Citizens (cont)

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Didsbury Dave said:
BlueHalli said:
i8rags said:
Out of interest, what did you make of the banana waving craze that occurred and did you own one. I found it cringeworthy and embarrassing and don't think this can be as bad as that was, the inflatables however such as west brom away were class, my point is there is a fine line between what works and what doesn't and these lads might just stumble across the next big thing at city and it can't do any harm surely to let them have a go.

Im actually baffled as to why anyone would be against this!?

Then you are a either a little kid or a non-match goer.

If any match going city fan over the age of 14 thinks drums, rehearsals and comedy 'capos' have any place at Manchester City then they live in a parallel universe.

It doesn't need further explanation.

We don't have drum, when ever someone has said rehearsals; we mean getting a group together rehearsals are not need the group is what is needed also it wont really be rehearsing it will just be singing at a football game. As for a capo we are going to try using capo, as for a "comedy capo" i would like you explain more what exactly a "comedy capo" is or do you just think the whole idea of a capo is comedic.
To DD, from one 50 something to another - give these lads a break will you?
I'm pleased somebody is at least trying to create an atmosphere!
every club seems to have the same problems with atmosphere, go on any football forum and there is a thread about how shite the atmos is. In ten years time I can see half empty stadiums and no singing at all.

think we should just let of 47,000 flares simultaneously at once at the etihad ;)
bluebannana said:
every club seems to have the same problems with atmosphere, go on any football forum and there is a thread about how shite the atmos is. In ten years time I can see half empty stadiums and no singing at all.
not at city.

Bass drum Billy and his Man City Minstrels will see to it that we are at the vanguard of premier league atmosphere. It's going to be like Ice Hockey in the Etihad.

Go citizens ( joins arms together and makes a stirring of the pot motion)
bluebannana said:
danburge82 said:
bluebannana said:
heard other clubs such as peterborough, hull, coventry are interested offically and many others as well as celtic and rangers.Hopefully everyone signs the petition on it, standing at hyde isnt there ?

when done safely its way more safe than the current situation of banging yourself on plastic seats or falling over them when we score.

-- Fri Oct 26, 2012 10:13 pm --


watch this everyone sums the situation up perfectly:)
The bit where he falls over the seats when celebrating is the biggest thing for me. Right now there is unsafe standing at football. The amount of injuries I've sustained through falling over seats when celebrating a goal is ridiculous.

With the barriers of safe standing there would be no falling over seats and no surges from the crowd (a la old fashioned standing terraces).

same here banged my knee or legs so many times when we score especially. Are you coming down to the eds games mate ?? noticed you share a lot of the same opinions as the group, standing/atmosphere.
I'm going to come down for the Juve game, see what it's like. Won't do any harm. There might be things I think are a bit cheesy, I'd suggest that they could be changed... there will be things I really like and will put my support behind... I have a few ideas myself but I'll save them for another time, give the first things a chance to get going and ironed out first. I'm not saying I'm going to be a fully paid up member of this but I am fully behind the ideas that the group is putting together. You're entitled to take no notice of me and I'd understand that. You're just one group of City fans and you can all do what you like whether people like it or not.

Yesterday the only noise made in the first half was when the Singing Section was flickering their hands, taking the piss out of Showsec. Then "stand up for the Champions" and "we're standing up, we're sitting down" was sung. If it weren't for the Showsec lot I'm not sure if one song would have been sung. That's no good! Something does need to change at City.

I like what Palace (Ultras style) do, but I also like what Derby (traditional English singing) do. I'd like City to have a mixture of both. At the moment, some of the time we have nothing at all, most of the time we have little murmurs, a small amount of the time we have a good atmosphere. Palace and Derby both shit all over our atmosphere.

The biggest thing I'd like for a City fans group is originality. Liverpool and United make up many songs that have never been done before in England - then everyone else follows suit. Over recent years our best songs are re-makes of United songs(35 years related or the "Phil Jones/ Kun Agüero" one). Yes both Liverpool and United do copy other songs too but they are probably the most original of the Premier League set of fans (the Heartbeat "Maxi" song is genius! and their version of our "Balotelli" song is, in my opinion, the best chant in England).

But that's for another time maybe, just getting a group together for now and getting to know each other and getting some signing done is what's needed.

