Chelsea v City post match discussion

Yaya_Tony said:
r.soleofsalford said:
Yaya_Tony said:
Appreciate the sentiment but that's bollocks. Us drawing has fuck all to do with making Benitez look like Einstein, we just didn't finish well. Chelski booing their manager before his first game, throwing doubt on their owners judgement after he has given them so much, also has fuck all to do with us drawing.

Maybe starting Mario would have softened the ref by the time that last incident happened? Who knows.

Fact is we had the chances and didn't put them away. But not all bad, we didn't let any in either.

Benitez is certainly not looking like Einstein. He inherited a good set of players who don't like to lose. A draw is not a shameful result.

imo none of our strikers are playing well, whys that ?
No idea mate, and for the record I agree. Maybe we have been concentrating on defending during training, so making attacks hasn't had as much attention? I don't see the lads every day so I couldn't tell you the reason why we look so shit in front of goal, but i am consoled by the defensive performance today. One step at a time and all that, we were leaking goals and if today is anything to go by, it is less of a worry.

i thought in defense joe could have brought a good book to read. vincent, nasty and zab were brilliant. in midfield yaya doesnt look the player he was last season in this deeper roll he`s being asked to play, silva played well in parts but drifted in and out of the game probably because chelsea were trying to close the spaces between the lines, milner and barry worked there bollocks off up front though imo we look toothless, carlos, sergio, edin and mario are all struggling with lack of service but even more so with a lack of movement.
I know alot may disagree but I think Nasri was really missed, he controls alot in the middle and keeps supplying others time after time..not spectacular but vital. I would give Yaya a rest and play him with Milner and Barry on wednesday
I think the game is much easier for Silva when he is in the side
Labatt Blue said:
I know alot may disagree but I think Nasri was really missed, he controls alot in the middle and keeps supplying others time after time..not spectacular but vital. I would give Yaya a rest and play him with Milner and Barry on wednesday
I think the game is much easier for Silva when he is in the side

bloody well said. love sam.
United needed two red cards and one offside goal to beat Chelsea this year, so its not a very bad result for City.
hilts said:
Vincents Tackle said:
manimanc said:
Well and truly fuckin fucked off,chelsea was there for the taking but we spunked it right off,something must be going right if i'm getting annoyed at us only drawing at chavski but we're still unbeaten and sitting pretty in 2nd but fuck me it's two points dropped...looking forward to the everton game though....

Its Disappointing not to get three points but based on the performance I can't understand the anger? Long way to go this season yet.

Some dont see that chelsea defended very well and were a lot more organised than they have been recently, there are two teams out there and chelsea away is a tough game, but as per usual the clowns on here claim we were shit, big surprise there not

It was clear chelsea's priority was to not lose. Rafa instilled defensive discipline and you could see times when a defender was bringing the ball out, they would pass and immediately return to psition, whereas last week they may have continued to support the attack, leaving a gap.

We were more like the home side and it made it difficult for us to break them down when they hd so many players behind the ball. Couple that with an off day for our forwards and a draw is the result. Nit a bad result by any means.
manimanc said:
to whoever said we`re acting like spoilt girls go and give your head a wobble..

we was playing a team that was there for the taking,the crowd was booing the manager before we even kicked off,the got a £50M striker who couldn`t get in the dog and duck first eleven,add all that together and us as champions should be coming back up the M1 with three points,in my opinion they was there for the taking but we laboured for 90mins and made benitez look like fuckin einstein..

we got a team to match anybody, at the moment chelsea don`t know their arse from their elbow and yes in the grand scheme of the things it`s a good point to take with us but at the moment it`s definately two points dropped...

Christ tonight.
Something that is annoying me over and over about our play is that no one has a pop from distance. Barry is the most guilty of this, I've counted numerous times that he could have had a pop and opts to pass. Yaya, Aguero, Balo, Nasri, Tevez can all whack a ball from 18-25yrds but very rarely do. A scramble from a save/post/deflection with players like Aguero and tevez lurking may pay dividends.
Tony Adcock said:
Ok performance but Chelsea were there for the taking.

Wrong option chosen too many times in attack.

Didn't get Silva on the ball in the right positions enough.

Yaya should have been subbed ( worst City performer today ) and Milner moved to middle and Sinclair or Nasri given a chance on RHS for last 30 mins.

And can Kun please get some studs in his boots !

Haha sub YAYA and put Milner in there, I rate Milner and he can play that position comfortably but you underestimate YAYA when he plays like today he is still better than any midfield we have!

We'll miss him big time when he goes for 6 weeks in January
Drewmanc said:
Something that is annoying me over and over about our play is that no one has a pop from distance. Barry is the most guilty of this, I've counted numerous times that he could have had a pop and opts to pass. Yaya, Aguero, Balo, Nasri, Tevez can all whack a ball from 18-25yrds but very rarely do. A scramble from a save/post/deflection with players like Aguero and tevez lurking may pay dividends.

Stop letting it annoy you then and concentrate on the fact that we have the best squad in the league and we will probably win enough to take the title again.

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