Chelsea Thread - 2022/23 | Pochettino confirmed as new manager

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They're screaming out for a striker yet they've sent a guaranteed 20-30 goal striker out on loan. OK Lukaku had a problem with Tuchel's system but other managers since would have played to his strengths.
The guaranteed 20-30 goal striker who's got *checks notes* 3 league goals this season in a weaker league playing in a team set up to his strengths.
They thought Frank was a win win, get a hero back that the fans will never turn on and I suspect they can't get their preferred target until next season, probably nagglesman...frank just gets worse and worse as a manager and tactician
No champions league, massive squad, unbalanced, interfering chairman. They won’t get Nagelsman if he has any sense.
They should try a young Brit like……..Potter!
Strange team selection that saw them miss a host of easy chances.
I thought they played well until Madrid scored their first.
Team selection not the problem.
For Kante to not even hit the target at his first chance was an incredible miss
If my aunty had bollocks.....
He left goalscorers on the bench, the midfielders missed chances, I'd say he picked the wrong team. Anyway, out they go and we'll beat Madrid this time
Well that’s you, but a lot of us find that list to make him an odious owner and not suited for owning a part of our treasured game.

If our owners had done those things, a lot of us would be calling for their heads.

As it’s at a rival, yes, it is slightly amusing, but as a football fan in general I don’t want to see people like that involved.

Look at the Glazers, does anyone look at them with mild indifference? They’ve made some similar decisions on a less catastrophic and less drastic level, and are some of the most hated owners in the game - rightly so - by fans of all clubs.

Okay well let's look at the 4 things you mentioned.

1. Cech and Marina had already told the owners they would leave at the end of the first transfer window, but when it became clear that they both wanted to keep Lukaku around, among other points of disagreements it was decided to let them leave earlier than initially planned. This was them supporting Tuchel as it was he who was adamant that Lukaku had to be gone out of the club. I don't think the plan was ever to do it the way it ended up being but there was no real 'football structure' to speak of before. It was just Marina and Cech. Marina performed many different roles and wore many different hats on her own and Cech was basically just the go-to between manager and owner, so he and Tuchel ended up becoming very close friends. So when you say 'dismantled the structure' all you really mean is he let go of Marina Granovskaia.

2. For me there is a clear difference between the summer business and winter business. In the summer, yes it was him and Tuchel tag teaming alone to sign players and it was a disaster. Between the summer and the winter, the owners hired a bunch recruitment specialists and sporting directors and it has been those people who have led the charge on the spending spree in January and it is the sporting directors who are also now leading the search for a new manager. Yes too many players signed too quickly but for me a bigger problem has been the inability to let anybody go. Hopefully, the focus of the upcoming window will be just that, trimming the squad.

3. That 443 thing was nothing more than Tuchel propaganda. Who knows whether it's true or not. It was 'behind the curtains' piece in the aftermath of Tuchel's sacking that revealed that little tidbit. Who cares though? It's a total non-issue.

4. What laws has he talked about changing? Please don't tell you're talking about the silly north v south all-star game stuff?
I think there is a nervousness here, amongst City fans, if not more widely in football, that the real threat to football isn't the super-rich owners who are investing money into the game, but the ever increasing number of American owners who want almost guaranteed returns they can extract from their investment by imposing a US model on football rather than a European model. I think Boehly has got caught up in that, possibly unfairly as I don't think he has mentioned reform of that sort. He does speak, though, in a manner that completely fits the stereotype of the arrogant US businessman, and that is all on him. We will probably see him scheming with the other American owners when he finally realises this football ownership lark is really quite difficult.

Perhaps, I understand that I suppose but it still baffles me that he is called an arsehole and an arrogant twat based on that nervousness though.
I actually thought Chelsea were much the better team last night up until the Madrid goal then that killed the game.

Chelsea had numerous chances to score, The problem is that they have nobody to put the ball in the back of the net. All the money they've spent and didn't think of buying a striker is ridiculous.

Numerous players they've bought aren't good enough either. Now they've a problem when Lampard goes and get a new manager in he will want his own players in and possibly not rate the players Chelsea have bought under Potter.

Complete shit show.
I'm not convinced Beatrix had much say in the matter. A bit like Spurs with the Bale money "here's a load of players, sort it out".....
The guaranteed 20-30 goal striker who's got *checks notes* 3 league goals this season in a weaker league playing in a team set up to his strengths.
Career total = 576 games, 273 goals - roughly one goal every two games.
The weaker Italian league that had 3 of the last 8 CL teams and probably 2 of the last 4, that league?
:) Fair enough. But you can only make a first impression once. And my first impression of him was that he is an arrogant twat arsehole. It's a long way back!
To be fair, I don't think that making a good impression with the City fan base was at the top of his agenda!

As a Chelsea fan I did research Boehly and other potential buyers during the bidding process. My feeling was (and is) that he was the best choice, all things considered. He wants to win as a priority, and the financial backing demonstrated so far, albeit chaotically, supports that.

And as far as being arrogant, I just don't see that but it's subjective I guess.

I'd like to think that sensible Chelsea fans will realise that what happened to our club as a result of Putin is going to take quite a while to work through. And in the mean time fans of rival clubs can enjoy watching one of the strongest prem teams of the last twenty years go through the pain. I would :)
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