Citizens (cont)

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Why Always Ste said:
Well everything has to start from somewhere.
TBA members have shown their thoughts regards to us, and I find their thoughts and feelings more embarrassing than anything we have discussed about attempting to do.

But they are just words and we will continue with our project :)

Thoughts that our members show in regards to your efforts are just "Facebook bravado" believe me

We discussed what you're doing briefly and there are some constructive opinions believe me and I'm sure that once what you're planning is up and running, plenty of our lot will be behind it.

Don't fuel any division or rivalry because there isn't one at all.

My own view is that this wont work on a large scale (home games, most away games) due to the fact in our culture we'd require terracing to allow individuals to come together on masse. Very difficult to organise with ticket situation as it is currently.

Great idea starting at EDS games though. And eh, with a possible introduction of safe standing, who knows. Good luck with it lads!

And like I said before, a few negative Facebook comments (there is such a thing called freedom of speech/opinion on the whole "Citizens" concept) doesn't constitute a full scale war or an "us against them" situation
Cheadle_hulmeBlue said:
its not a competition the citizens are there to support the team as are the blue alliance.

Dont get the BA facebook comments, just seems petty we are all city fans here lets both support the team. BA + citizens work together :)

It's this kind of assumption that all Blues should work together that causes arguments. What you'll find is that TBA membership is split on this concept so you'll get a few ridiculing it (like many on here) and you'll get a few who support you. You may even get some who join you

All the Citizens are behind it obviously, but we have over 120 members who don't ALL think the same. Okay, some facebook comments may cross the line but you can't force this "alliance" between the two groups.

We are all blues yes, but you're allowed to have different opinions on matters such as these
Why Always Ste said:
Thanks for your comments Chris :)

You're welcome mate.

And I can't speak for Liam (his "keep on hoping" comment), but I am pretty sure he is making a similar point to me that any "alliance" between the groups is a long way off because tbh, opinion is split on this matter and any that are sat on the fence will always fall back on their own side, it's human nature.
GresleyChris said:
Cheadle_hulmeBlue said:
its not a competition the citizens are there to support the team as are the blue alliance.

Dont get the BA facebook comments, just seems petty we are all city fans here lets both support the team. BA + citizens work together :)

It's this kind of assumption that all Blues should work together that causes arguments. What you'll find is that TBA membership is split on this concept so you'll get a few ridiculing it (like many on here) and you'll get a few who support you. You may even get some who join you

All the Citizens are behind it obviously, but we have over 120 members who don't ALL think the same. Okay, some facebook comments may cross the line but you can't force this "alliance" between the two groups.

We are all blues yes, but you're allowed to have different opinions on matters such as these

I just meant in terms of making the atmosphere better ( working toghether) as in we are all city fans here and its what we both want. Also in terms of there is a few of you going to juve therfore I assumed that your lot :) could help to contribute to the atmos.
Cheadle_hulmeBlue said:
I just meant in terms of making the atmosphere better ( working toghether) as in we are all city fans here and its what we both want. Also in terms of there is a few of you going to juve therfore I assumed that your lot :) could help to contribute to the atmos.

I get what you mean and you're right, both groups DO want to make the atmosphere better BUT there is a difference and that's that TBA was never meant to be an "Ultras" movement where as the Citizens are clearly trying to emulate that

And because of this, despite both groups wanting a better atmosphere, there is a clear difference between what each group actually thinks is a "better atmosphere" so why should TBA be made to "join in" or "help out"???

I think most who go on Thursday are more curious than anything as to what the Citizens plan to do, some opinions may change, some may not

Time will tell but at the minute, the groups have big differences and this is all that's coming out in the negative Facebook comments
GresleyChris said:
Cheadle_hulmeBlue said:
I just meant in terms of making the atmosphere better ( working toghether) as in we are all city fans here and its what we both want. Also in terms of there is a few of you going to juve therfore I assumed that your lot :) could help to contribute to the atmos.

I get what you mean and you're right, both groups DO want to make the atmosphere better BUT there is a difference and that's that TBA was never meant to be an "Ultras" movement where as the Citizens are clearly trying to emulate that

And because of this, despite both groups wanting a better atmosphere, there is a clear difference between what each group actually thinks is a "better atmosphere" so why should TBA be made to "join in" or "help out"???

I think most who go on Thursday are more curious than anything as to what the Citizens plan to do, some opinions may change, some may not

Time will tell but at the minute, the groups have big differences and this is all that's coming out in the negative Facebook comments

Yeah I fully agree we both want better atmosphere but what "better atmosphere" means to us is different. The TBA and The Citizens are both different attempts at there own "better atmosphere".

Like you also said no one can really decide on whether they like The Citizens or not until we have begun.
Surely everyone has to support this now after that shambolic atmosphere tonight in the City end?
Waste of time.

If the singing section can't sing in a European tie, there is nothing to work with
Pigeonho said:
Why Always Ste said:
Pigeonho said:
Listening to that Ajax lot there, that is exactly why this will never work. Their entire away allocation are singing in sync, and you won't ever get that in England.

Very positive aren't you...
Not having a pop mate and I see some are, its just the way it is. Ajax are making what they do sound the bollocks, as do other teams from the continent. Sorry if it sounds negative to what you're attempting, but I'm sure you too can see the difference.
There was a fan of one of the German clubs on here not long ago and he said when they first started in the 90s there were lots of fans saying "it won't work" "Germans are too reserved" "you'll never get fans like us all singing together" aimed at them.

Within ten years they have an atmosphere in another planet.

Many people are sick to death of the complete shite in the stands in England. It's starting to grow across the board. Villa have started a group. The good thing about Villa is the Holt End holds 14500 fans and the club themselves want Safe Standing. Already they're ten steps ahead of City.

But you have to go into things positively and not get worried when things seem to be going against you.<br /><br />-- Tue Nov 06, 2012 11:28 pm --<br /><br />
Marvin said:
Waste of time.

If the singing section can't sing in a European tie, there is nothing to work with
We don't have SINGING sections at City. We have two small STANDING sections and the rest of the ground sit down. That's about it.
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