Champions League Final | Ticket Criteria | SOLD OUT

You've missed it on your email.

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A can't decide if its just proper panic or pure laziness.
Yes I read that but others on here with lower points are saying they have had a code via email
By the looks of things, this is going to make the job for us seat counters impossible. I don't think - once in - that there is any indication of how many tickets are left, and once we've used our access code to purchase our ticket we won't be able to get back in anyway! This is disappointing as I know fans further down the points ladder rely on us to give an indication of what's remaining.
Yep, it’s going to be a horrible wait for the people low down on the cup scheme. I’m just before the last cut off, but without knowing how many seats are left it’s going to be a shit day on Tuesday.
Or a big fuck you from City giving away a big portion of tickets before going on sale. I feel for any of the cup scheme members if they miss out.
In my head I've sort of decided that this will be my last year in the scheme if I'm required to pay cat 1 or cat 2 prices. If I miss out completely, it'll definitely be my last year.
Can you imagine if the final was in a place that could be attended in a day via a car/coach/train. No need for flights, no need for hotels, no need to fly via 3 countries using trains, planes & automobiles !

In this scenario, I think 1/2 of those ON the CL cup scheme would NOT get a ticket

Welcome to the CL Final at Wembley June 1st 2024 !
Just to show you how far away these seats really are. From above zoom in bottom left.
As I said in an earlier post, if you are behind the goal on the front row you are half a pitch from the nearest goal, one and a half pitches from the far goal and even more at the back of the stand. If we win it won't bother anybody and the atmosphere and camaraderie will be off the scale but if we lose the cost and the wholly unsuitable stadium for a football match will bring a lot of complaints. UEFA and other alikadoos won't give a toss that ordinary folk, from both clubs, who follow their team at any cost, have had to fork out hundreds of pounds on tickets they, UEFA, get free, or fans that pay extortionate money for flights they probably get for free. UEFA are interested in the money, that is all and any notion that they act for fans is pure lip service, laughable and disgusting. They and other federations are power hungry money grabbing bar stewards who are in it for the power and privilege, nothing less.
By the looks of things, this is going to make the job for us seat counters impossible. I don't think - once in - that there is any indication of how many tickets are left, and once we've used our access code to purchase our ticket we won't be able to get back in anyway! This is disappointing as I know fans further down the points ladder rely on us to give an indication of what's remaining.
I’m sure there’s plenty of access codes going spare
Turns out I already had a UEFA account which I must've set up years ago. Trouble is, my old passport number is in there and it says I can't change it and have to contact them to change it! I qualify at 3pm this afternoon FFS!
Open another account with a different email address?
If she’ll tell you her access code, it looks like you log on with yours, put your ticket in the basket, then there’s adding another ticket option. So you select that and you will then have to input her code, then put her ticket in the basket as well, repeat for all codes you have up to a maximum of six. Then you give UEFA your life savings and you have your tickets.
Haha true mate, if I had any as I've spent the lot this season. Cheers for the help.
No way will it sell out on high PTS, don't worry.
I’m confident that I’ll get a ticket. But if it’s only going down by 1000 points in over two days doesn’t it suggest it will not go down too much further?

Or are people with much lower points being given the same window?

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