Champions League Final | Ticket Criteria | SOLD OUT

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I will probably go back on Euro scheme next season, with it being at Wembley?
E only sche I have always been on. Due to work commitments and flights times I am not going. Next year I will just book the days off work around the match and book transport early. If we don't get there I will just cancel. Not going to miss out again.
It seems like most people who wanted to go to the final planned ahead and got on the Cup Scheme or have been for a while.

If only 1,100 were left for non-CS they didn't fly out the door as expected, even with most being over £400 just over 1k for half the ST holders isn't much.

Expect an uplift in Uefa CS next season, with those paying higher prices this season realise it pays for itself (at least ticket price wise) if we get there every 2 years. Expect CS UCL prices to go up along with the planned FA and LC price cap rising.
I think it's very likely that we'll see an uplift in CL membership next season. Sad to say that some who qualified by being CS this year might not even get a ticket if we get to the final next year.
Hope so mate, it’s only another £1k I don’t leave when I pop my clogs.

There’s a saying “fly first class, if you don’t your kids will” trying to spend my money before I depart.
Somebody on here earlier said there are no pockets in a coffin which I rather liked. Think that is going to be my mantra from now on!
I might have renewed my passport before next year's Final!
Well Tolmie, I rushed to get mine done on a fast track, went to liverpool and paid the extra money. All for nothing really as I am not going to Instanbul and that is why I did it. It cost me £150 plus a train ticket, tram far and my lunch in a coffee shop. Might take it to Wembley next year just for the sake of it!
Well Tolmie, I rushed to get mine done on a fast track, went to liverpool and paid the extra money. All for nothing really as I am not going to Instanbul and that is why I did it. It cost me £150 plus a train ticket, tram far and my lunch in a coffee shop. Might take it to Wembley next year just for the sake of it!

You not going to travel without a ticket?

Our kid is, he's going to buy out there up to £2k.

More money than sense.

I've just booked five nights in a luxury town house right by the golf course at St Andrews in July for me, wife and kids.

If you had said to a crazy 18-year-old kid thirty years ago that I would prioritise spending my money on a family holiday, rather than see City win the European Cup, I'd have assumed I had fallen out of love with football.

Life, eh?

I'll be at Wembley with my lad on Saturday and then I will hope to enjoy the show in Turkey, before raising a toast next month on the beach!

*Perhaps if my passport was in date, I'd have something to think about ;)
I might have renewed my passport before next year's Final!
Me too, I didn’t renew mine because I thought there’s no way I’m going to Istanbul it will just be too much. Then slowly but surely as everybody I go to the matches with started booking travel and accommodation I began to regret it. Probably just as well I didn’t renew it as otherwise I would have booked a trip I just can’t afford.

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