Chairman's Interview

That's a strange over reaction to the fact that some posters find our current (excellent) chairman's end of season interviews a bit fluffy and lacking in substance.
What do you want to hear?

I am amazed the time he puts into them every season, with the schedule he has.

Do you think he is going to give a warts and all full on account?

If you were asking why we never hear from our CEO, I would agree with you, it's high time he had something to say to the fans, the fans of Manchester City that is.
I’m a believer in actions speaking louder than words. Haven’t watched this or any of his previous interviews bar the first couple but his record with us has been pretty exceptional so I can forgive him doing a fluff piece at the end of the season and accept he’s not going to go off script.
The club are in great hands regardless what is or isn’t discussed in these end of season reviews, I think some supporters have unrealistic expectations when it comes to what they want to see and hear from the chairman.
I seem to remember that Swales became chairman after overhearing an argument between club directors at his golf club. He intervened and acted as peacemaker and somehow then got the opportunity to run us into the ground for a couple of decades.

As with a lot of our history it was totally bizarre.
If true brilliant. Almost as ridiculous as a Glaswegian piss head screwing the most profitable football asset in existence for the sake of a few phials of horse sperm.
I get all of that and I agree with everything you say. However it doesn't make me interested in our partner teams. I know there are benefits to City both directly and indirectly from the model in terms of growth and investment but I feel as a season card holder I should be more important than a fan of Yokohama Mariners or New York City FC. Currently it doesn't feel like I am.
Christ on a stick, talk about needy.
I assume that City FG will try to get into every major growing league. Football will be absolutely huge in China. A nation of 1.4 billion. Only a matter of time before there is some kind of meaningful international competition.

Hitherto, I thought this project was doomed to fail and hence would be a drag on City FG and eventually City because I thought it was unlikely that an outsider would make a better job than traditional owners of these clubs but it seems successful.

Outsider ?
Too much of this fancy dan cock and bull going on mate, the smell of the liniment and the clatter of boots on concrete in the tunnel is all that is needed.
Not wrong there mex and people forget that we lost somewhere in the region of £127M was it so although it appears that figure will reduce greatly next season, I would sooner spend any monies on players where we are in great need off and leave any cosmetic work for another couple of seasons.
The two are not mutually exclusive and you know it.

Stop playing the pedant.
As I`ve pointed out we lost £127 M so we need to leave any cosmetic work for another season.Fucking grow a pair and get your priorities in order.
Thats why I`ll leave it up to our wonderful Owner and Board to determine whats best for the club.

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