Chelsea v City post match discussion

Re: Chelsea Vs City In Match Discussion Thread

amp12003 said:
Just as an outsider looking in, it seems to me that a lot of you know nothing about Football because some of the comments you guys are making are ludicrous... I won't mention anything specific but you guys haven't got a clue about Football.

That's a bit of a blanket you plonker!

City played really well against the European champions and a team wanting to impress their new manager. We closed down really well and stopped them on their counter attacking which has won them countless games and all away from home.

If aguero or silva could of scored their chances then we would have all been singing the praises of the team, as it happens I think we should all be very very happy, a good result.
I'd have taken a point before hand if I'm honest.

A tough fixture away to a talented team.

Probably should have won, all things considered, but a point is fine by me.

P.s. dafuq was chris foy thinking at the end???
One of those fixtures where before the game you'd take a point, now its over you cant help but feel we should have won it.
It's got to go down as a good point on the whole though, just because of who it was against and where it was.
I thought that was one of Yaya's worst games for us, on the other hand though our defence is starting to look really solid again, and we've got a real gem of a player in Nastasic, he looks like he's been playing in the premier league for years. Lescott is going to have to be very very patient.
MeatnSpudsMCFC said:
BillyShears said:
Very good point.


Course it's a good point even though you could say it was a good chance to get a win at Chelsea.Unfortunately the key player ,in terms of goals,wasn't at the races. If Aguero had played at the top of his game or even 75% we would have won for sure but the touch and quality was just missing today.

Defence excellent,Barry excellent,Milner ran his socks off but not quite right with the final ball.Yaya not as bad as some are saying as he was key to us controlling most of the game but again nothing in the part that matters most.

Edin pretty good as he was key to all our closest moments.Tevez doesn't do well as a sub does he. Mario,one total miscontrol and then that at the end whatever it was.I was screaming for a 30 yarder and he decides to go for a foul. Yes I think he played for it and Luiz obliged and I agreed with the ref.
Re: Chris Foy

Hmmm. Torres dived three times, kicked the ball away and did a very deliberate handball. Not so much as a talking to.

Balotelli gets wiped out, no foul and a yellow for diving...

He had an OK game to be honest but still far too many errors to say it was a good one, never mind 10/10 bollocks.
Re: Chris Foy

cyprustavern said:
no complaints on the whole ...harsh booking for mario but apart from that ok

Would of given it it Mario didn't throw himself to the floor holding his face.
Re: Chris Foy

DTKOAG said:
More or less agree.
However should of booked Torres for kicking the ball away.

To be fair Silva did the same 10 minutes later and escaped a booking too.

Think he was good for once, rarely fell for their players throwing themselves to the ground.
Re: Chris Foy

Had a decent game, but really love for him to explain how he thought that was a yellow at the end.
Johnsonontheleft said:
Can the real Yaya Toure please stand up?

Yaya strolled around, hardly broke sweat and rolled it three yards at most today - he can be the worlds best but he is a shadow of the player that drove us to the title last year.

As for Foy he was so so poor - got numerous simple throw in/ corner/ goal kick decisions wrong. How he didn't book Torres for kicking the ball away or for handball is a joke and the booking of Mario was simply pathetic. Good point but we could have won that if we had pushed on - or maybe if we had played against 9 Chelsea players rather than the full 11!

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