But yeah, see you at Juve!
bugsyblue said:
Didsbury Dave said:
bugsyblue said:
Only on bluemoon would fellow fans take the time to berate other fellow fans for grouping together and trying new things to improve the atmosphere. If you don't like the suggestions just don't get involved. And I can guarantee the fans moaning won't be going to the EDS game anyway.

Keep up the good work Citizens, TBA and any other fans groups.

I love it when people say "Only on Bluemoon" as though it's somehow different from any other football forums. It's even sillier than when people say "only City fans would...."

Of the 3000 fans at West Brom, the ones who actually make the noise these kids say they want, you'd get 2990 horrified at the idea of this stupid band because it goes against everything City represent. You'd also get about the same proportion from Chelsea, United, Arsenal, Everton, Liverpool, Villa, NEwcastle and Leeds.

Big City clubs don't have bands. They are an abomination. An embarrassment. They are tacky, cheesy, stupid, childish, pathetic and irritating.

You have to laugh, though, at the delusion that it will get anywhere beyond a Facebook page and half a dozen embarrassed kids trying it out on a windswept Ewan Fields. You have to laugh at the sheer, cloud-cuckoo land lunacy of the person who thinks that City's hardcore and vociferous support would ever do anything other than tell these kids to fuck off.

It's the worst idea in Manchester City's history. It's as bad as the piped chanting through the PA system. In fact it's worse.

But it's funny to watch ;-)

So if it's not going to get beyond a Facebook page why berate them? Why even bother to comment?

And since when is a drum a band? I was at Fulham away and when the lads at the back banged on the metal wall when we were singing the Yaya song it sounded great. Personally if one fan had a drum and used it in the same way I think it would only add to the atmosphere. Agree we don't want a Sheffield Wednesday type steel band - but I don't think that is what the Citizens are proposing?

Maybe you are just stuck a little bit in your ways mate. If these 'kids' want to try soemthing new what's the problem? You don't have to join in.

A steel band? Now you're talkin'...
cheers dead than red for letting me know about which pub,i will be there next time....

we need to get meeting asap to improve atmosphere,it was flat at swansea game yesterday.

getting us all in the same section at games is a must,but we know the club will not help much yet.

but if we stay posotive and keep meeting etc,it will be difficult for the club to ignore how important it is and how serios we are.

looking foward to the juve game, colourful and loud everybody please .....

to those who keep coming up with negative comments on this thread please refrain,we are not forcing anybody to join in,it is threw choice. if you want a drum, capo,ticker tape,flag or banana, the fact that you are supporting the campaign is all that matters. when the day comes that we are on motd bouncing round and players loving it like they do with the poznan, we can be proud.....

danburge82 said:
Didsbury Dave said:
Well said, im not sure what dave's problem is, I also can't see what's wrong with trying this, if everything goes to plan there wont be many people at the first few games and it might be a little weird but in time more will come. Crystal palace started with only 6 of them and it took years for them to get where they are now. It can be done but shouldnt be wrote off straight away.


* a light comes on like in the "land down under" video *

I didn't realise you were following the famous Crystal Palace blueprint. I bow down to you all as I can only dream that one day City's fans will be as well respected and vocal as the famous Palace army. When the famous Selhurst Roar goes up, dont they wind their arms around like they are stirring a bucket in the style of a jerry springer audience?

I thought it was just Wacky Stanley and the Warrington Bulbs who had a fan's leader, drum, playground songs etc.. Now I know different.

Go Citizens; this is the big time.
No. I think as fans of a club like Manchester City a Manchester City atmosphere group would like to take the good bits of English football culture from the past (that has been lost because of bone idle lazy fans who would be in their forties and fifties now, sitting back and doing precisely fuck all when the authorities tried to ruin English football culture and succeeded - wouldn't happen on the continent) and the good bits from the continent and South America now and create a distinctive new English style of supporting a football club. Palace do their thing, what they do is very good to be honest, but I wouldn't say City fans will or should copy Palace. We have the potential to do something fucking special with regards to atmosphere because of the club we follow (size, situation). So let's fucking do it. Let's have people say in a decades time; "lets follow City fans blueprint".

