CAS judgement: UEFA ban overturned, City exonerated (report out p603)

Cobwebcat what is wrong with that idea. We all know that the boards that at present are running UEFA, are heavily weighed against us. There are person's on UEFA boards from Livarpool, Man Utd, Bayern Munich, and other clubs from Italy and Spain.

If you take all that into consideration my idea isn't that bad an idea is it. If you have a better idea let's be having it.
You’re a curious fellow.
There is a reason why the full report is being delayed. What that reason is I dont know.

I think it's strange it hasn't been released yet, maybe UEFA wants the lid on because their so called evidence was an embarrassment. I'm very keen on knowing the details of this case but I'm starting to doubt we will.
I think it's strange it hasn't been released yet, maybe UEFA wants the lid on because their so called evidence was an embarrassment. I'm very keen on knowing the details of this case but I'm starting to doubt we will.
If we agree to not releasing it maybe we have something on uefa to keep in our back pockets
There's clearly little concern from City on when this is to be released.

Most of the senior staff have gone away on holiday for the next week.

Doesn't smack of a regime not in the loop.

The longer this goes, the more people will lack the urgency to see it.
Thanks TH, off thread but do you think Torres to City via Valencia is a done deal?
My take on KHRs statement is simply he implies we are still guilty by merely saying UEFAs case was not good enough, not that CAS found us not guilty as there was no evidence of guilt. I summise thats exactly what he wanted his quote to sound like. Anyone thinking this **** is backing us up is deluded imo. I'd have to look up if he told me the sky was blue.

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