CAS judgement: UEFA ban overturned, City exonerated (report out p603)

I'm starting to wonder if the release of the statement will herald a UEFA wave of resignations. Hence the delay whilst they get ducks in a row. I was confident if the findings were In our favour Leterme's position would become as untenable as Sorriano's if we had last.
However still we wait.
This report will probably come out shortly after I give up checking the thread 3 times a day
No, it'll come out on the day Ric decides to move over to the new forum software. Note that it doesn't matter when this may be, even if he puts it off for a year, it's nailed on.
No, it'll come out on the day Ric decides to move over to the new forum software. Note that it doesn't matter when this may be, even if he puts it off for a year, it's nailed on.
Ha, yes it feels inevitable! Am looking at maybe doing it on Thursday night, so the report will be out early on Friday morning.
The longer the wait is then the more sure I am that it will likely appear next Wednesday just to dominate the press conference and distract from the Madrid game
That would make no sense from our point of view and even less sense for UEFA?
Right...I think I've figured out what all these delays are about. The final report is absolutely devastating to UEFA; it exposes the whole filthy conspiracy against the club; the reputations of the IC and the AC are blown out of the water; certain high-ranking officials are named and shamed, their football careers effectively over. City has UEFA by the balls, we know it and they know it.
So high-level negotiations are taking place even as I write this. And the eventual outcome? Mark my words, you read it here first folks...the report never sees the light of day and City win the CL this year! I only hope that none of these negotiations are happening by email! ;-)
Is there anything out there that suggests we want the CAS full release out there?

for me, the longer the details are hidden, the more sure I am that UEFA are sh!ting themselves.

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