Champions League Final | Ticket Criteria | SOLD OUT

I agree with the sentiment of your post, but how about the SC member, living overseas, who doesn’t have a season ticket, but made it to 7 home games and multiple CL away games including the likes of Dortmund & Bayern ? I think you’d agree his request via his SC should be ‘considered’ ?
I'd question how he got the Dortmund and Bayern tickets? Hasn't he had enough leg-ups for one season?
All members in our OSC who applied for tickets have been given one at the £156 price bracket (12 people)

I did also register for an access code, but I don’t know if that means I’ll have the opportunity to purchase an extra ticket.

I share a season ticket with my uncle and he’s desperate to get one so I’m hoping I can buy one for him.

Does anyone know if the OSC tickets are linked to your supporters number and if so, does the uefa access code then become invalid if a ticket has already been granted via the OSC?

Fairly sure you can’t buy one through the club if you’ve been allocated one through the SC. How do you know your OSC has been allocated their tickets anyway? I’m the chairman of our branch and we’ve heard nothing yet.
Exactly. Everybody commenting on this board stating this fact for the last few days should be commended.
You rarely seem to state anything else. Bitter about something?

We all have our views on the best way to allocate tickets but there probably isn't a truly fair way. The club have decided how tickets will be allocated and supporter's clubs will continue to get tickets, regardless of what you or I feel about the way they are allocated.
Look I understand it’s every man for themselves with this, no real issue with that. The ones that will suffer the most from this are the SC holders on the cup scheme with 8-13k points. They’ll get a ticket but now most likely miss out on the cheaper ones due to the higher points bracket SC holders and then drop off down to the second cheapest will be eaten up by the top end points holders who missed out on the cheaper tickets and now the OSC. The 25-30 year old fan with 10+ years with a season ticket on the cup scheme is likely to be paying £425+ now. I do feel sorry for them but I suppose you’re not going to please everyone with what you do here either.
I’m in that boat albeit at the bottom end of the points scale quoted. £425 isn’t what I wanted to be paying but if that’s the only choice then I will have too. It’s going to be a really difficult choice if there’s only the £599 ones remaining though. I may even have to pass on that despite having flights and hotel already booked
Fairly sure you can’t buy one through the club if you be been allocated one through the SC. How do you know your OSC has been allocated their tickets anyway? I’m the chairman of our branch and we’ve heard nothing yet.

The chairman of our branch confirmed it this evening and another friend of mine who is a member of a separate OSC has also been given a ticket. Seems like 100% of those who applied via OSC’s have been given tickets, which makes me think that all members with an ST on the cup scheme are likely to get tickets also.
Don't disagree with you by the way this is just a bit of little devils advocate.

I'm guessing absolutely everybody on the cup scheme would love to be in istanbul, they wouldnt be on the cup scheme otherwise. so for the overwhelming majority that can get a ticket but cannot go and would consider passing on a ticket or selling it to whoever it's going to be because they've been priced out. Would it not be fair to say it's arguably more unfair and bad practice for people to have booked flights knowing they stand little to no chance of getting a ticket themselves and driving up cost of flights that have uktimately priced out fans that can get tickets?

Ultimately, there’s a higher chance of them reaching touts hands if they aren’t passed onto City fans - fact.

We can all piss and moan about who deserves first allocation etc, but the situation is - not everyone who can get a ticket, can do this trip.

Absolutely cup scheme should get priority, followed by ST holders, number of points etc. But not everyone can go. Whilst I’m only a match day member, it would be horrendous if this went to citizen members (see Madrid).

Whilst I don’t deserve a ticket more than any scheme or ST holder, I definitely, 100%, deserve it over a potential buyer selling for profit.
The chairman of our branch confirmed it this evening and another friend of mine who is a member of a separate OSC has also been given a ticket. Seems like 100% of those who applied via OSC’s have been given tickets, which makes me think that all members with an ST on the cup scheme are likely to get tickets also.

Literally just got the email, we’ve been allocated the 7 we applied for.
I think the clubs logic is that they believe, every season card holder in the CL scheme, who wants a ticket, will get a ticket (and probably season card holders not in CL scheme as well).
I really don’t ever understand their logic, and I’m not sure they do either as they mess it up so often.
the reality of the situation is that non seasoncard holders, regardless of how many games they have been to, have got tickets before those who are seasoncard holders and in the Champions League scheme.
One has to wonder about the fairness of being in the schem when the club allocate the biggest match to those who aren’t.
All members in our OSC who applied for tickets have been given one at the £156 price bracket (12 people)

I did also register for an access code, but I don’t know if that means I’ll have the opportunity to purchase an extra ticket.

I share a season ticket with my uncle and he’s desperate to get one so I’m hoping I can buy one for him.

Does anyone know if the OSC tickets are linked to your supporters number and if so, does the uefa access code then become invalid if a ticket has already been granted via the OSC?
A disgrace that you decide your uncle deserves a ticket. Embarrassing that the guys who are sweating on tickets have to watch SCs get tickets first.
The ticket office knew exactly how many tickets codes where applied for from midnight last night how many on the cup scheme and high point season tickets
They would of based the supporters club allocation on this I would be very surprised if everyone who applied doesn’t get the option to buy a ticket but admittedly the high priced ones might put a few off

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