Chris Bailey - a disgrace!

The sad fact is you get minority of thick media influenced nob's, who's mentality and idea of a football player is that if you run around like a fcuking idiot for 90min's your ace, it does my head in all the shit you hear at the game, it's like a plague spreading. get behind the lad ffs, IMHO the way he took that pen showed he coudn't care less. what a load of shit! how are you supposed to look when you take a penalty? la tissier? cantona? oh they dont care, bollocks you tool.
robi = world class ..... people seem to forget that . so what he is lacky a bit of form of late buthe aint a fuckin robot Remember ppl he has come from REAL MADRID who have world class in each and every possition in my eyes we have a few in our squad but your fucking stupid if ya think were any where near a side thats world class.. robi did not need to track back and defend and go looking for the ball at RM .... Dont forget we dont get a break over xmas like every other league in europe or nice warm weather ............. get off his back and give the support he got when he came WE GOT ROBINHO WE GOT ROBINHO WE GOT ROBINHO WE GOT ROBINHO
tolmie's hairdoo said:
How the fook does Robinho warrant a mark of five in his MEN ratings today.

I'm starting to become right pissed off at the amount of people who have it in for Robbie in recent weeks and there now appears to be a real agenda to force this boy out.

People need to start asking themselves why the 'buzz' word is to stick the knife into him at every opportunity.

Yesterday, I really felt for him, he ran himself into the ground and tracked back and covered Zab time and again.

It's clear he was desperate to get on the scoresheet and I would suggest he is trying TOO hard at the mo.

Chris Bailey and other papers this morn again questioned his desire, one thing definitely on show on Sunday.

This is a young kid who has scored 12 goals in his first season - three goals behind Ronaldo (who scored six in his first year) in the most physical league in the world.

Robbie doesn't exactly possess the frame (yet) to totally compete and make the progression he wants more than anyone else.

The only thing which I can see being thrown at him is his price tag - something out of his control - as are his wages. Nobody can say he hasn't proved a better buy than Berbatov.

I finally cracked yesterday when a guy behind spent the entire game laying in to him - telling him he was shit ' the worst player ever to pull on a blue shirt'

Anyone who thinks the fans of Manure, Chelsea, Liverpool, media, are slagging him off because they can see he is holding poor old City back and just want the best for us are deluded.

It is done because Robbie being at City has put noses out of joint and he reprsents our challenge to the old guard.

Now I fear a significant minority of blues are also deluded.

Ask themselves how we will be perceived by others (included those in media who already take delight in doing us down) if Robbie is forced out - and to other players we are trying to sign.

Little old City, not big enough to keep a player like Robinho etc etc.

I told him to shut it and realise how lucky he was to see such a world class talent in a City shirt - Brazil's number ten - and how he'd rather have Ricky Holden running down the wing like the good old days.

Imagine what Robbie will be like when he has seriously good players around him.

In a Manure, or any other top four team, he'd have had 20 goals already.

All I hope is my fellow blues will put an arm around this kid, before it's too late to realise how much of a good thing we were actually on to.

Agree wholeheartedly - it comes to something when we start berating one of the best players in the world and someone with such sublime skill as I have EVER seen in a City shirt.

All it goes to prove is that the best players in the world can suffer when their confidence is low. The job of the fans is to help bring that confidence right back up so that we see the player that he is.

This sh*te that he doesn't want to be here is just media perpetuated bullsh*t. Craig Bellamy didn't want to be at West Ham and guess what he was playing the best football of his career and some cynics suggested he wasonly playing because he wants away. Sometimes players just can't win.

Anybody with half a brain can see that the guy sets himself high standards and he knows at the moment he's not reaching the standards he sets himself. He's putting himself under pressure to do well. That was exactly why he took the penalty he wanted to make a difference and I admire the lad for having the guts to take it.

Imo the penalty should have been taken again because the goalkeeper clearly comes off his line before he struck the ball but that's by the by.

It makes me MAD that some City fans want to lead a witchunt against a player of that quality - it makes me believe even more that at times - us the fans - are our own worst enemy.

FFS get behind the lad -cheer him to the rafters and we will see the Robinho that we saw in the furst half of the season of that there is no doubt.
Posted the following in another thread, but it fits better here:

Someone said in an earlier post that Gleghorn is alright. I'm sorry, he's not! He's a ****! As is Hinchcliffe!

I'm pretty sure that if Hinchcliffe was still playing & his manager asked if he'd like him to buy Robinho so that he could pass the ball to him once he'd taken it off the oppositions right winger, he'd wet himself with excitement.

As for Gleghorn, a caller said yesterday that he couldn't understand why Robinho can turn it on for Brazil, yet not for us. Foghorn's response was that he's got better players around him for Brazil, so can get away with not working hard. Honestly, the fuckin chump was suggesting that he gets carried when playing for his country! What a fucking clueless wanker - Robinho is one of the first names on the teamsheet!!!!!!

Here's the thing with Robbie; I'm becoming convinced that some of our fans & commentators close to the club don't understand the game well enough to see how much of a contribution the lad makes, even when he's not scoring a hat-trick every game.

