Champions League Final | Ticket Criteria | SOLD OUT

I was only going off the uproar on BM.

That’s what was being posted, I think? People who weren’t City fans and didn’t have a Citizen card were guaranteed a Real Madrid ticket if they purchased a Citizens card at the same time as buying a ticket for Real Madrid. Maybe I’m wrong about that?
You are definitely wrong.
Scouse passport office is no chance, I know a few lads who’ve had to book an appointment at Durham
I needed to use the premium service & was advised to look at mid day as that’s when new appointments were released online (weekdays definitely). From no appointments one day in Liverpool to plenty to choose from the next - hope that helps someone - Good Luck
Depends really. They normally get 100% of their requests for home and away bar Liverpool United Arsenal and Chelsea away. Even at that they’d get the majority they’d want except for a couple. If they don’t get the required amount they have a draw for them.
You are wrong here.

I think every game they've been getting 2 a game, some games they've been given more Southampton mid weeks Palace possibly but you know the games most people don't fancy
Another clueless KFA who wasn't anywhere to be seen vs Sheff Utd.

The supporters club won't change any time soon so it's about time idiots like u live with it, join one or fuck off with you're moaning.

Fuck sake people including myself are in here waiting for updates and it's full of muppets complaining about the same shit that's happened for years. If u have a problem with OSCs fuck off and make a new thread and have your moans in that.
Just a small point…

You’re = you are
Your = belonging to you.

Always happy to help!
Been watching this and a few other threads all day...I've booked my flights and Airbnb for me and my son. We should get tickets via our points and being on the cup scheme. I'll be really fucked off if we don't. However we'll still go, enjoy Istanbul and find other blues in the same situation....this thread has become toxic and isn't providing the info I was hoping for..
Stop tearing strips off each other and get over yourselves. We all knew there was a chance this season would come along. Well its here, if you didn't prep, for whatever reason, we'll that's life and circumstances. But having outrage at this OSC and that 300 pointer getting a ticket is plain daft. Not saying its right or wrong. Just daft. We are watching a club that have gone from shite, longball, blind panic to the most incredible footballing machine seen.
We are all anxious, but for fuck sakes, don't get sounding like the rags or dips.
Honestly mate no idea. There's 18k members on cup scheme surely they can't all afford to go?

This is the reason I go in every cup scheme because I knew one day it'd be like this.

Good luck tho mate.
yeah thanks , i’m on cup scheme with 12500 ish points , was asking for my pal

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