CAS judgement: UEFA ban overturned, City exonerated (report out p603)

Right...I think I've figured out what all these delays are about. The final report is absolutely devastating to UEFA; it exposes the whole filthy conspiracy against the club; the reputations of the IC and the AC are blown out of the water; certain high-ranking officials are named and shamed, their football careers effectively over. City has UEFA by the balls, we know it and they know it.
So high-level negotiations are taking place even as I write this. And the eventual outcome? Mark my words, you read it here first folks...the report never sees the light of day and City win the CL this year! I only hope that none of these negotiations are happening by email! ;-)
Yeah, right......
Right...I think I've figured out what all these delays are about. The final report is absolutely devastating to UEFA; it exposes the whole filthy conspiracy against the club; the reputations of the IC and the AC are blown out of the water; certain high-ranking officials are named and shamed, their football careers effectively over. City has UEFA by the balls, we know it and they know it.
So high-level negotiations are taking place even as I write this. And the eventual outcome? Mark my words, you read it here first folks...the report never sees the light of day and City win the CL this year! I only hope that none of these negotiations are happening by email! ;-)
I would imagine that City are using the report as leverage against uefa, the report becomes a negotiating tool now . We have been exonerated of any wrong doing as been proven with the initial report , it seems that City are happy for the report to be published as is, but uefa not so much . So it becomes a game of what can we extract from uefa going forward for a black redacted line or two on a report . We have a strong hand, we just need to use that hand in the correct way to extract the most from this situation, a few redacted lines on a sheet of paper may cost uefa a great deal in the long run .
I think as fans of mcfc we need to see the full judgement. We’ve been called cheats, oil FC etc for years and I think we deserve transparency whatever it may say I want to see it.
We’ve been hacked, had our back room staff poached and treated like shit by UEFA and other clubs.
I’ve fucking had enough of playing nice and keeping quiet about it
Ha, yes it feels inevitable! Am looking at maybe doing it on Thursday night, so the report will be out early on Friday morning.

I don't know if you saw his post, but Tolmie said the upper management are all on holiday this week and presumably not expecting anything important, so this week seems unlikely for the CAS report.
Is there anything out there that suggests we want the CAS full release out there?

for me, the longer the details are hidden, the more sure I am that UEFA are sh!ting themselves.

Simon Mullock said in the Sunday Mirror that City have no objections to full the report being published. Must have been briefed to that effect. Can only surmise there is something in there (or several somethings) that UEFA doesn’t want people to know
I think as fans of mcfc we need to see the full judgement. We’ve been called cheats, oil FC etc for years and I think we deserve transparency whatever it may say I want to see it.
We’ve been hacked, had our back room staff poached and treated like shit by UEFA and other clubs.
I’ve fucking had enough of playing nice and keeping quiet about it

Not for me. The bit I wanted to see is the bit that’s out. It made no difference to how we are perceived with the media and other fans and I didn’t expect it to. A more detailed report will make no difference either. Most intelligent rival fans don’t even understand the basics and the media choose to not understand.

City won’t object to the full report being published but I don’t think they will push for it either. The important thing is we won and going over the fine detail of how we won will do as much harm as good imho.

I can understand us City fans being interested out of curiosity but not us expecting it to make a difference in other people’s eyes. People believe what they want to believe rather than what actually happened. When social media and tribal rivalry are thrown into the mix there is no chance of anyone changing their minds let alone apologising (other than the odd person who has already done so)

If City had worked out it would be beneficial to the club to take on a governing body a second time or another club they would do it. They have taken on UEFA at CAS and won and I don’t think there is much appetite to shine a light on UEFA as they have already said they would prefer to work with them hence the subsequent reported calls between them.

As much as City fans would relish the opportunity to smash home our victory in practical terms it doesn’t work like that.
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I don't know if you saw his post, but Tolmie said the upper management are all on holiday this week and presumably not expecting anything important, so this week seems unlikely for the CAS report.
Ah, missed that. Thanks for sharing.

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