The Blue Alliance are in their infancy still. They keep getting bigger and arrange some decent things and have improved our away atmospheres (that had stagnated into a load of older blokes and families stood watching a footy match). This group is two weeks old. They haven't even had chance to actively do anything yet. Give them a chance. Just because people had tried things in the last that have fizzled out, doesn't mean this will. Like NorthernBoy has said previously, he started something that was too big for him and one mate to keep going. But if a big enough group of people can be patient and dedicated, there is absolutely no reason why this cant work.

TBA are a good group of lads who are persistently dedicated to their cause and they are still going strong in a time where they would easily fold (how long have they been around, two years?) and where other groups have folded at City and at other clubs in the past.

You, and others, might think that some of what his group does isn't your sort of thing and you're entitled to feel like that. But hat doesn't mean they shouldn't go ahead and do it. Anything they do has to be better than games of total silence for five minutes at a time and the odd piping up of absolute dross like "we score when we want" or CBeebies bollocks like "if you hate Man United clap your hands".

As already pointed out, the emboldened statement is probably the biggest pile of steaming horseshit in a thread with a lot of contenders.
stonerblue said:
danburge82 said:
Didsbury Dave said:

* a light comes on like in the "land down under" video *

I didn't realise you were following the famous Crystal Palace blueprint. I bow down to you all as I can only dream that one day City's fans will be as well respected and vocal as the famous Palace army. When the famous Selhurst Roar goes up, dont they wind their arms around like they are stirring a bucket in the style of a jerry springer audience?

I thought it was just Wacky Stanley and the Warrington Bulbs who had a fan's leader, drum, playground songs etc.. Now I know different.

Go Citizens; this is the big time.
No. I think as fans of a club like Manchester City a Manchester City atmosphere group would like to take the good bits of English football culture from the past (that has been lost because of bone idle lazy fans who would be in their forties and fifties now, sitting back and doing precisely fuck all when the authorities tried to ruin English football culture and succeeded - wouldn't happen on the continent) and the good bits from the continent and South America now and create a distinctive new English style of supporting a football club. Palace do their thing, what they do is very good to be honest, but I wouldn't say City fans will or should copy Palace. We have the potential to do something fucking special with regards to atmosphere because of the club we follow (size, situation). So let's fucking do it. Let's have people say in a decades time; "lets follow City fans blueprint".

The Blue Alliance are in their infancy still. They keep getting bigger and arrange some decent things and have improved our away atmospheres (that had stagnated into a load of older blokes and families stood watching a footy match). This group is two weeks old. They haven't even had chance to actively do anything yet. Give them a chance. Just because people had tried things in the last that have fizzled out, doesn't mean this will. Like NorthernBoy has said previously, he started something that was too big for him and one mate to keep going. But if a big enough group of people can be patient and dedicated, there is absolutely no reason why this cant work.

TBA are a good group of lads who are persistently dedicated to their cause and they are still going strong in a time where they would easily fold (how long have they been around, two years?) and where other groups have folded at City and at other clubs in the past.

You, and others, might think that some of what his group does isn't your sort of thing and you're entitled to feel like that. But hat doesn't mean they shouldn't go ahead and do it. Anything they do has to be better than games of total silence for five minutes at a time and the odd piping up of absolute dross like "we score when we want" or CBeebies bollocks like "if you hate Man United clap your hands".

As already pointed out, the emboldened statement is probably the biggest pile of steaming horseshit in a thread with a lot of contenders.
When the German FA tried to put ticket prices up by just [was it?] 7.5% there were fans out in their hundreds of thousands across the country marching in protest. What did us English do when Taylor brought out his utterly bullshit report?

All seated stadiums killed English football culture.

We're just as bad today when we're taken the piss out of with ticket prices across the country and still pay for them at £58 a pop. We're happily being raped up the arse out of or money to go and watch football. I'm part of that too. Why is that? What is it about the English that we just accept being taken advantage of?

Lets not pretend we don't.
danburge82 said:
What did us English do when Taylor brought out his utterly bullshit report?
All seated stadiums killed English football culture.

96 people had just died at a fucking football match, and you expected hundred of thousands of us to take to the streets and protest because the crumbling deathtraps we went to watch football in were told to become all-seater, and everyone had to have a ticket with a specific seat number on it?

Incidentally, if you read the Taylor Report it doesn't say standing is unsafe - the Govt decided that. Did you also disagree with the recommendations on crush barriers, fences and turnstiles?

How old were you in the 80's?
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