Chelsea v City post match thread

nashark said:
BillyShears said:
I'd love to know how many games, in our previously unbeaten season so far, he's not turned up?

Bayern Munich's the only other one. But he shouldn't be having any games where he's non-existent.

BillyShears said:
The accusations of laziness just because he doesn't dive into tackles giving away needless freekicks, or doesn't chase every opposition player because he understands how important his position is to the shape of the team, are just completely unfair.

His position is to make the opposition play sideways. If they get in down the side, someone else is not doing their job. In response to that, he again retreats to get behind the ball. That's where he fails. He doesn't get behind the ball and doesn't track/isn't tight enough to the man he's supposed to be marking - the man who's supporting the play. That man tonight was Meireles who went onto score because Yaya didn't do his job.

BillyShears said:
I'm pretty sure although I'll double check, that stats this season have shown he consistently covers the most ground of our central midfield players.

That may be the case, but those yards are covered when he's got the ball and on one of his runs. Those runs, by the way, are a luxury. His role is to attend to his position first (as I mentioned above) and then if he gets the chance and is a good/fit enough player, go on those runs. But we have other ball carriers who, if they give away possession and get caught out of position, it's not that big of a problem. We can cope with it if David Silva loses the ball and is out of position because the space on the pitch he normally occupies and defends is nowhere near to where an attacking player can get in and be dangerous.

You have a point nash, but usually Barry or Milner fill in, tonight they let it drift a bit. It was a poor game for Yaya but to lay it all at his door is way OTT.
Chelsea were being outclassed, we scored early on, the conditions affected us more than them.
Collectively, we didn't know whether to stick or twist. Similar to BM away. At home we just go for it,everyone knows the script, tonight there was a confusion that is not there at Etihad.But jesus that first 30 minutes was sublime
nashark said:
His position is to make the opposition play sideways. If they get in down the side, someone else is not doing their job. In response to that, he again retreats to get behind the ball. That's where he fails. He doesn't get behind the ball and doesn't track/isn't tight enough to the man he's supposed to be marking - the man who's supporting the play. That man tonight was Meireles who went onto score because Yaya didn't do his job.

You're right, he didn't track Mereiles well enough. But that wasn't the only reason we conceded a goal. It was soft all round. If he didn't regularly track back and cover his man he would get nowhere near our first team whilst Mancini's manager so you're completely wrong if you're implying he regularly doesn't do it.

That may be the case, but those yards are covered when he's got the ball and on one of his runs. Those runs, by the way, are a luxury. His role is to attend to his position first (as I mentioned above) and then if he gets the chance and is a good/fit enough player, go on those runs. But we have other ball carriers who, if they give away possession and get caught out of position, it's not that big of a problem. We can cope with it if David Silva loses the ball and is out of position because the space on the pitch he normally occupies and defends is nowhere near to where an attacking player can get in and be dangerous.

You mean those luxury runs which lead to big goals in big games? Again, the type of player you're implying Yaya is would never get anywhere near Mancini's first XI, let alone be his lynchpin in midfield.

We'll have to agree to disagree because I just don't see what you see.
I'm sorry but I can't go along with all the Yaya apologists

He was tracking Mierres but decided he couldn't be arsed when he reached the penalty area.

In my opinion that cost us the game tonight.

Do you think James Milner would have done that ? No he wouldn't !

Looking forward to the ANC when we will hopefully learn to play without him and be much more solid.

Yaya is potentially a great player but there is definitely something missing and sometimes it costs us
Comrade Buka said:
There are some sad fuckers on BM. Talk about over reacting...
That's true but there's also a lot of true football football fans with valid opinions on here.

I don't think Yaya's lazy but then other people see things differently to me and back themselves up with balanced arguments.
Sergio Aguero @aguerosergiokun 7 mins

· Open

The defeat hurts but we are not going to give up. We still believe in our game. Now to get ready for Arsenal.
11:55 PM, Dec 12th via web · Details
ya all overreacting, the chelski were at home... the talk on sky is always crap as well as city have not lost this season.... we did well none the less and were unfortunate... NEXT!!
dave_blue12 said:
I'm sorry but I can't go along with all the Yaya apologists

He was tracking Mierres but decided he couldn't be arsed when he reached the penalty area.

In my opinion that cost us the game tonight.

Do you think James Milner would have done that ? No he wouldn't !

Looking forward to the ANC when we will hopefully learn to play without him and be much more solid.

Yaya is potentially a great player but there is definitely something missing and sometimes it costs us[/quote} Potentially? He played for Barcelona and is a player that transforms us from also rans to title contenders.

All players have weaknesses even Lionel Messi. Messi can't do some of the surging runs that Yaya does. No one can do that, but you choose to concentrate on his weaknesses
People will read too much in to this loss. Look at it this way: How many teams in the league could go to Chelsea, play for 30 minutes with a man down, and not concede a shitload? Especially under the pressure they had us under late on. It's a shame about the penalty, and a draw looked within reach, but 2-1 isn't a horrible result. Considering the circumstances, I don't think it was too bad at all (from a playing perspective; obviously dropping points is bad). Like I said, no team could have pulled it off as well in the same scenario.

Chances of us going undefeated for the whole season weren't very likely (we're not even halfway through when you look at it), and losing to Chelsea, away, a man down, and by 2-1 is hardly shameful. Let's just bring on Arsenal and get the show back on the road!

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