Charging kids board

Perfectly acceptable. I paid my old man £250 per month from 16 when i started full time work. At that age despite the lowest income i've ever had, I never had more disposable money!

It will be a good lesson in budgeting and he will never be more grateful than when he gets his own place and finds out it doesnt pay, clean or feed itself.
So how much should you and do you charge them for the privilege . Stepson is an apprentice electrician and since he started work me and Mrs Pabs have charged him £60 p/m after new year he got a substantial rise, with this in mind his rent has now gone upto £200 p/m . We told him the good news tonight and he’s took it like there’s been a death in the family. For this he gets a nice comfy bed , hot meal served nightly, washing and ironing , internet ( his bedroom looks like showcase cinema ) , packed lunches and numerous other sundries plus he does jack shit round the house, are we being unreasonable to what we charge him

sounds fair to me, we charge middle daughter 15% of her take home which at the moment is 170 quid for about the same (except she does some housework and some cooking)
Reading through these replies, I am being shafted!! Got my youngest daughter, my 36 month old grandson and daughters boyfriend living with us...they pay £170pm. At first they said, and did buy their own food, can't remember the last time they did...we seem to be "feeding" them....oh, and I pay the insurance on a car I gave them when I got my new one....think I will be having a conversation with them this weekend....
A mate of mine used to pay 25% of his salary to his mum which was a chink as he was working in London

he said what value do you put on having everything done for you washing, ironing, food etc plus it helps them out too
Just remembered my parents charged me something after i left school and worked for six months or so waiting for my nursing course to start , when they took me to my new home they gave it all back to me , they saved it all for me to help me get started

Glad this made me recall that
I think this is the best idea if you can afford it. I've only just stopped paying my son, who is back home after uni, the money we gave him whilst he was there! But I plan to put it in an investment account now and hopefully it'll help him later in life.

I don't charge my son anything and don't have any intention of doing. I might change my mind if he's still here when he's 30 though.

He shares his Netflix password with me so I reckon I'm on a winner really.
So how much should you and do you charge them for the privilege . Stepson is an apprentice electrician and since he started work me and Mrs Pabs have charged him £60 p/m after new year he got a substantial rise, with this in mind his rent has now gone upto £200 p/m . We told him the good news tonight and he’s took it like there’s been a death in the family. For this he gets a nice comfy bed , hot meal served nightly, washing and ironing , internet ( his bedroom looks like showcase cinema ) , packed lunches and numerous other sundries plus he does jack shit round the house, are we being unreasonable to what we charge him
My daughter pays nothing ,eats everything ,her bedrooms like Basra and moans when you ask her to make a brew:)
Reading through these replies, I am being shafted!! Got my youngest daughter, my 36 month old grandson and daughters boyfriend living with us...they pay £170pm. At first they said, and did buy their own food, can't remember the last time they did...we seem to be "feeding" them....oh, and I pay the insurance on a car I gave them when I got my new one....think I will be having a conversation with them this weekend....
Fuck the boyfriend off lazy ****:)

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