Citizens (cont)

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levets said:
Why Always Ste said:
Manchestercitychorlton said:
It might be because, truthfully, a few people are a bit embarrassed by this whole 'citizens' thing. Not that you should stop doing it, do whatever you want but some people will never like it.

Yea, good viewpoint... See i'm embaressed by the whole "munich" chanting thing....

Me... I'm more embarrassed about the racist song that was on The Citizens page

what racist comment?:-O
Everyone needs to get back focused rather than picking at each other, things may have been taken out of context or what ever, let's move on from it.

We respect what TBA have done, just don't like a few of the comments, as a whole they are alright so let's leave them to what they do an I'm sure they will do the same with us.

Everyone is welcome to join in with the citizens idea, whether you're in the BA or not, but let's not criticise each other as its pointless on here.

All we are trying to do is find like minded fans who enjoy supporting city in this particular way, if you don't like the idea fine, if you do great, there shouldnt be any arguments on here, just information, ideas, etc.
you know what guys...i just hope for one fucking thing!!

i hope that tomorrow we create a really amazing atmosphere such as singing loudly etc.. with a drum or without one! that way we can show the TBA what we are made off and to SOME of the TBA members who are against are ideas us what we are made off too! lets prove them wrong...

and btw, at least we are actually trying to do something...TBA did fuck all yesterday, we got dominated by about 3000 supporters. if your really that good why did we get dominated? dont get me wrong, the group is good but not good enough, and thats why we CITIZENS! want to create ultras and improve the atmosphere. simples.
CITIZENS all the way!!!!

im not trying to cause a rivalry between us and the TBA, but theres no point being pricks about our ideas when we are trying to do something special, not just for us, but for manchester city football club, therefore, your either gonna fuck off and hate on us, or TRY atleast support our ideas and respect us for what we are trying to do.

In all fairness though, what do the BA actually do? They have been around for a while now and I cant see no real attempt in improving the atmos at our games. Do they just arrange coach trips to games etc? Not really havin a dig but we hear 'BA this and BA that' yet what do they do? Maybe they need to start doin more if they're this big official organised group?. Im all for what the Citizens are doin and I think some lads from the BA should take a look and start thinkin about goin the same way or even merging with the Citizens as I find the BA pretty pointless at the mo as far as improving atmos goes.
liamctid said:
Why Always Ste said:
Pigeonho said:
Not having a pop mate and I see some are, its just the way it is. Ajax are making what they do sound the bollocks, as do other teams from the continent. Sorry if it sounds negative to what you're attempting, but I'm sure you too can see the difference.

Well everything has to start from somewhere.
TBA members have shown their thoughts regards to us, and I find their thoughts and feelings more embarrassing than anything we have discussed about attempting to do.

But they are just words and we will continue with our project :)

You made your thoughts about ME and MY mates perfectly clear when you called us "The Stag Do of football". I don't know if you're jealous of the exposure or the fact that people know who me and Felix are but let me tell you this:

It's no fucking fun being stood next to men in their 40's away at West Brom on Boxing Day singing "we're all gonna burn a Blue Alliance flag"

It's no fucking fun having lads from City's youth firm (Blazing Squad or whatever they're called) standing on a table in Mary D's before the derby in April shouting "who the fuck here is Blue Alliance? I'll fucking have it with any of you"

It's no fucking fun having people that were your mates from a few years ago now not want to be associated with you because apparently it's too "uncool" to be seen with me.

It's no fucking fun to hear people who are nice to your face, chat to you on Twitter etc. slag you off behind your back between their own friendship group.

And I tell you what, if you ever meet me, you'll know that I'm just your regular City away fan. Anyone who can explain why the above happens, I'd love to know. Is this something YOU want?

My comment earlier about "better keep hoping" is down to this:

I started the Blue Alliance. And I started it to try and create a better atmosphere and getting the vocal fans together.

One thing that I have always been keen on is to make sure that our support doesn't sway from OUR culture. I know some bloke in South London has done it, and plenty of blokes on the continent have done it, but Manchester City has our own culture and we have our own songs. The problem isn't what's there, it's the current attitude of the fans and that's nothing that you or I can control.

Presumably none of The Citizens joined in last night with "can you sing without your drum?"

Expecting our lot (I'm not going) or any fans of Manchester City to rock up and just abandon City songs in favour of this new song book you've come up with, a drum, a bloke stood in front with a megaphone and loads of smoke bombs is almost a cheek I think. By all means, try and gradually introduce something, but I interpreted the post from cheadle_banana to be "looking forward for the BA to do what we want".

City will do things off the cuff, whether it be songs, Poznan-ing, bringing bananas or pitch invading. Don't pre-plan stuff. Don't try and emulate other fans. Be Manchester City.

Coloured part: Fuck them they are not real friends, why being in TBA is "uncool" is beyond me.

Also I respect your post and thing you expressed your thoughts well. We do not plan on using a megaphone seen as its and EDS match and also we don't really want to use one unless we have to. We are going to try trial and error as we want to see whether things work or not. We are going to try and use a capo but we will try different ways for using the capo to try and keep it still like the man city we know. by trying the capo in the middle of the group or something as this seems to work great at many clubs and at the and of the day its just someone starting songs only its organized, not for the singers it will seem like normal atmosphere to them POSSIBLY ( i write in capital as i want to highlight that everything is trial and error, if something is bad don't just write us off straight away, we just want to try a few things).

