Chelsea (N) | FA Cup SF | Post-Match Thread

Anybody else noticed the street sellers yesterday was selling Chelsea bucket hats obviously with Chelsea written on them.
Our had Sky blue's written on them to cover today's fans.
Makes me laugh how he’s talked about as a “young” manager. He a year younger than Guardiola.
Fans tend to guess a manager's age based on when he made his name.

IIRC, Poch started at Espanyol around the same time Pep started at Barca. Pep just made his name way faster, whereas most English fans only know of Poch around his Southampton days.

Same goes for Ten Hag, who is a "young up-and-coming coach". He is a year old than Pep.

I fairly certain some will label Postecoglou the same way, but he is actually older than the lot I named.
Another good day out. Used the train from East Midlands for the first time -all went well and lots of options going home - so missing the train I was aiming for by 2 mins didn't matter.

I was surprised by only four changes from Wednesday - but Pep knows best, and mostly he knows that Bernardo, Kev, Rodri will take the pain of Wednesday night and drive through it, none of them were at the slick best, but their determination overcame all that - culminating in Kev's burst into the box and Bernardo being in the right place to hammer it home. (I couldn't celebrate too wildly as I was a bit worried that the ball might have hit Alvarez on the way in and he would have been offside - but all was good)

I thought Jack played well and was surprised that he was taken off (I would have changed Bernardo - but what do I know?) but Doku took it up another level and gave their right-sided defenders no peace at all. The result was the goal - Kev racing into the space left as they tried to stop Doku and his pass was perfect.

All I'm hearing in the media is that Chelsea dominated and should have won it. The stats say differently and I was never really worried by them - they had a few openings, but never really looked like scoring. My main worry was that we were heading for extra time and whether the team could manage another 30 minutes - but Chelsea didn't capitalise on our tiredness and that's because they just were not good enough to do so.

Final joy was a little women's choir in the queue back to Wembley Park giving a rendition of Sometimes I Fantasise - and even though they wanted everyone to join in - it really didn't need a load of blokes mangling the tune. If that was you - thank you it was great. And a song that we don't hear enough of.

All in all another grand day out.
My wife's best friends husband is a Chelsea fan.
He thinks Poch is a fraud.
Glad there's a set of fans in the league that finally echoes my sentiment. Else we'd have the Spurs fans and the media telling us constantly how he underperforms because he didn't get the funding.

Poch is a good coach yes, but nowhere near the likes of Pep and Klopp as the media likes to imply.

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