For a start, the not tracking back thing is & always was, a bit of a red-herring. So he cost over 30mil! Well so did Berbatoss - how much tracking back does that lazy **** do? And does he get slated week in week out? By his own supporters? Erm, no, not a peep! And anyway, I see Robbie doing plenty of work off the ball, harrying opposition players! Just because he doesn't win hundreds of crunching tackles - he's 5 foot 6 or something & about 8 stone wet through, give the lad a fuckin break!

Secondly, how many players does it take to mark Robinho out of a game? 2 at least usually, hence more room for other players to work in & less shape to an opposition defence!

Thirdly, look at his first touch! The way he can control a 40 yard crossfield pass with one touch & set off at pace at the opposition fullback is beyond the capabilities of 99.9% of footballers & because of this, we can break at a pace that we couldn't, even with Petrov on the ball. It would take Petrov (who I also rate very highly by the way), 2 or 3 touches to control the ball before he could set off. I've lost count of the number of times he's done this & set up an on-rushing midfielder (usually Superman) for a goal-scoring chance. Seriously, ask Stevie how effective this is & how many fewer goals he thinks he'd have scored without Robbie on the park - I think Stevie knows a decent player when he sees one!

The idiots clammering for his blood will be the same idiots who next year, when Robbie has decided he's wasting his time trying to please us, who moan that we can't break people down & we lack creativity.

Best fans in the world? Some of our bunch are a fuckin embarrassment! And Foghorn & Chinch just encourage it cos they know it makes for better radio. Don't phone in & have a go at them; ignore them, they're morons!
city stew said:
robi = world class ..... people seem to forget that . so what he is lacky a bit of form of late buthe aint a fuckin robot Remember ppl he has come from REAL MADRID who have world class in each and every possition in my eyes we have a few in our squad but your fucking stupid if ya think were any where near a side thats world class.. robi did not need to track back and defend and go looking for the ball at RM .... Dont forget we dont get a break over xmas like every other league in europe or nice warm weather ............. get off his back and give the support he got when he came WE GOT ROBINHO WE GOT ROBINHO WE GOT ROBINHO WE GOT ROBINHO

Is that why they got hammered by Liverpool then? Defend Robby by all means, but don't talk shite about Madrid having a team full of world class players, because they don't.
Christ, I thought he had a decent game yesterday. Not world beating sure, but pretty decent.

He's going through a bad patch due to a lack of confidence. It happens to the best of players. The fans giving him stick are a fucking disgrace. Its as simple as that.
It's all down to confidence. He is trying too hard to impress and get back to how things were when he arrived. The fact that someone gave him a 5 out of 10 goes hand in hand with the rest of the doom brigade who would love to see him and us fail.

I watched the match against Chelsea in a pub full of Chelsea fans and I was wearing my City shirt. The amount of banter re: Robinho was ridiculous all because they didn't get him. Don't worry I stood our corner! He was getting abuse from the crowd too - of course it's going to affect him.

Anyway, long and short of it is that we have to get behind him, help his confidence and get him playing the way we all know he can.

He is one of our own and while marking him 5 out of 10 is ridiculous, booing him is a disgrace.

I'm delighted to read this post as its a pet hate of mine that we sometimes knock our players unfairly. I think some of the muppets who are criticising Robbie haven't taken account of the fact that he is in his first season in a new country with a new culture in both football and life in general. Some of his performances have been wonderful and I'm sure that with this years experience he will be better still next year. It would be much easier for him if the fans were to get right behind him whilst he is going through a sticky patch though.
Would also say it is good to see that over the last month Elano is looking much more like his old self.
M18CTID said:
meldrew said:
I sat somewhere different in the North Stand yesterday, and have come to the realisation that some people will never be happy!

Here we have a luxury £32million pound player, somebody I would never dream of having in my team, somebody who has more skill in his toe than most players, somebody who I truly believe likes this club. Yet the abuse directed at him yesterday made me want to go around and castrate everyone of the fuckers who do not want him!

£100,000 A WEEK

This was some of the utter shite that was aimed at ROBINHO yesterday. Iv'e put ROBINHO in capitals so people who slag him off will realise how lucky we are to have a player of his calibre.

Sure he is going through a bad patch but it's his first season in un-doubtedly the greatest league in the world, you can see that he is trying to get out of this and the only way he will, is if people get off his back and start supporting him and the club, rather than picking at everything he does!

Great post. May I add that from my seat in the singing section yesterday I witnessed something that I can't remember happening since the days when Richard Edghill was playing for us - the downright inexcusable act of booing one of our players, namely Robinho. It happened the very next time he touched the ball after missing the penalty and to say I was disgusted is an understatement. So much so that I told every idiot who was booing to shut the fuck up. Some of the abuse he's enduring from our own fans at the moment is a fucking disgrace - the bloke tracks back far more than he is given credit for but no, some people fail to see that, and instead make stupid retarded judgements whenever something he tries doesn't quite come off.

Booing Robinho is as wrong and out of order as booing Edghill several years back.

Spot on mate...i was sat in the singing section too and heard the boo's. Its a disgrace!!

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