So in conclusion all i can say really is that its trial and error.<br /><br />-- Wed Nov 07, 2012 6:40 pm --<br /><br />
BlueHalli said:
In all fairness though, what do the BA actually do? They have been around for a while now and I cant see no real attempt in improving the atmos at our games. Do they just arrange coach trips to games etc? Not really havin a dig but we hear 'BA this and BA that' yet what do they do? Maybe they need to start doin more if they're this big official organised group?. Im all for what the Citizens are doin and I think some lads from the BA should take a look and start thinkin about goin the same way or even merging with the Citizens as I find the BA pretty pointless at the mo as far as improving atmos goes.

sorry mate but you are about to get torn apart very shortly.
Jesus have just had a quick read at some of this thread, the whole thing is embarrassing. Some proper self importance by some people, not sure what world half of you are living in to be honest. BA or Citizens, 99% of blues probably haven't heard of any of them and probably don't care despite what the people who are running them and are members of them seem to think. There have been supporters clubs which have been running for years with hundreds of members yet you don't see them arguing with each other and making snide comments on Facebook over which is best.
danburge82 said:
Pigeonho said:
Why Always Ste said:
Very positive aren't you...
Not having a pop mate and I see some are, its just the way it is. Ajax are making what they do sound the bollocks, as do other teams from the continent. Sorry if it sounds negative to what you're attempting, but I'm sure you too can see the difference.
There was a fan of one of the German clubs on here not long ago and he said when they first started in the 90s there were lots of fans saying "it won't work" "Germans are too reserved" "you'll never get fans like us all singing together" aimed at them.

Within ten years they have an atmosphere in another planet.

Many people are sick to death of the complete shite in the stands in England. It's starting to grow across the board. Villa have started a group. The good thing about Villa is the Holt End holds 14500 fans and the club themselves want Safe Standing. Already they're ten steps ahead of City.

But you have to go into things positively and not get worried when things seem to be going against you.

-- Tue Nov 06, 2012 11:28 pm --

Marvin said:
Waste of time.

If the singing section can't sing in a European tie, there is nothing to work with
We don't have SINGING sections at City. We have two small STANDING sections and the rest of the ground sit down. That's about it.
we must be the only ground in english footlball that has2 supposed singing sections split by away fans ,untill this issue is resolved we will continue to get a verbal mauling ,by the way why has the club stopped playing blue moon before the match?
BlueHalli said:
In all fairness though, what do the BA actually do? They have been around for a while now and I cant see no real attempt in improving the atmos at our games. Do they just arrange coach trips to games etc? Not really havin a dig but we hear 'BA this and BA that' yet what do they do? Maybe they need to start doin more if they're this big official organised group?. Im all for what the Citizens are doin and I think some lads from the BA should take a look and start thinkin about goin the same way or even merging with the Citizens as I find the BA pretty pointless at the mo as far as improving atmos goes.
Why don't you find out then?

Unfortunately I don't live in the city centre any longer (split up with my ex) and I have a new job role (started around last Christmas) which means much of my old free time is taken up; so I haven't been able to get to town for TBA meetings. However, I really liked the idea behind them and took it upon myself to go down a few times to their meetings at the Waldorf and attended a few away games with them last season.
ped said:
danburge82 said:
Pigeonho said:
Not having a pop mate and I see some are, its just the way it is. Ajax are making what they do sound the bollocks, as do other teams from the continent. Sorry if it sounds negative to what you're attempting, but I'm sure you too can see the difference.
There was a fan of one of the German clubs on here not long ago and he said when they first started in the 90s there were lots of fans saying "it won't work" "Germans are too reserved" "you'll never get fans like us all singing together" aimed at them.

Within ten years they have an atmosphere in another planet.

Many people are sick to death of the complete shite in the stands in England. It's starting to grow across the board. Villa have started a group. The good thing about Villa is the Holt End holds 14500 fans and the club themselves want Safe Standing. Already they're ten steps ahead of City.

But you have to go into things positively and not get worried when things seem to be going against you.

-- Tue Nov 06, 2012 11:28 pm --

Marvin said:
Waste of time.

If the singing section can't sing in a European tie, there is nothing to work with
We don't have SINGING sections at City. We have two small STANDING sections and the rest of the ground sit down. That's about it.
we must be the only ground in english footlball that has2 supposed singing sections split by away fans ,untill this issue is resolved we will continue to get a verbal mauling ,by the way why has the club stopped playing blue moon before the match?

I think so, we sang Bluemoon at the beginning but the ajax fans overwhelmed us.
Good post liamctid but one thing i will disagree with is that this is not our culture. What is our culture? That sounds scouse-esque.

We don't have a culture and we are no different to any other set of English fans. If people think our culture is our support last night then well that is nothing to be proud of is it?

There is only one culture in football supporting, those who support non stop for their side, those who don't don't and we don't.

Will always defend and support any group that try's to make a difference so i respect what you and these new lads are doing, it can only be a good thing.

Good luck to everyone who goes tomorrow to Hyde to get involved, i hope you all enjoy yourselves which is the most important thing.
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