Citizens (cont)

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Really gutted I cant make this due to work.Really hopes this takes off and will defo attend future events.

So Villa are starting one now?! We need to get this goin as soon as before EVERYONE is doin it.Atleast as it it stands we could say we were the first Prem team to get it goin.

Also,on the ultrasshop site, does anyone know how to get designs up on the page where you can create your own flags?
trevorriley said:
davymcfc said:
michaeltex3 said:
got some good news guys. i went on the blue alliance page on facebook and on the events it says that 25 people are coming on thursday, and on the citizens page, it says 24 people are coming therefore 49 people are coming (why am i so good at maths?) so basicallly quite alot of people are gonna come and support our ideas. considering its only monday today, hopefully more and more people will come so that we get to know each other a bit more and lots more... its gonna be a top night! i suggest people should bring scarves, flags drums smoke bombs etc... thanks.
Great attitude

Thats good that we are all getting together for this game. And just to confirm, i have a calculator on my phone, 24 + 25 = 49 ! So there will be 49 of us

Scarf, flag, smoke, should be great, really looking forward to it. Hope sombody has a video camera..

hopefully more than 49 people come though!:-) and i know, hopefully someone brings a video camera and take a video so that they can post it on youtube to show people what we are made of
liamctid said:
Cheadle_hulmeBlue said:
hope that apparently with the BA going that they work together with the citizens and try with the capo and ultra style, if not your gonna have to sets of fans singing different songs and divided, which is pointless

Think you're gonna have to keep on hoping.

So you're going and just "doing your own thing" ??
Why Always Ste said:
liamctid said:
Cheadle_hulmeBlue said:
hope that apparently with the BA going that they work together with the citizens and try with the capo and ultra style, if not your gonna have to sets of fans singing different songs and divided, which is pointless

Think you're gonna have to keep on hoping.

So you're going and just "doing your own thing" ??

I would like both groups to to whatever pleases them. I would personally like both groups to stay separate at least for the time being but help each other out.

I think the BA want to stay as the group which they created and I fully support that. If I had a club and some people came and said that you must join us I wouldn't be so keen, I just think we can help each other out as at the end of the day we are city.

As I see it we are both fighting the same enemy but on different parts of the battle field.

liamctid said:
Cheadle_hulmeBlue said:
hope that apparently with the BA going that they work together with the citizens and try with the capo and ultra style, if not your gonna have to sets of fans singing different songs and divided, which is pointless

Think you're gonna have to keep on hoping.
liam is our capo na na na
liamctid said:
Cheadle_hulmeBlue said:
hope that apparently with the BA going that they work together with the citizens and try with the capo and ultra style, if not your gonna have to sets of fans singing different songs and divided, which is pointless

Think you're gonna have to keep on hoping.

I wish some of The Blue Alliance would lose their elitist attitude. It's pathetic at times.

"TBA vs The Shitizens". That was on TBA's Facebook.

That shows the mentality of them and that basically they are out to ruin and disrupt the attempts to get something going.

Stop acting like fools. Work together, exchange idea's and lose the elitist attitude.

I love what TBA do and the effort they put in but the atmosphere is still shit.

We're all blues and we all want the same thing, so stop making it a competition and do something about it.

Childish, childish people.
I've just been on The Blue Alliance facebook page to find comments scattered all over taking the piss out of this project we are attempting to get going.

Funnily enough, when I met Felix in Amsterdam and mentioned The Citizens, he denied all knowledge of this group.

it's petty and childish behaviour.

For me, some members of TBA are letting the team down.

This team being Manchester City Football Club.

We are trying to improve the atmosphere at City, try new ideas out and so on... TBA members get word of this and their response is to sabotage what we're trying to do and members start petty and childish name calling on Facebook... lmao.

I mean come on guys, how old are you?

Do your own thing, thats cool...but to start taking the piss out of us for the same thing isn't really what this club is about.


Says it all really...
Why Always Ste said:
I've just been on The Blue Alliance facebook page to find comments scattered all over taking the piss out of this project we are attempting to get going.

Funnily enough, when I met Felix in Amsterdam and mentioned The Citizens, he denied all knowledge of this group.

it's petty and childish behaviour.

For me, some members of TBA are letting the team down.

This team being Manchester City Football Club.

We are trying to improve the atmosphere at City, try new ideas out and so on... TBA members get word of this and their response is to sabotage what we're trying to do and members start petty and childish name calling on Facebook... lmao.

I mean come on guys, how old are you?

Do your own thing, thats cool...but to start taking the piss out of us for the same thing isn't really what this club is about.


Says it all really...

It might be because, truthfully, a few people are a bit embarrassed by this whole 'citizens' thing. Not that you should stop doing it, do whatever you want but some people will never like it.
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