived in Prague for last 3 years and had to fork out for health insurance before the plain touched down. benefits? Dream on.
DaveRave18 said:
Well, UK absorbed it all over the years. Indians, Pakistanis, Afghans, Czechs, Polish .... few 100,000 is no big deal. Why do they all want to come here and not for example Sweden? I suspect it has to do something with the free staff they get. How can someone who has not lift a finger in UK go and be treated in NHS? Sodding stop the freebees, let people earn the right to have benefits of any kinds and there is no problem. I have lived in Prague for last 3 years and had to fork out for health insurance before the plain touched down. benefits? Dream on.

Bloody hell, they're getting free butlers and scullery maids! The swarthy foreign bastards!

We are a laughing stock now, all of us, including your Auntie Sue!
nijinsky's fetlocks said:
CTID1988 said:
They're banning christmas this year because it upsets Roma people

It fucking upsets me too.
Every **** on the road is either pissed or doing 5 miles an hour, the off licences are full of wankers buying a case of advocaat, the bookies are full of dickheads having 5 pence each way on the King George, the shops are full of old dears buying hideous socks for their ungrateful grandkids, it costs me a fucking fortune, and I'm an atheist anyway.
Fucking ban it, I say.
Ignoring all the anti-pro gypsy/roma stuff for a moment. On the first page I said I didn't want any more people from anywhere coming in because the country is full. A few stated otherwise.
Today at 10am I set off from Sale to go to Leeds. Traffic traveling the other way were nose to tail doing on average 30 mph, this was nearly all the way not just around Manchester. We were not doing much better and it took 80 minutes to do the journey. This was not rush hour, I did not see any accidents and there was no bad weather, it was just the sheer volume of traffic. Coming back at 1pm was not much better.
Other than build a new motorway how else do we cope with more and more people coming here ?
I am not interested in ethnicity/religion or anything else ending in nicity, I just think 65 million people are struggling to fit into this tiny island and we don't need any more.
Blue Mist said:
Ignoring all the anti-pro gypsy/roma stuff for a moment. On the first page I said I didn't want any more people from anywhere coming in because the country is full. A few stated otherwise.
Today at 10am I set off from Sale to go to Leeds. Traffic traveling the other way were nose to tail doing on average 30 mph, this was nearly all the way not just around Manchester. We were not doing much better and it took 80 minutes to do the journey. This was not rush hour, I did not see any accidents and there was no bad weather, it was just the sheer volume of traffic. Coming back at 1pm was not much better.
Other than build a new motorway how else do we cope with more and more people coming here ?
I am not interested in ethnicity/religion or anything else ending in nicity, I just think 65 million people are struggling to fit into this tiny island and we don't need any more.

So if we had a decent intergrated transport system you would be all for immigration?
foxy said:
stonerblue said:
foxy said:
They are causing a fuss in Page Hall, Sheffield. Groups of Pakistani citizens are making sure they behave properly and respect the UK.

I'm some what apprehensive about the influx of Romanians in January, they are a horrible nation.

didn't read my post then?

I did, what about it?

It's a Guardian article....

typical response from an ignorant gobshite. I'd be surprised if you could actually read.<br /><br />-- Tue Nov 19, 2013 7:37 pm --<br /><br />
MCFCTrick said:
Dave Ewing's Back 'eader said:
BimboBob said:
Of course we can handle a few more migrants. It's what we do. They should only come if they already have a job though.

They're gonna come by the truck load 'cos we are a soft touch. We hand out money, it seems, without the slightest check, money that we don't have, and money that isn't available in the place they've come from, and, if we were to emigrate to those places, wouldn't be available to us. The EU has well and truly given some Europeans the chance of a decent lottery win without even buying a fuckin' ticket!

Well said Dave...we a re the laughing stock and dumping ground for any chancers that want to come here and take the piss...but hey it's all in the name of ''multiculturalism' and we should be happy and embrace it...want it or not...

oh look, the illinois nazi's back.
nijinsky's fetlocks said:
dazdon said:
Insulting someone elses views on immigration doesn't exactly mark the insulter with the badge of reason.

In fairness mate, the vast majority of stereotypical, inaccurate and ill-informed bile on here is, as ever, from the usual right wing suspects.
Just throw a few clichés together such as 'overcrowded/lazy/workshy/drain on resources/we can't cope/the sky will fall in/ plagues of frogs/my kids will have to do a degree in Urdu', and you have the mindset I'm talking about.
Now I'm a bloke who believes in freedom, and folk having their own opinion, and that means the freedom to be ignorant and bigoted if you so choose.
But when folk respond to perfectly reasonable posts with inane fucking comments like 'wibble', I somehow think that rational debate is rendered redundant.
We have had this immigration debate ad nauseum in this country, and on this forum, whether it be the windrush generation of the 50's who were supposed to be taking our jobs and destroying our British way of life, (whatever the fuck that is), through Somali refugees, Polish plumbers and now it's the turn of Roma and Bulgars to be the bogeyman.
Life will still go on, these folk will assimilate successfully into society, and most will contribute in a positive way to the economy, as has always been the case.
As to that utter prat who is opposed to 'multiculturalism', has he never had a curry, or a Chinese, or a Thai meal, or used a taxi driven by a Bangladeshi, or had his u bend fixed by a Polish plumber, or bought a pint of milk from the Indian cornershop that is open all the hours God sends?
Britain has been a multicultural society for hundreds of fucking years, and is a more vibrant, diverse and interesting place as a result.
By all means hold whatever opinion you wish to, but try and validate it with something resembling common sense and reason, rather than irrational fear and prejudice.


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