Chelsea v City post match discussion

Prestwich_Blue said:
Anyone who thought that was a bad result just look at this;


That's our away games against the teams in 6th-14th place last season when we got 8 points from 9 games. This season we've played 5 of those 9 teams and already have 9 points, compared to 4 last season. And that's despite being far from our best. Those 5 extra points could be the difference between winning the league with a couple of games to spare and sweating it out in the 91st minute of the last game.

The only stat i look at is the table tbh, all this we have more points against so and so compared to last year is pointless, as long as we are in the hunt that is all i care about
Yaya_Tony said:
manimanc said:
to whoever said we`re acting like spoilt girls go and give your head a wobble..

we was playing a team that was there for the taking,the crowd was booing the manager before we even kicked off,the got a £50M striker who couldn`t get in the dog and duck first eleven,add all that together and us as champions should be coming back up the M1 with three points,in my opinion they was there for the taking but we laboured for 90mins and made benitez look like fuckin einstein..

we got a team to match anybody, at the moment chelsea don`t know their arse from their elbow and yes in the grand scheme of the things it`s a good point to take with us but at the moment it`s definately two points dropped...
Appreciate the sentiment but that's bollocks. Us drawing has fuck all to do with making Benitez look like Einstein, we just didn't finish well. Chelski booing their manager before his first game, throwing doubt on their owners judgement after he has given them so much, also has fuck all to do with us drawing.

Maybe starting Mario would have softened the ref by the time that last incident happened? Who knows.

Fact is we had the chances and didn't put them away. But not all bad, we didn't let any in either.

Benitez is certainly not looking like Einstein. He inherited a good set of players who don't like to lose. A draw is not a shameful result.

imo none of our strikers are playing well, whys that ?
marco said:
manimanc said:
to whoever said we`re acting like spoilt girls go and give your head a wobble..

we was playing a team that was there for the taking,the crowd was booing the manager before we even kicked off,the got a £50M striker who couldn`t get in the dog and duck first eleven,add all that together and us as champions should be coming back up the M1 with three points,in my opinion they was there for the taking but we laboured for 90mins and made benitez look like fuckin einstein..

we got a team to match anybody, at the moment chelsea don`t know their arse from their elbow and yes in the grand scheme of the things it`s a good point to take with us but at the moment it`s definately two points dropped...

chelsea on there own patch are never there for the taking and imo thats rag arrogance 'not implying your a rag by the way' they are the current champions of europe and have one of the most expensive squads in the word,we have no right to expect to skip back up the m1 with 3points unless its earned

This. You'd think we just went to play QPR.
Respectable performance. Respectable result and another awkward away game over and done with. Need to beat Wigan, though.
and they blown everybody away with that drogba penalty in munich didn`t they,get the fuck out of my face with the "champions of europe" bullshit please,they fluked it and we know it and they know it,they arn`t all that and it`s a soup sandwich behind the scenes there as the owner thinks he`s franz beckanbauer,he signed torres and torres is dogshit which if you read between the lines they only started with 10 men today...

they was nervous,the crowd was nervous and they had an off day on which we didn`t seize by the bollocks,somebody pointed out that if it was the rags they would have smelt blood and gone for the juglar but we looked like we was playing for a point,i didn`t see any of our players in top gear,busting a gut,they just looked like they was on auto pilot for the 90...

and yes we`re still unbeaten but we could have been unbeaten top of the table by a point....
jonmcity said:
In my opinion we were the better team by a mile. We didn't push for the win as we should of however. Yaya is either injured or unfit,its needs sorting. He is a hanger-on in recent games.

I agree with all of this.
r.soleofsalford said:
Yaya_Tony said:
manimanc said:
to whoever said we`re acting like spoilt girls go and give your head a wobble..

we was playing a team that was there for the taking,the crowd was booing the manager before we even kicked off,the got a £50M striker who couldn`t get in the dog and duck first eleven,add all that together and us as champions should be coming back up the M1 with three points,in my opinion they was there for the taking but we laboured for 90mins and made benitez look like fuckin einstein..

we got a team to match anybody, at the moment chelsea don`t know their arse from their elbow and yes in the grand scheme of the things it`s a good point to take with us but at the moment it`s definately two points dropped...
Appreciate the sentiment but that's bollocks. Us drawing has fuck all to do with making Benitez look like Einstein, we just didn't finish well. Chelski booing their manager before his first game, throwing doubt on their owners judgement after he has given them so much, also has fuck all to do with us drawing.

Maybe starting Mario would have softened the ref by the time that last incident happened? Who knows.

Fact is we had the chances and didn't put them away. But not all bad, we didn't let any in either.

Benitez is certainly not looking like Einstein. He inherited a good set of players who don't like to lose. A draw is not a shameful result.

imo none of our strikers are playing well, whys that ?
No idea mate, and for the record I agree. Maybe we have been concentrating on defending during training, so making attacks hasn't had as much attention? I don't see the lads every day so I couldn't tell you the reason why we look so shit in front of goal, but i am consoled by the defensive performance today. One step at a time and all that, we were leaking goals and if today is anything to go by, it is less of a worry.<br /><br />-- Sun Nov 25, 2012 9:56 pm --<br /><br />
manimanc said:
and they blown everybody away with that drogba penalty in munich didn`t they,get the fuck out of my face with the "champions of europe" bullshit please,they fluked it and we know it and they know it,they arn`t all that and it`s a soup sandwich behind the scenes there as the owner thinks he`s franz beckanbauer,he signed torres and torres is dogshit which if you read between the lines they only started with 10 men today...

they was nervous,the crowd was nervous and they had an off day on which we didn`t seize by the bollocks,somebody pointed out that if it was the rags they would have smelt blood and gone for the juglar but we looked like we was playing for a point,i didn`t see any of our players in top gear,busting a gut,they just looked like they was on auto pilot for the 90...

and yes we`re still unbeaten but we could have been unbeaten top of the table by a point....
Maybe I watched a different match, but we certainly didn't look like we were "playing for a point" today, to me. We just couldn't score.

Played ok I suppose. Lots of industry from Milner, Barry, Zabaletta and Kolorov. But fuck all quality from any of those four as usual, I am afraid.

Still, bossed the game really and as long as we continue to boss games, we will win most and draw some... Which will mean we are champions come May.

A bit harsh on Zab perhaps, but for all his courageous efforts - which are to be applauded - there's not many goals coming from the right when he plays.
A point better than last year. I agree with some of the other posters on here though - a bit more courage and we could have grabbed all 3 points.

Still not disappointed.

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